ASM-One ENVARC:ASM-One.Pref S:REGSDATA Sorry, this version of Asm-One requires kickstart 2.04 or higher !! 000% Complete CON:0/0/640/200/Dos command output window Execution complete. Press return... don't be LAME, code your own assembler !!!! I told you, you are being lame again !!! O boy, i think you are a real lamer if you are still able to read this !!! Changed standard directory to » Line : $ 00 ---- ASM-One V1.15 MC680x0 Macro Assembler (KS 2.x/3.x) ---- Original coding by Rune Gram-Madsen (1990-1991) Additional coding by T.F.A. (1991-1992) Additional 680x0 coding by T.F.A. (1992-1993) Release date 11-03-1993 by T.F.A. ASM-One V1.15 By T.F.A. Source » Include : "" Incbin : "" File length = (=$ File location = Name : Bytes Free Bytes Used -dir- FILENAME> Extend labels with> Please hold... This could take a while DIRECTORYNAME> Startup parameters> > BEG> END> DEST> DATA> AMPLITUDE> MULTIPLIER> HALF CORRECTION (Y/N)> ROUND CORRECTION (Y/N)> YOFFSET> SIZE (B/W/L)> AMOUNT> BREAKPOINT> RAM PTR> DISK PTR> LENGTH> Sure? S:REGSDATA file not found, aborting Not enough memory to load S:REGSDATA, aborting Error creating directory Directory created Sinus created. Couldn't open mathffp.library Couldn't open mathtrans.library Source not saved !! Continue? File already exists !! Continue ? Exit or Restart (Y/N or R)? ON OFF EOP EOP Remove unused labels (Y/N)? Updating .. Source not changed. No update needed !! Sorting relo-area.. Writing hunk data.. Writing hunk length.. Memory overflow !!! NL -- L7 -- RS -- Mode : Reqtools.library not found !!! Reqtools.library disabled due to no free chip mem !!! Not enough workmem for source !!! ** Break Pass 1.. Pass 2.. Page Of No Errors Errors Occured !! ReAssembling.. Option O: Optimizing.. NOT Equal Areas ** Warning: Not Found Branch Forced to Word Size VBR= D0: A0: SSP= USP= SR= T1 -- SI -- PL= XNZVC PC= PC= D0: D1: D2: D3: D4: D5: D6: D7: A0: A1: A2: A3: A4: A5: A6: A7: SSP= USP= SR= PL= T1 -- SI -- XNZVC PC = VBR= Start End Total -------- -------- -------- Workspace : Source : Label Pointers : Label : Debug : Code : Reloc : IncMem : -------- -------- --- Memory directory --- -- Symbol table -- -- Macro -- -- X-Ref -- -- Equ-R -- -- Reg -- Line: Col: Bytes: Free:xxxxx/xxxxx ----- Time: xx:xx:xx Bytes Words Longwords Start : $xxxxxxxx End : $xxxxxxxx Size : Longwords Time : xx:xx:xx ›30;1H DC.B DC.W DC.L LB_ Search for: Replace with: Jump to line: No more errors found Error : Steps: Address: Watch: Address not found !! End of program reached !! Watch type (A)scii (S)tring (H)ex (D)ecimal (B)inary (P)ointer: Pointer to (A)scii (S)tring (H)ex (D)ecimal (B)inary: Pointer type (1) DC.L (2) DC.W (3) DR.L (4) DR.W : Register: Replace (Y/N/L/G)? Jumping.. Buffer Full !! Done Registers used: NONE Searching.. Top of text.. Bottom of text.. Create macro.. Mark location and press Macro buffer full !! EXTERN€;; ASM-One V1.15 ** External Level 7 Break ** ** Bus Error ** ** Address Error ** ** Illegal Instruction ** ** Division By Zero ** ** CHK exception ** ** TRAPV ** ** Privilege Violation ** ** Trace Trap ** ** LineA Emulator ** ** LineF Emulator ** ** Exception $ Raised At $ Accessing $ Type Instruction $ Workspace Memory full Address Reg. Byte/Logic Address Reg. Expected Comma expected Data reg. expected Double Symbol Unexpected End of File User made FAIL Illegal Command Illegal Address size Illegal Operand Illegal Operator Illegal Operator in BSS area Illegal Order Illegal reg. size Illegal Section type Illegal Size Illegal macro def. Immediate operand ex. Include Jam Macro overflow Invalid Addressing Mode LOAD without ORG Missing Quote Conditional overflow NO operand space aLowed NOT a constant/label Not in macro Out of Range 0 bit Out of Range 3 bit Out of Range 4 bit Out of Range 8 bit Out of Range 16 bit Relative Mode Error Reserved Word Right parenthes Expected Section overflow String expected Undefined Symbol Register expected Word at Odd Address Not local area Code moved during pass 2 Bcc.B out of range in Macro Out of range (20 to 100) Out of range (60 to 132) Include overflow Linker limitation Repeat overflow Not in Repeat area Double definition Relocation made to EMPTY section File Error No Files No Object No File Space Printer Device Missing Not done Illegal Path Illegal Device Write Protected No disk in drive Illegal option !! REM without EREM TEXT without ETEXT Illegal scale size {Offset/width} expected Out of Range 5 bit Missing brace Colon expected Missing bracket >> Warning << 68010++ command used >> Warning << 68020++ command used >> Warning << 68030++ command used >> Warning << 68040++ command used >> Warning << 68010 specific command used >> Warning << 68020 specific command used >> Warning << 68030 specific command used >> Warning << 68040 specific command used A4 Debug : ALLOCATE Fast/Chip/Publ/Abs> ABSOLUTE Memory Addr.> ADD-WORKSPACE (Max. ) KB> PRT: Search from cursor position for what _Search|_Case dependant search|_Abort Search and replace Search Search for '' and replace it with _Replace|_Abort Found it !!, should it be replaced ? _Yes|_No|_Last|_Global|_Abort Jump to which line number _Jump|_Abort Project Zap Source ZS Old O Read.. Source R Binary RB Object RO Write.. Source W Binary WB Object WO Link WL Insert I Update U Zap File ZF Zap IncMem ZI Preferences Rescue Level 7 NumLock AutoALoc ReqtoolsLib ExtReqtools PrinterDump Interlace 1 Bitplane Res regs Update check Save marks Source .S Close WB Write Pref. WP AddWorkMem =M About.. Exit ASM-One ! »» ASM-One V1.15 «« Based on ASM-One V1.09 Send your idea's / bug reports to : T.F.A. P.O. Box 2249 1200 CE HILVERSUM / NEDERLAND ASM-ONE, FEEL THE POWER !! $VER: Asm-One_V1.15 by T.F.A. | Date:25/Feb/93 Set colors =C Assembler Assemble.. Assemble Optimize List File Paging Halt Page ALL Errors Debug Label: UCase=LCase ; Comment Warnings Editor Debugger Monitor LineNumbers AutoIndent ShowSource Progress Parameters Edit Funct. Block.. Mark Copy Cut Insert Fill UnMark LowerCase UpperCase Rotate Registers Write VertFill Search.. Search Forward Replace.. Replace Forward Del Line Set marks Jump marks Mark 1 Mark 2 Mark 3 Mark 4 Mark 5 Mark 6 Mark 7 Mark 8 Mark 9 Mark 0 Jump 1 Jump 2 Jump 3 Jump 4 Jump 5 Jump 6 Jump 7 Jump 8 Jump 9 Jump 0 Jump ;; Jump Line Move.. BOLN shift left EOLN - right PgUp - up PgDn - down Up 100 Down 100 Top Bottom LWord alt left NWord alt right MakeMacro Do Macro Grab Word Exit esc Debug Funct. Step One (down) Enter (right) Run Step n Edit Regs AddWatch DelWatch... ZapWatch Jump Addr Jump Mark B.P. Addr B.P. Mark Zap all BP DisAssemble Mon Funct. DisAssem HexDump AsciiDump BinDump Jump Addr Last Addr Save Bin Set start Set end QuickJump OnlyAscii Command Editor.. Jump Top T Jump Bottom B Search L Zap Line(s) ZL PrintLine(s) P Extend labels EL Memory.. Edit M DisAssem D HexDump H Ascii N DisLine @D Assemble @A HexLine @H AsciiLine @N BinLine @B Search mem S Fill mem F Copy mem C Compare mem Q Create sin CS Insert.. DisAssembly ID Hexi Dump IH Ascii Dump IN Binairy Dump IB Create sinus IS Assemble.. Assemble A Memory @A Optimize AO Debug AD Symbols =S Parameter set PS Monitor.. Jump J Go G Step K Status X Zap BPS ZB Disk.. ReadSector RS ReadTrack RT WriteSector WS WriteTrack WT Calc Check CC Extern E Output > Calculate ? Custom reg =R Select colours Read source Write source Read binary Write binary Read object Write object Write link Write block Direct output Zap file Insert source About to exit ASM-ONE !! Are you sure ?? File allready exists !! Are you sure ?? Source not saved yet !! Are you sure ?? _Yes|_Restart|_No _Yes|_No 680x0 mode Asm-One V1.15 Original : Rune Gram-madsen (1990-1991) Updated : T.F.A. (1991-1992) 680x0 code update : T.F.A. (1992-1993) Supports : 68000/10/20/30/40 Coding 68000/10/20/30/40 Adressing modes 68000/10/20/30/40 Disassembly Asm-One is one of the best assemblers available on todays market If you want to continue using Asm-One please consider buying the original !! Signed : Price of T.F.A. _OK|_RIGHT CPU FPU Rescue Level 7 Numlock Auto alloc Progress indicator Load About Save MMU Line numbers Auto indent Extended reqtools List file Paging Halt page All errors Debug Label : Ucase = Lcase ; comment Processor warn Reqtools library Save marks Source .ASM Ascii only Parameters 1 Bitplane Close workbench Resident registers Update check Interlace Printer dump Disassembly Show source Source extension Standard directory Asm-One control panel Assembler System Editor Monitor / Debugger Assemble General parameters Not enough memory to open preferences window ENVARC:Asm-One.pref saved ENVARC:Asm-One.pref {re}loaded 68000 68010 68020 68030 68040 None 68881 68882 Off On MOVES.B MOVES.W MOVES.L CAS2.L CAS.L CMP2.B CHK2.B ORI.B ORI.W ORI.L ORI.B ORI.W CMP2.W CHK2.W ANDI.B ANDI.W ANDI.L ANDI.B ANDI.W CMP2.L CHK2.L SUBI.B SUBI.W SUBI.L RTM CALLM ADDI.B ADDI.W ADDI.L CAS.B ORI.B EORI.W EORI.L EORI.B EORI.W CAS2.W CAS.W CMPI.B CMPI.W CMPI.L BTST BCHG BCLR BSET BTST BCHG BCLR BSET MOVEP.W MOVEP.L MOVEP.W MOVEP.L MOVE.B MOVE.L MOVE.W CHK.L CHK.W EXTB.L LEA NEGX.B NEGX.W NEGX.L MOVE CLR.B CLR.W CLR.L MOVE NEG.B NEG.W NEG.L MOVE NOT.B NOT.W NOT.L MOVE BCD LINK.L BPKT SWAP PEA MOVEM.W EXT.W MOVEM.L EXT.L TST.B TST.W TST.L ILLEGAL TAS MULU.L MULS.L DIVUL.L DIVU.L DIVSL.L DIVS.L MOVEM.W MOVEM.L MOVEC LINK.W MOVE.L MOVE.L TRAP UNLK RESET NOP RTE RTR RTS STOP RTD JSR JMP ADDQ.B SUBQ.B ADDQ.W SUBQ.W ADDQ.L SUBQ.L TRAPcc TRAPcc Scc DBcc BRA.z BSR.z Bcc.z MOVEQ OR.B OR.B SBCD.B SBCD.B OR.W PACK OR.W OR.L UNPK OR.L DIVU.W DIVS.W SUB.B SUB.B SUBX.B SUBX.B SUB.W SUB.W SUBX.W SUBX.W SUB.L SUB.L SUBX.L SUBX.L SUBA.W SUBA.L LINE_A CMP.B EOR.B CMPM.B CMP.W EOR.W CMPM.W CMP.L EOR.L CMPM.L CMPA.W CMPA.L AND.B AND.B ABCD.B ABCD.B AND.W AND.W EXG EXG AND.L AND.L EXG MULU.W MULS.W ADD.B ADD.B ADDX.B ADDX.B ADD.W ADD.W ADDX.W ADDX.W ADD.L ADD.L ADDX.L ADDX.L ADDA.W ADDA.L ASR.B ASL.B ASR.B ASL.B LSR.B LSL.B LSR.B LSL.B ROR.B ROL.B ROR.B ROL.B ROXR.B ROXL.B ROXR.B ROXL.B ASR.W ASL.W ASR.W ASL.W LSR.W LSL.W LSR.W LSL.W ROR.W ROL.W ROR.W ROL.W ROXR.W ROXL.W ROXR.W ROXL.W ASR.L ASL.L ASR.L ASL.L LSR.L LSL.L LSR.L LSL.L ROR.L ROL.L ROR.L ROL.L ROXR.L ROXL.L ROXR.L ROXL.L BFINS BFFFO BFEXTU BFEXTS BFCHG BFCLR BFSET BFTST ROXR.W ROXL.W ROR.W ROL.W ASR.W ASL.W LSR.W LSL.W LINE_F DC !.asm *SOURCES: |AAA|000|FFF|68B| [CPU2 [FPU0 [MMU0