Short readme version 2.5 adds Duke3d v1.5 Atomic and Plutonium edition support. Also Available at Prior to FEMCON, every fem, babe, podchick, doomed space marine, Snake P., dog, or pirate you ran across were either pathetic bulletstoppers, brainless dancing flashers, suffering "killme" wimperers or all of the above! With FEMCON, all this changes!!! Now when you walk up to a fem, or the above listed character, you can RESCUE them, that is instantly teleport them away to a safe place! Hit the spacebar a couple of things will happen: 1. A message will flash. 2. The character will disappear from the scene. 3. A medkit, ammo, boots, jetpack, steroids or some other device or weapon may be left behind. 4. An alien may appear where the character just was, are you quick on the draw? 5. A morter round may be left bouncing around. Lookout! Its still LIVE! Additional features- The robot mouse in BABELAND has been converted to a bikini clad HOSTESS! Shoot her, ignore her or RESCUE her! The "organtic" has been activated, with thanks to Sandman and Warlock of D-Blitz fame, and is a dangerous alien plant that spawns when an Octabrain dies, but can be captured for reward! Pigcops can be teleported away(to a de-mutification lab) for a windfall reward of shotgunammo, but do you dare try? For user experimentation, CIVILIANS have been included(art taken from Witchaven and Tekwar). Load the included maps to explore their possibilities. A new human female scream has been added, so anytime a woman is hurt, she SCREAMS, just like in the splatter movies! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unzip FEMCON25.ZIP to your DUKE3D directory, backing up any files there of the same name first. Then type DUKE3D and play as usual. Go for it Duke, save the chicks, and bring our boys back home!!! One other thing, STEROIDS have an extra ability, if on steroids, and if Duke's health falls below 50, the game will attempt to keep it at 50 until the steroids run out! Still, Duke's gotta watch out for close, multiple shotgun blasts and RPG explosions!!! Includes map file full of FEMS, marines and organtics to try FEMCON out on!!! Not supported by Apogee or 3d Realms. Report bugs, fixes and other to, AKA Michael A. Palmer