Title                 : Dzx.map (Dropzone X)
Author                : Buzz A. Libre
E-mail                : sirmagus@cruzio.com
Web Page              : http://www2.cruzio.com/~sirmagus/ (No duke stuff yet)

Description           : UNABOMBER1 on Ten made this pretty small but
                        interesting level where you jump off from really high
                        and fight in the air...I thought it looked kewl, so
                        I decided to make my own...(Hope you don't mind Una)

Additional Credits to : 3D Realms, for the game, and UNABOMBER1 for the idea.                          

* Play Information *

Episode and Level #   : E1L1 I guess?
Single Player         : Yes...to check it out I guess...
Co-op Level           : No...I didn't even add the co-op starting points...
                        what would be the point in a level with no enemies?
DukeMatch Level       : Hell yea! That's what it was made for!
Difficulty Settings   : Not implemented

* Construction *

Base                  : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used        : Build...the kewlest editor around! Wait a sec...:)
Known Bugs            : None at the moment...e-mail if you find one!

* Where to get this MAP file *

Nowhere yet...