Title                 : The Plunger
Author                : Johnny Younger
E-mail                : jyoung@earthlink.net

Description           : An epic and fiendishly straightforward
                        puzzle, with an emphasis on the vertical.
			WARNING: If frame rate is God, this is a
			godless level.  Starting from a clean boot 
			of your machine might help your RAM deal
			with the onslaught.
Additional Credits to : Alan Blum and Richard Gray, Klaus Breuer,
			Brett Gmoser, Dave Atwater, Aaron Barber,
			and Nathan Boren.

* Play Information *

Episode and Level #   :
Single Player         : Only
DukeMatch Level       : Feel free to use The Plunger to build your
			own.  I suspect it will make some doozies.
Difficulty Settings   : Not implemented

* Construction *

Base                  : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used        : Duke Build, period.  A genuinely remarkable
Known Bugs            : Sometimes you can "fall" into the water tank
			from the pool in the central room of the fort
			above.  If so, you're screwed: Restart.

* Where to get this MAP file *

FTP sites:

BBS numbers:

