Title                      : The Infestation

Filename                   : INFESTED.MAP

Author                     : Karl P. Ostmo

Email Address              : karlo@juno.com

Misc. Author Info          : 12 years old and has own web page at 

Description                : Aliens have infested a small archeological
                             dig and have implemented their own techno-
                             logy into it.  You're here to wipe out the
                             aliens and recover this great archeological

Additional Credits to      : Klaus Breuer's Duke Nukem 3-D Editing Faq


* Play Information *

Episode and Level #        : N/A

Single Player              : Yes

DukeMatch Level            : Yup

Difficulty Settings        : Uh-huh

* Construction *

Base                       : New level from scratch

Editor(s) used             : Build

Known Bugs                 : If you go all the way to the bottom in
                             some places underwater it brings you to
                             just under the surface again and some-
                             times above the water gets tinted blue.

* Where to get this MAP file *

FTP sites:

BBS numbers:

Web Sites: http://www.med.und.nodak.edu/users/faculty/


           (search for infested.zip)

You should know where to get it if you're reading this