Duke Map Central usermap pack 1 - April 1999 Disclaimer! Pack author is not the author for the maps, he just collected the maps and created the Pack file. Pack file name : dmc_pak1.txt Pack author name : AirHawke Pack author e-mail : airhawke@swipnet.se Pack author ICQ UIN : 2110553 Pack description : This is the first Usermap pack from DMC. It contain the April 1999 reviewed maps - total 14 maps. Pack release date : 1999-05-22 Maps : Action Duke's urban - actiondukesurban.zip Alpha70 - alpha70.zip Aztec - aztec.zip Clock tower - clocktower.zip Canyon oasis - c-oasis_v1.1.zip Millennium falcon - falcon.zip Godzilla 1998 - godzilla.zip Shuttle escape - imperial.zip Jailbird - jailbird.zip Moonbase Prime - prime.zip Snipage - snipage.zip Between Sun and Moon - sunandmoon.zip Western - western.zip Smash & grab - wolf.zip Map authors : N4ceR & Nicke4ever, Jens and Steffe, Robert Travis, RocketBoy, AirHawke, Scorpion & Deino, Thomas L. Harrell, Brian Wolfe, Alan, JimBob Bazooka, Brett A. Herman, Simon Charles, Mats Asterlund, Wolfen Where to download this file : http://www.dukeworld.com/dmc/ This site also feature detailed reviews with information and screenshots of the maps. Please notify me (check my e-mail and ICQ UIN above) before distrubuting this file.