Campaign Builder

Utility that lets you make
your own campaigns. This is to aid you in building your own campaigns for AoE.

Campaign Installer

A nifty automated campaign
installer. This program is similar to installation programs of retail products.

Civilization Chooser

Excellent civ chooser. Has
everything to compare and help decide which civ best suits your needs.

Daboo Sound Editor

Great multi-functional
editor from Dave Smith. Lets you put your own sound style into AoE's sound track. You can edit, listen, or export
individual ".wav" files.

Game Speed Controller

Allows you to change the
games speed to various levels. You have the option of changing the speed from 0 to 255.

IP Copier

A very useful and simple to
use program for multiplayer games. This program copies your IP address to the clipboard.

Total AoE

This handy program allows you
to run AoE with any command line parameters, without typing it. It automatically saves
your configuration, it's easy to use, and supports the Internet Gaming Zone. It also tells
one how to play a single player game with a population limit other than 50.
