
  Title            : Bad Villa   
  Filename         : BADVILLA.MAP
  Author           : Fearicon
  E-mails          : fearicon@hotmail.com        

  Feel free to send me your comments & sugestions ...
  Description :  You come home to your new villa. You see that the door isn't
                 here anymore. You hear someone walking around in the house.
                 You look at the monitor. Damn, it's your friend. You take
                 some weapons and........
  My other maps:

  Fearistic            - FEARISTC.MAP
  Confrontation        - CONFRONT.MAP 
  101st front          - 101FRONT.MAP ( bug fixed version of Confrontation )

  Additional Credits to : Me, my friends who tested the level and the maker
                          of the great MANSION.MAP

  *** Play Information
  Single Player         : Maybe.... just for looking around
  Cooperative           : Nope
  DukeMatch Level       : YEESSSSS!!!!
  Difficulty Settings   : Not implemented

  *** Construction

  Base                  : New level from scratch
  Build Time            : About 40 hours
  Editor(s) used        : Build
  Known Bugs            : If you find any, please E-mail me.

 *** Copyright / Permissions

  - Authors MAY NOT use BADVILLA.MAP as a base to build additional levels.
  - You MAY distribute BADVILLA.MAP provided you include this file, with
    no modifications.
  - You may distribute BADVILLA.MAP in any electronic format ( BBS, Diskette,
    CD etc. ) as long as you include this TXT intact.
  - You MAY include BADVILLA.MAP in any GROUP complitations. 
  - You may not alter the level in any way.

 *** Where to get this MAP file

  DeAd mEaT's DUKE NUKEM 3D Zone *  http://www.hawaiian.net/~marcus/index.html

  Mike Miller's Duke Nukem 3D Site *       http://www.bayserve.net/~mike/duke/

  ELITEGAMES.COM - Duke Nukem 3D Pages *     http://www.elitegames.com/duke3d/

  ... etc ...

 > 18.1.1997.

 How to start this level ( for new users ) ...

  Copy the file BADVILLA.MAP into Duke Nukem 3D directory.
  From the SETUP select "SELECT USER LEVEL" and then "SAVE & LAUNCH DUKE3D"
  or from the command prompt type "DUKE3D -MAP BADVILLA.MAP".
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-> Fearicon <=-=-=-