Filename : Level Name : Church Author : Steve W. Long EMAIL Address : Misc. Auth. Info : Author of 32 Doom2 wads, avail. upon request 13 previous Duke Maps: Plant Alpha1, Roller, City, Launch, Delta 7, ST22, LBEcho, Mansion, Temple, Turbine, Boot1, Boot2, and Bootcity. Description :After his battle in the city, Duke seeks respit in a church. But, the bad guys have taken over. Duke must get thru the catacombs, then on to the roof. He finally gets to Stonehenge for the big show down. Add.Credits To :Steffen Itterheim, for Off. Build FAQ :Jennifer Lynn, for Duke 3d Build Quick Menu :Author(s) of Build :Id Realms for a great game :Susan Long, for practically giving me up for yet another month to this. :Jesse Watkins,Douglas Ulyate and Tommy Carlsson for play test and special thanks to Richard Ulisky for final play. ======================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level : Episode Two, Level Seven Single Player : Yes Duke Match Level : No Difficulty Settings : Yes New Music : No New Sounds : Not Incl.(avail upon request: new Duke. no more "R" rated..original Duke .voc files may not make sense in certain areas.) New User.con : Not incl. Play Info : Load file, choose E2L7 to play. If you prefer, rename file to "Church" and choose in setmain user map. follow your view screens, and keep your head down. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. Editor Used : Build Known Bugs : None reportrd. * Where to get this MAP file * (just request it) Previous Files: Pc Gamer Magazine CD's May 97 through Aug 98 ***If you like a lot of user maps/files/patches & demos subscribe, it's 68% cheaper! The new CD interface is most excellent!