Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyoooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!B here is reval of pulse ... welcome to the first issue of B the verdict S yeah, finally this pack is finished !!! B well,make ya choice and enjoy diz nice stuff ... lets show the credits... Bcode byB donk of pulse S sfx and gfx by strike of pulse S the pulse logo was drawn by bobby b of pulseS packed by reval of pulse S Aif ya want to support this pack then send ya own prods to reval of pulse S nico cebron S otto blesch 13 1S 78315 radolfzellS germany S Beverybody who supports this nice pack will get his disk back with the newest issue of the verdict ... this addy is also 4 swapping .......... i am very sorry for my delay, and i hope that you will forgive me but i had to wait for this pack. sum days ago, i broke my little finger of my right hand so it is very difficult to write this text ... (fuck !) but for school it is very kewl becoz i dont have to write anything ! and i cant make my homework ! yes i am a really poor dude..... oki,lets show the greetz .... no order ... phyton 5o1 trash head and norby of trsi petshopboy of cadaver posdnuos of ram jam redman and kopara of mad elks netrunner of chrome john peel of desire techno of manitou mr.keel of nova muddy of phase backfire of alchemy radavi and stranger of effect ripper of team extreme zak of kool nike and rokdazone of infect bross of movement cockroach of dcs the hitcher of angelica prod. suhu of banal projects decadence of vision flynn of outlaws walker of interactive grand duke of diffusion pervert of silicon ltd. gold dragon of unlimited mdb of bonzai eager beager and cr8y of savage gandalf of academy air of obscene al bundy of jewels krusen of metro lenin of freezers splatterhead of black jack too nice of krafted baizon of g.a.c. mic of principes xfx independent heptagon independent all in pulse and so on... hey dude ! this is ya lucky day !!! i will now write sum messys to sum contax ! you dont believe it ? lets see...to walker of interactive.... hey mirco ! good luck in ya new group !!! hope 2 hear soon from ya !!! to flynn of outlaws.... salut damien !!! the outlaws cracktro was very nice...better than our cracktro ! sniff ! but wait... pulse will soon release a better one... to decadence of vision.... wat laeuft ? hope 2 hear sooooooon from ya ! to mic of principes.... yo,ich glaub' ich bin schonmal an neustadt vorbeigefahren.... to mdb of bonzai.... good luck in ya new group ! pass mal besser auf deine sendingx auf die kommen immer so kaputt an ! to cockroach of dcs.... moin wolfgang ! und ich depp verlier die telefonnummer...fuck ! kannste mir ja naechstesmal geben.... to heptagon.... hi stefan...immer noch keine group gefunden ? ueberleg dir das nochmal wegen joinen das geld fuer die originale zahlt sich mit den cxacxs doch wirklich aus.... to trash head of trsi.... good luck in ya new group ! did you enjoy my last sending ? to john peel of desire....good luck in ya new group ! to posdnuos of ram jam...yeah charts rulez...sorry i forgot to vote..... to all guys who contacted me in last time....thanx 4 contacting !!! i hope we will have a great swapptime together !!! thats all for today,i have really no motivation to write more !!! c u in da next issue !!!!! Ctext restarts ... the verdict issue # 1 ------------------------ c-lous............dentro essence.....pack-preview evacue.......first intro obsession........chippo4 persodent.........tekkno quick design...pack-prev saturne......party invit trackers...........intro ------------------------ pulse - no excuse ! VERDICT_01 VERDICT_02 VERDICT_03 VERDICT_04 VERDICT_05 VERDICT_06 VERDICT_07 VERDICT_08 VERDICT_09 VERDICT_10 VERDICT_11 VERDICT_12 VERDICT_13 VERDICT_14 VERDICT_15