================================Author Info=================================== Title :Moria.map Author :Andrew Brown Email Address :Dracolitch@AOL.com Description :Duke has been kidnapped by the space marines <From Doom<heh,heh>>and taken to a drained ocean on Earth unknown to any one but the Space Marines.He is told that the only way to escape is to purge the mines <Moria from Tolkin> of the aliens Duke had just finished fighting.So Duke pulls out his .45 and starts in because the Marines had already left him and he could not escape from them. Aditional Credits to :Any one who plays Duke Nukem 3d, 3-D Realms for making the altimate game,Tempest for all the info on Build,Ken Silverman for creating such a decent level builder free, Daryan(aka<Xcaliber>) the actual artist of the new graphics(I just changed and borrowed , I profusely thank him and hope he does not get mad.)<DownLoad MazOFill.zip it is where the graphics came from,it is a pisser level,BUT DAMNED FUN>,and Mike Shaw For helping me work through some problems I was Having and for betatesting Moria. ============================================================================== ** Play Information Moria.map ** Level # : User Map level # : User Map Single Player : Only Cooperative 2-8 Player : NO!! Dukematch 2-8 Player : NO!! Initiated by : Moriaon.bat Deactivated by : Moriaoff.bat ** Play Information Moriadm.map ** Level # : User Map Single Player : NO!! Cooperative 2-8 Player : NO!! Dukematch 2-8 Player : Only Initiated by : Moradmon.bat Deactivated by : moriaoff.bat ** Build Information ** Base : from scratch Build time : 450 Hours. Editors used : BUILD Known Bugs : DON'T USE GOD MODE.The level for some reason will not work with God Mode. *NOTE* This Level was built to be extremely hard.I have included an on batch file and an off batch file taht renames your user.con to user.ori and then instates user.mor to user.con-same with dethtoll.mor and tiles015.mor, after you are done at your duke prompt type moriaoff and every thing will be set to the way you had it befor you played Moria,Moriadm,or Moriamp. To get all midis of duke3d and if you use build go to dos, whatever directory duke is in and type kextract duke3d.grp *.mid,if it is the maps you want type,kextract duke3d.grp *.map. ** Copyright / Permissions ** Date:-- Authors may NOT use Moria.map as a base to build additional levels because any one who does is a fucking bastered/bitch that is to fucking stupid to be original.I will understand if art or music is ripped off. You MAY distribute this map , provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this map in any electronic format (BBS,Diskette,CD,etc.) as long as you include this text file intact.