Duke Map Central usermap pack 2 - May 1999 Disclaimer! Pack author is not the author for the maps, he just collected the maps and created the Pack file. Pack file name : dmc_pak2.zip Pack author name : AirHawke Pack author e-mail : airhawke@swipnet.se Pack author ICQ UIN : 2110553 Pack description : This is the second Usermap pack from DMC. It contain the May 1999 reviewed maps - total 33 maps. Pack release date : 1999-06-03 Maps : Mega socked devil ruins - 0ruin.zip One for all - 1forall.zip A clubbing experince - 242.zip Red and blue - 4vs4.zip Alcatraz - alcatraz.zip Anslem X - anslemx.zip Area 51 - area51.zip Big city II - big_town.zip Big orbit - bigorbit.zip Night out - bob1.zip Long haul - bob4.zip Bob5 - bob5.zip Boba Fett - bobafett.zip Bulls - bulls.zip Caste of the damned - cadamned.zip CU-Later - cu-later.zip Damned dam - damn_dam.zip Industrial - in-dust.zip Leaving L.A - leavingla.zip Lucky Duke - luckyduk.zip Museum - museum.zip Fort Kappa - newfort.zip Duke3D summer olympic - olympics.zip Off the rails - otr.zip Rinkside - rinkside.zip Slick - slick.zip The rock - the-rock.zip Tiny - tiny.zip Town - town.zip Warzone - warz.zip Whirl - whirl.zip Yardwar - yardwar2.zip Yohoho - yohoho.zip Map authors : Matt Wood, Vedran Jelenic, Milkman, Kirk, James Duncan, Robert Travis, Philip, Dirty "Harry" Duke, Robert Carter, Mike Beaulieu, Andras Piroska, Rob Whitney, Jawon Lee, DOOMBOY, C3PO, Children & Romo Sapiens, Khang Le, Mark Lythgoe, Jerome Asselin, Andrew Pemberon, AirHawke, Rob West, Luc St-Cyr, Mats Asterlund, Matthew Wood, Don Safer, Dukebert Where to download this file : http://www.dukeworld.com/dmc/ This site also feature detailed reviews with information, screenshots of the maps and other DMC packs as well. Please notify me (check my e-mail and ICQ UIN above) for permission before distrubuting this file.