__ ___/\\/_______ _ __ _ _) \/ (_ ! | .:......... | ___:_ :: .... : ! _/ |____: : : : ________ _\ _____/: : : :__\___ /_ ) \| ( : : : |/ ( .\\_____\----/ : : :----------//. . : :.:. : . ! ·........::. ! _____. · ___. ) |____ ________ _/ |____ _\ __ /___\___ /_\ _____/_ ) |/ ( |/ ( \| ( .\\----/_____/----------/_____\----//. ¡ ¡ -nM$! ¯)_ __ _ _____/\ ___(¯ /\\/ ¯¯ ..ze magpart.. ..........._______ ________________________________________ _______........... :: \ ¬\ / _ ____ /_______ / ¬/ / sox :: ::..._.___._\_ \/ _/_ \\\______/_ _ `/ _/_ _ / _/_.___._...:: ...((_))__\\______/_______//__________///__/________///___________//__((_)).. : .---------.-----------------------------.-------------------------. : . |-(pAGE)- | -(wHAT?)- | -(bY wHO?)- | . - -+---------+-----------------------------+-------------------------+- - | oo3/oo3 | eDITORIAL.................. | bLUNT oF gHD........... | | oo4/oo4 | cREDITS.................... | dOH!................... | | oo5/oo8 | sOMEWHERE iN hOLLAND'97 iNV | sIH oRGANIZERS......... | | oo9/o17 | tHE gATHERING'97 iNV....... | gATHERING oRGANIZERS... | | o18/o37 | sYMPOSIUM, mEKKA'97 iNV.... | sYMPOSIUM oRGANIZERS... | | o38/o39 | hOW tO jOIN gHD............ | kANEDA oF gHD.......... | | o40/o41 | hOW tO sUPPORT tOO hOT..... | bLUNT oF gHD........... | | o42/o43 | gHD oN tHE nET............. | gHD mEMBERS............ | | o44/o45 | #aMIGASCNE tO iT'S eND?.... | iNFANT aND cELTIC...... | | o46/o48 | dON'T mESS wITH tHE dIVA'S. | eSTHER oF tHE dIVA'S... | | o49/o51 | pACKS, wHAT'S tHE pOINT?... | bUCKO.................. | | o52/o54 | wHAT hAPPENED tO iNTROS?... | cRAZYWILD oF gHD....... | | | | | `---------`-----------------------------`-------------------------' editorial, babes, is it actually good?, i mean this scene, is it good for us to be sceners?.. you know, thinking about this shit when following a boring lesson at school, and i need something to talk in an editorial, right?.. look at all those nice babes you can meet in the time that you spend your time behind your miggy.. look at all the money you can spend elseway, drinking beer, playing pool or using ecodrugs.. bringing up another fab topic, licking a toad's back and being stoned for a few hours =).. really a strange idea, well yeah, people must do something to spend their time without an amiga.. so let us nerds stick here then.. reading too hot editorials must be a real cool thing to kill your time.. i released my ascii colly a few weeks ago, and any of teh few who liked can send me some requests for my next collection to the usual adres.. i also like to do a request for a graphician who wishes to join ghd, as i'm not the most reliable graphician, and kaneda likes to spend time with more professional graphicians then me =).. so if you wish to join, then write to kaneda about it.. oh, vega of ram jam asked me to do a request for him too, ram jam is in urgent need of a good swapper, so if you want to join ram jam, then write to him.. that's it.. blunt/ghd^talent^black sista! credits.. code..............kaneda/ghd titlegfx.............ant/3le design............kaneda/ghd packer.............blunt/ghd packmusic.....tommy/hellfire magmusic........jazz/haujobb mainmusic.........azazel/tbl ascii.......crusader/mo'soul .................nemes!s/sos .................draw/u'race _________ ______ ______ \__ __/_\____ \__\____ \ __ _/ \_ | \_ | \_..\/.............. __...... \_______/\________/________/ _\/_ : : .___. \/\/ : : | |____ ______ _________ : : · too hot · | \_ \__\____ \ \__ __/ : :..................| |/ \_ | \__/ \_..: |___|______/________/\_______/draw .. somewhere in holland '97 invitation .. Somewhere In Holland '97 --== SIH Part III ==-- Wanna be a scener? Got something to contribute? Got some gig's left on your HD? You can visit The Party, go to The Symposium, buy a ticket to join The Gathering, or simply pay a visit to a town called Nijmegen. Somewhere In Holland, known as SIH, is about to start Part III, called 'A New Beginning'. What: Computer Party, no explanation needed, it's a party! When: 2-3-4 may 1997 Where: Kolpinghuis Nijmegen The Netherlands Highlights: - Three floor's - Sleeping Hall - Movies (Manga / SF / releases) - Music (DJ present) - Compo's (PC / Amiga / Music / others) - Network (Coax cable, just plug in and leach) - McDonalds present - Entrance: below 50,- Guilders (30 US $) Some do's: - Bring your CPU - Bring your releases - Bring your network card - Make reservations - Tell your friends Some don't: - Don't tell your parents - Don't forget your caffeine-pills - Don't miss it! Need some info?: Mail us at: sih@pi.net Reservations: sih@pi.net Read all about it at: http://www.pi.net/~sih _________ ______ ______ \__ __/_\____ \__\____ \ __ _/ \_ | \_ | \_..\/.............. __...... \_______/\________/________/ _\/_ : : .___. \/\/ : : | |____ ______ _________ : : · too hot · | \_ \__\____ \ \__ __/ : :..................| |/ \_ | \__/ \_..: |___|______/________/\_______/draw .. the gathering '97 invitation .. - This year it will happen again... The KANDU organization gives you one of the greatest events of the so far ever organized... - Here's the deal : ___________________ - More than 100 hours of pure party ! - Many compos - Non-stop scene-show - The worlds largest temp network - 100+ crew members at your service - A *HUGE* video room - Lots of coke will be available - World class big-screen ! Place and Time : ________________ - The Hamar olympic hall (or the Vikingship) was built for the 1994 winter olympics, with 12000 square meters floor space. Since all these sports activities are over, we can use it for something a bit more meaningful. - At TG96 we had over 2500 attendants, and we had absolute no problem to get a seat to every person there ! To get there : ______________ - If you drive from Oslo, you will see the Vikingship right before you enter "Hamar". From here, just follow the signs. - If you go by train, step out at the Vikingship station. If you cannot see the party-place from there... please call! - If you come by submarine, please check that the sub is not submerged when you leave the boat. (and do congratulate the captain from me, -> the Vikingship is close to a lake, not an ocean!) Time ____ - This year will we open at 10:00 at wednesday 26th March, and close the hall at 16:00 sunday the 30th March. If you should arrive earlier, please contact us in advance for arrangements. Entrance ________ Note : at TG96 we let in aliens go for free, but this year have have taken the decision that aliens will have to pay double. "ID4" really shook us up.. Girls are still let in for free, as are non-europeans who show a valid passport all other carbon based lifeforms will have to pay the fee of 300,- NOK or appx. US $50,- Pre-registration can be ordered via "billett-service" at your local Norwegian post-office. Foreigns please contact us for special arrangements. Our clever scheme to sell warm winter clothes at double prices failed last year, so this year we will let you all into a warm waiting area. Also, we have designed a brand new registration system which will crash in an even more spectacular way than the TG96 system :) Party - Network _______________ At TG96 we set a new world standard for party networking. At TG97 we will provide at least 1500 connections, 70 segments at 10MBits and a 155MBit ATM backbone. High quality network adapters will be sold at bargain prices, but details are still unclear on this one. Our experienced network crew have been scrambled once again and will work around the clock to get you connected... We will take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended TG96 and gave us the necessary inspiration to do it again once more. (more and more..) Very special thanks to: - The local fire-departement for helping us in every possible way. - The patient crew from ABB, which delivered a power-down-free power supply. - Masters for helping us sort out technical problems with 150 net cards. - All the TG96 sponsors (no free ads here guys, sorry :) - All voluntary crew members who did the impossible day after day for nothing else than the experience... How to contact us _________________ - If you are in need of some kind of help, you should try one of these: Arrangement leader: Vegard Sjefstad - (+47) 90 11 99 66 ( shady@crusaders.no ) Registration administrator: Trond Michelsen - (+47) 93 05 45 93 ( mike@crusaders.no ) Network administrator: Andreas Lund - (+47) 90 07 71 62 ( floyd@crusaders.no ) General questions and comments should be mailed to "tg97@crusaders.no". Or write to us at : Crusaders Productions Stationsveien 56 N-2010 Strummen Norway The people on the top _____________________ Shady / Crusaders......... leader Mike / Crusaders.......... registration The Joker / Crusaders..... coder Dollar Bill / Crusaders... gfx design Andy Floyd / ATC.......... network Ferryman / ATC............ network Big-Papa / Crusaders...... network Jammer / ATC.............. power Don Valentino / Crusaders. security P-man / Crusaders......... scene-show Perk / Cryptoburners...... internet Tez / Crusaders girls..... info Kinky / Crusaders girls... crew care Wobba / Crusaders......... compo _________ ______ ______ \__ __/_\____ \__\____ \ __ _/ \_ | \_ | \_..\/.............. __...... \_______/\________/________/ _\/_ : : .___. \/\/ : : | |____ ______ _________ : : · too hot · | \_ \__\____ \ \__ __/ : :..................| |/ \_ | \__/ \_..: |___|______/________/\_______/draw .. symposium'97 and mekka'97 invitation .. +---------------+ + 1. Introduction + +---------------+ Nearly one year ago two great parties took place: -> Mekka'96 (29th to 31st of march): Mekka was held the first time in 1996 and was a great success. Over 300 attenders from different countries joined the event. Before Mekka, there was no real party for the german pc demo scene in our country. -> Symposium'96 (5th to 8th of april): Symposium took place the 9th time and about 650 attenders from all over Europe came to be part of this special event. The multi-plattform party got a good reputation cause it is a scene party organized by scene people. At eastern 1997 these both parties will be combined - not competing like last year - to provide you even more fun, entertainment and partyfeeling. It does not matter what kind of computers you like - we will support all platform and most of them will be represented by well known and famous demo groups for sure. - PC - Amiga - C64 - Atari Falcon - Acorn RISC PCs - This time Symposium/Mekka'97 will be an event not to miss - and remember: If you don't come... it's your fault! +------------------------+ + 2. General Information + +------------------------+ Date: ----- Join us at Easter 1997. We will open the doors for you on -> Friday 28 to Monday 31 of March 1997 The doors will be opened on Friday at 12:00 CET. Location: --------- The party will take place at -> "Heidmarkhalle Fallingbostel" between Hamburg and Hannover (approximatly 100km to the south of Hamburg) with enough space for about 2000 attenders. By car: ------- You can reach the partyplace over the highway "Autobahn A7", exit "Fallingbostel". You will find signs directing you from this exit to the party. By train: --------- You will have to get to station "Fallingbostel" with the "Deutsche Bundesbahn". We will setup a bus-shuttle service to the party. Please contact: -> Michael Krause - Mannesallee 24 - 21107 Hamburg, GERMANY rawstyle@blackbox.dame.de, ii7349@fh-wedel.de (Raw Style/Lego) in advance to make sure that our bus is at the train-station if you are arriving. Bustrip: -------- Of course you can come by bus too. At the moment we have information about at least two bustrips coming from -> Switzerland and collection attenders from south germany too. If ----------- ------------- you want to join this bustrip or your need additional information about this bustrip please contact: "furball@space.ch". -> Sweden. This trip is organized by Excel/Balance and Newt/Abyss. If ------- enough people come together there might even be more than one bus. All this is not absolutely sure yet, but if you are interested, you can send Excel a mail: "excelblc@freenet.hut.fi". If have information about any other bustrips or you want to organize one please contact: -> Malte Kanebley - Im Dorfe 3 - 21629 Neu Wulmstorf, GERMANY amable@aol.com (Hardball/amable), voice: +49-4168-8611 Price: ------ The entrance fee amounts 40 DM / person (about 25 US-Dollars). We are not able to change foreign currencies. The organisation is !NON-COMMERCIAL! As usual the entrance-fee will be distributed among the winners of the competitions. Pay in advance (possible until 28.02.97): ----------------------------------------- If you decide to pay in advance you can save 5 DM / person.Please transfer the entrance-fee (35 DM / person) to the following bank- account: -> Name of the Bank : Kreissparkasse Harburg Bank-Nr (BLZ) : 207 500 00 Account-Nr (Kto) : 211 00 888 Name : "Malte Kanebley" You will have to choose a password to protect your money. Please attach this line [german: "Verwendungszweck"] to your money order: -> "97"-HANDLE-PASSWORD-REALNAME Additional you have to send an email or snail-mail to -> Malte Kanebley - Im Dorfe 3 - 21629 Neu Wulmstorf, GERMANY amable@aol.com (Hardball/amable), voice: +49-4168-8611. This is important because we need this to verify your money reached us properly. You will get a confirmation and an entrance-ticket. +-------------+ + 3. Features + +-------------+ Of course a lot of features await you: -> Everyone talks about *Internet* and so do we. We will have a Internet cafe installed for you with lots of terminals for IRC and Web access. -> A ethernet network running with a big fileserver and party chat connected to the IRC. Our equipment will hopefully provide a fast and save party network all 72 hours. -> We will present all compos on a big screen of 6 * 4 squaremeters and a powerfull Dolby Surround music system. -> 100% public voting on all compos for everybody at the partyplace. -> There will be a quiet place for you to sleep if you decide not to do this in front of your computer or under the table ;) -> Network: we are selling network equipment like NE2000 network cards or ethernet cables and connectors for a low price as well. -> Live performances on the stage (one hour per day). -> A mind blasting laser show (not absolutely sure). -> Many other features we are not able or not willing to tell you yet. Now that we're organizing this party, you might think that all you can do is visiting it. This is wrong: We give you the one and only chance to produce yourself. If you want to give a lecture on something or if you have another idea of enriching the event, you're very welcome to do so. We would like you to contact someone of us as soon as possible, though. +-----------------+ + 4. Competitions + +-----------------+ General competition rules: -------------------------- -> The Rules may change until the party starts. -> At least one of the competitors must be present. -> We must have all entries until deadline. -> We will have a preselection for the music compos. Only 15 entries will be presented. The preselection will be done by a jury of known scene people. -> Anonymous competition means that the entry must not reveal who the author is. A separate version including a tag can be provided and will be spread instead. -> The entry must be released at the party - not at any time before and not on other parties taking place at the same time (we will exchange us with the organizers of all other parties). -> You must release a "final"-version of your productions at the party. -> You have to license us to put your production on any digital media. -> The entry must be one archive with description (FILE_ID.DIZ).The name of the archive MUST be compatible with ISO 9660: only the characters "A"-"Z","0"-"9" and the underscore "_" are allowed! System configuration: --------------------- PC: --- -> The production must support a GUS or SB and -> your production MUST support NOSOUND too. -> The program must NOT use the commandline to select the soundcard. (use a soundcard-selection-menu or use a autodetect-function). -> 1oo% VGA-Register compatible videomode MUST BE SUPPORTED. -> Additionally you can use VESA 2.0-videomodes, too! -> Your can test your production up to 3 times on our PC to fix the latest hardware-problems. -> The Competition-PC will have following configuration: Prozessor : Pentium 100 (maybe better) RAM : 16 MByte Videocard : PCI-Board with fast Videocard and 2 MB RAM Soundboard : - Gravis Ultrasound with 1 MByte RAM - Creative SoundBlaster 16 ASP (maybe AWE32) Operating System: DOS 6.2 Max. Base-Mem : 600 KByte (3D 614400 Bytes) Memory Configs. : HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXE; no FlatRealMode! Amiga: ------ -> Processor: 68030 running at 50MHz, AGA. 68060 is optional. -> RAM : 2 + 16 MByte Atari: ------ -> Standard Falcon configuration C64: ---- -> New SID -> Action Replay MK6 -> 1541-II disk drive. Acorn: ------ -> Bring your own ;) Competitions: ------------- Demo (PC, Amiga, Atari, Acorn, C64): ------------------------------------ -> Maximum size PC, Amiga, Atari, Acorn: 6 MByte (3D 6291456 Bytes). -> Maximum sizee C64: standard 5,25" DD disk. -> Must not require installation (Assigns, Libs, Drivers, etc.). -> No precalculated animations are allowed. -> Write access to the disk is NOT allowed. -> For PC: It must be possible to interrupt the Demo with ESC. -> Only the first 15 min. of the Demo will be shown on the screen. Intro (PC, Amiga, Atari): ------------------------- -> Maximum size PC: 64 KByte (3D 65536 Bytes). -> Maximum size Amiga: 40 KByte (3D 40960 Bytes). -> Maximum size Atari: 96 KByte (3D 98304 Bytes). -> Must not require installation (Assigns, Libs, Drivers, etc.). -> No precalculated animations are allowed. -> Write access to the disk is NOT allowed. -> For PC: It must be possible to interrupt the Intro with ESC. -> Only the first 10 min. of the Intro will be shown on the screen. Intro 4KB (PC, Amiga): ---------------------- -> Maximum size: 4 KByte (3D 4096 Bytes). -> Sound (MIDI, AdLib, PC-Speaker or whatever you want) is possible. [Please include nessesary drivers] -> Write access to the disk is NOT allowed. -> Only the first 5 min. of the Intro will be shown on the screen. Game 32KB (PC): --------------- -> Maximum size: 32 KByte (3D 32768 Bytes). -> Just code a little, funny game, e.g. jump'n'run or shoot`em`up or whatever you want (KLF: what about magic carpet 32KB? ;). -> The coder of the game will play it on the big-screen. -> Write access to the disk is allowed (hiscore, playerinfo, etc.). If these files are *not needed* to run the game they can increse size by 8KB (so 40KB possible). We will delete these files before running the game on the compo-pc. Protracker Module (4 channel, all plattforms): ---------------------------------------------- -> Maximum size: 1 MByte (3D 1048576 Bytes) unpacked. -> Only the first 3 min. will be played during the competition. Music (all plattforms): ----------------------- -> Maximum size: 1.4 MByte (3D 1457664 Bytes). -> For PC: must be playable with Cubic-Player 1.7. -> For other plattforms: must be executable. -> MIDI is not allowed. -> Only the first 3 min. will be played during the competition. Music (C64): ------------ -> All formats allowed, executable file. -> The C64 screen will not be shown during the compo. Graphics (all plattforms, ANONYMOUS): ------------------------------------- -> Allowed formats: max. 640x512 24bit, IFF, GIF, PNG, JPEG. -> Raytracing is possible. We need at least three significant steps of the picure. -> Scanned pictures are not allowed. Graphics (C64, ANONYMOUS): -------------------------- -> All formats/modes allowed. -> Must be an executable file. ANSi (all Plattforms): ---------------------- -> Not more than 200 Lines! Wild: ----- -> Anything possible, exept animations - only realtime calculation. -> Use any hardware you want. -> You must bring your hardware with you (we need F-BAS, Composite, VGA or RGB-output). Video: ------ -> Anything possible. -> Must be on VHS or S-VHS tape. Surprise: --------- -> We will have some surprise-competitions at the party, too. -> You really think we would tell you those compos yet? -> ...of course not. But there will be FAST and FUN-COMPOS! +-----------+ + 5. CD-ROM + +-----------+ We are trying to produce a CD-ROM with all productions on it. Therefore it is nessesary, that you authorise us to put your release on the CD-ROM. You will NOT lose the rights of your productions. We don't know how long it will take to produce the CD but we will try this as fast as possible. The CD-ROM will contain all productions of -> Mekka'96, -> Symposium'96 and -> Mekka/Symposium'97. We try to include the wild- and animation-compo too. The CD-ROM will be sold for a very low price (about or less than 20 DM). +-------------+ + 6. Timetable + +-------------+ Friday: ------- 12:00 The party will start Saturday: --------- 15:00 DEADLINE for Animation, Grafix, Music, Ansi DEADLINE for PC Game 32KB, PC 4KB Intro DEADLINE for all Acorn-, Falcon- and C64-compos Sunday: ------- 10:00 DEADLINE all other compos Monday: ------- 05:00 DEADLINE Voting 09:00 Prize ceremony 12:00 We will close the doors +--------------------------+ + 7. Organizers / Contacts + +--------------------------+ The groups involved in organizing the MeKKa/Symposium '97 are -> Amable (for PC) -> Avena (for Atari) -> Lego -> Phantasm (for Amiga) -> Polka Brothers (Amiga) and -> Smash Designs (for C64). But what do names mean? It's the experience that matters. And that's what we can *boast* with: ten Symposiums, the Mekka'96, the 680xx Convention 1993 and an in-depth knowledge of the scene provide us with the power necessary for organizing such an event. More information: ----------------- -> Get our upcoming invitation intros around X-Mas, at least for PC, Amiga and C64. -> On our extensive World Wide Web pages: http://www.szczecin.pl/~rawstyle/Sym97/ http://www.tu-harburg.de/~sijt2008/ms97/ -> On the Black Box BBS: +49-4105-84619 (v34) +49-4105-669011 (ISDN) -> Directly from the organizers: PC: --- Malte Kanebley - Im Dorfe 3 - 21629 Neu Wulmstorf, GERMANY amable@aol.com (Hardball/amable), voice: +49-4168-8611 Jan Tegtmeier - Reinckeweg 9 - 22399 Hamburg, GERMANY tegtmeier@tu-harburg.de (Starcode/amable) Amiga: ------ Frank Schliefer - Am Musterplatz 27 - 21220 Seevetal, GERMANY gandalf@blackbox.dame.de (Gandalf/Phantasm) Michael Krause - Mannesallee 24 - 21107 Hamburg, GERMANY rawstyle@blackbox.dame.de, ii7349@fh-wedel.de (Raw Style/Lego) C64: ---- chaotic@blackbox.dame.de (Chaotic/Smash Designs) Atari: ------ michael_wiegers@hh3.maus.de (Jet/Avena) +---------------+ + 8. Disclaimer + +---------------+ -> We are not responsible for your equipment you bring to the party: keep an eye on it. -> We are not responsible for possible accidents during the party. -> We are not interested in troublemaking people and will throw them out. -> Drugs are forbidden at the party-place. Alcoholics and smoking is not desired. -> You have to pay for everything you damage. -> You have to bring your own wires with you. There is only one power- connection for each table/computer. -> Of course hacked, cracked or illegal programs are not allowed. -> Racism is not allowed. -> You are under German law and everthing that's forbidden outside the party-place will be forbidden inside, too! _________ ______ ______ \__ __/_\____ \__\____ \ __ _/ \_ | \_ | \_..\/.............. __...... \_______/\________/________/ _\/_ : : .___. \/\/ : : | |____ ______ _________ : : · too hot · | \_ \__\____ \ \__ __/ : :..................| |/ \_ | \__/ \_..: |___|______/________/\_______/draw .. how to join ghd .. kaneda of ghd.................... richard airly.................... 49 rannoch drive................. bearsden, glasgow................ scotland......................... g61 2lf.......................... ................................. kaneda@dcandy.demon.co.uk........ _________ ______ ______ \__ __/_\____ \__\____ \ __ _/ \_ | \_ | \_..\/.............. __...... \_______/\________/________/ _\/_ : : .___. \/\/ : : | |____ ______ _________ : : · too hot · | \_ \__\____ \ \__ __/ : :..................| |/ \_ | \__/ \_..: |___|______/________/\_______/draw .. how to support too hot .. keldon/giants.......melon/mystic^fci....ghandy/gods^sdm.....qba/nah^and^trsi... kenneth fajkowski...marcin banasiak.....lars sobiraj........jakub pienkowski... arvesgarde 30.......dabrowskiego 87/4...mindener str.5......ul.chopina 4....... 417-44 gothenburg...58-105 swidnica.....40227 dusseldorf....12-100 szczytno.... sweden..............poland..............germany.............poland............. blaze/floppy........korbal/dinxprojects. ctp/mawi.......... meep meep...........przemyslaw korpysz.. tomasz wisniewski. polna 63/5..........nidzalkowskiego47/8. szeroka 35/8...... 21-200 parczew......41800 zabrze........ 75814 koszalin.... poland..............poland.............. poland............ _________ ______ ______ \__ __/_\____ \__\____ \ __ _/ \_ | \_ | \_..\/.............. __...... \_______/\________/________/ _\/_ : : .___. \/\/ : : | |____ ______ _________ : : · too hot · | \_ \__\____ \ \__ __/ : :..................| |/ \_ | \__/ \_..: |___|______/________/\_______/draw .. ghd on the net .. coolio@noord.bart.nl..............blunt kaneda@dcandy.demon.co.uk........kaneda aks03@students.stir.ac.uk.........bliss mikkol@arlainst.fi............crazywild glen.ross@btinternet.com.......maverick reflex@ark.org...................reflex mcwilsh@dcandy.demon.co.uk........wilsh ghd_horse@hotmail.com.........ghd horse http://www.ark.org/~reflex/ghd......... _________ ______ ______ \__ __/_\____ \__\____ \ __ _/ \_ | \_ | \_..\/.............. __...... \_______/\________/________/ _\/_ : : .___. \/\/ : : | |____ ______ _________ : : · too hot · | \_ \__\____ \ \__ __/ : :..................| |/ \_ | \__/ \_..: |___|______/________/\_______/draw .. #amigascne to it's end? .. #Amiscene announcement ---------------------- All you people who come out on #Amigascne regulary probably know the feeling of it : From a nice, friendly channel it once was, it turned into a commercial, dictatorship-like channel. What we, that is Infant and Celtic, wanted is a new channel for Amiga demosceners, but where friendlyness ruled and no dictatorship is to be used. Hence, we created #Amiscene : The new Amiga demoscene channel. We can't convince you IRC can be cool again by writing this text only, so why don't you hop along on #Amiscene soon ? We're waiting for you ! Infant & Celtic (infant@flnet.nl, celtic@dds.nl) _________ ______ ______ \__ __/_\____ \__\____ \ __ _/ \_ | \_ | \_..\/.............. __...... \_______/\________/________/ _\/_ : : .___. \/\/ : : | |____ ______ _________ : : · too hot · | \_ \__\____ \ \__ __/ : :..................| |/ \_ | \__/ \_..: |___|______/________/\_______/draw .. the divas are back !! .. The Divas are back in business ! Who doesn't know them ? They gained popularity in the beginning of 1996, as the first all-girl group in the amigascene. They released a couple of intros, of which the last three are the most famous ones. Mopette, Sanette and Fever are all tipical Divas production. In the text file which came with Fever, however, they stated that they had left our beloved scene. Now it's one month later and they seem to be back for good. Why ? That's a difficult question. The most important one being, that Sane still seems to be active as an editor and writing articles about the "good old times". "He really is a sucker", says Diana, the latest Divas member. This Diana, is also one of the reasons why the Divas decided to continue their scenelife afterall. As has been revealed in other magazines, the Divas didn't really consists of girls. The two sick minds behind the girl team were the Dutch Celtic and Infant. As you read above, the Divas DIDN'T consist of girls. With Diana joining in, Divas can finally boast to have a real female member. The 17 year old blond girl was asked why she joined this strange group. And, more important, how she came involved with the scene in the first place. "After my date first date with Infant, we decided to go to his place. There, he showed me IRC and some demos. He explained the basics and how he and a friend messed things up with this "fake" group. He noticed I found it very funny, and therefore asked me to team up. I don't have an Amiga myself, so everything I will do for Divas, except for satisfying the members (!) I will do on Infant's computer". With Mopette, the bunch of girls opened an attack toward the popular editor Mop, who had written an article about the Divas. Sanette, followed shortly after that. Sanette, who in her sick mind decided to write a complaint article about the Divas, was honoured by being far more prettier than Mopette. Fever, the latest intro, was on request by Magic / Nah-Kolor. He asked Cindy to do a anti-Magic intro, and so she did. Now the Divas are back, we are wondering.. Who will the next victim be ? .. the divas .. _________ ______ ______ \__ __/_\____ \__\____ \ __ _/ \_ | \_ | \_..\/.............. __...... \_______/\________/________/ _\/_ : : .___. \/\/ : : | |____ ______ _________ : : · too hot · | \_ \__\____ \ \__ __/ : :..................| |/ \_ | \__/ \_..: |___|______/________/\_______/draw .. packdisks, what's the point? .. Packdisks - What is the point? Nowadays there are a lot of pack disks in circulation. Most major groups have one, some are even up to issue 100 or more, but is there really any point in pack disks? Most Amiga sceners today have CD-Rom drives and for the price of an Aminet CD they can afford to buy more intros than they will ever probably have time to watch. What is the point then, in having a 'Pack Disk' with a few intros that most people won't be interested in watching? Clearly packs must have something special about them to be worth their while today. Prsentation is one feature that all packs should have. After all it's easy to code a crappy menu in Blitz or Amos and stick a few of other peoples intros onto a disk. This is hardly showing off your talent, but if the menu is presented well and with good music it is sure to impress and make people want to watch the intros. Some packs I have had have had terrible presentation and have gone straight into the 'copy over' pile. Some examples were packs that loaded the first intro regardless of what item you clicked and packs whos intros only worked by loading workbench. Then, just as important is CONTENT, as I have stated there are thousands if not millions of intros floating around on disks and CD-Roms. The pack disks of the 90's should include only the best intros, a kind of pick of the best selection to save you the effort of trawling through Aminet for the best intros. It is my opinion that Packdisks should contain bigger and better magazine parts. Sure, you would need more article writers, but there are many more people in the world who are literate in English than there are who are literate in Assembler! The best packs today? Well there are only two that really stand out for me and they are the Lunch Pack and Too-Hot. Lunch Pack's menu (at least last time I saw it) was bland and uninteresting but at least all the intros work perfactly and exit perfectly. Too-Hot is by GHD and is at the time of writing only on issue 1. This is the best presented pack so far, keep up the good work. by bucko/indi in 1996 _________ ______ ______ \__ __/_\____ \__\____ \ __ _/ \_ | \_ | \_..\/.............. __...... \_______/\________/________/ _\/_ : : .___. \/\/ : : | |____ ______ _________ : : · too hot · | \_ \__\____ \ \__ __/ : :..................| |/ \_ | \__/ \_..: |___|______/________/\_______/draw .. what happened to intros? .. What happened to intros? The whole demoscene started from intros - little pieces of code made by the cracking groups to advertise themselves. One group used the same intro again and again and only changed the texts. Even most of the C-64 demos had an intro before the actual demo started. It was an easy way of saying what you were about to see and when and by who it was done. Every now and then the group made a new intro as their skills had developed. They released the bare intro, and after that they started to use the intro in the beginning of their demos/cracks. Yeah.. that was the history part. And now you're propably wondering why I'm writing this because you allready knew everything stated above. Well.. I want to talk about the so called 'intros' of today. We still have all these 4k, 40k, 64k etc. intros released at the parties. But hey - they aren't INTROS anymore! As far as I'm concerned the word 'intro' comes from the word 'introduction'. So what are these intros introduction to? A CLI prompt?? Yes.. that's the way it seems to be. Only the cracking groups still use intros as INTROS. I think it would be cool if the Amiga demo-groups still used intros in the beginning of the demos. This thing isn't really annoying me - but it's saturday night an I'm forced to stay home bcoz I'm so broke I couldn't afford the bus downtown. So I have the right to complain about something..ok? Oh... There is still one guestion left. What would happen if everyone started to use intros the old way and a group wanted to release a bare intro? Would they have to put the intro in the beginning just to say "Here's our new intro - press mousebutton to see it again." ?? =) by crazywild/ghd in 1996 tOO-hOT's lATEST nEWS! A b y s s ------- · devistator joined from eltech · jcs joined as tripplemem from sector 7 and syndrome · bigrat joined with his xfiles diskmag, new outlay from cyclone soon!.. A n a d u n e ------- ·  Cecil left for Moma UK · Dave re-joined from Trsi A x i s ----- · iso left for reality^mono · celtic joined jetset as doublemem B a n a l P r o j e c t s -------------- · Ukele has a new music disk coming - "Mama 2" · Captain Terry left the scene E l t e c h ------- · Mic Flair got a new haircut · One of the coders decided to load up his assembler · They have a possible demo coming from their coder 2-Cool · Devistator left for Abyss · Wade left for gods · Splatterhead joined from freezers · General lee joined from factor · General Lee joined freezers as a doublemem E s s e n c e ----------- · they are busy with chromagic 2 (on amiga).. · gfx-twins will release their slideshow in the end of this year.. · skarla joined as a french division.. F l o p p y --------- · fame joined as doublemem from nah-kolor · revisq joined as a doublemem from anadune · blaze joined as a swapper from ambrosia F r e e z e r s ------------- · Sputnik rejoined the scene, and yep, he's busy with a demo · General Lee joined as a doublemem from eltech G o d s ----- · wade joined from eltech as a graphician and mailtrader · click left to join ghd as a musician G r a s s h o p p e r D ------------- · hOP-sHOP 2, second in their music disk series, is released ! · They have a crap new website at www.ark.org/~reflex/ghd · Genetic Taste (WHQ) is at a new number : +358-o-2761o86 · They have some stupid projects planned. · The GHD horse now has an email address: ghd_horse@hotmail.com · click joined from gods as a musician · current memberlist looks like: dUDE cLASS eMAIL ---------------------------------------------------------------- Bliss | music,gfx | aks03@students.stir.ac.uk Blunt | mailswap, pack | coolio.noord.bart.nl Click | music | perawilh@sn.no CrazyWild | mail,modem,pack | mikkol@arlainst.fi Maverick | code, mail | glen.ross@btinternet.com Kaneda | code,org,gfx | kaneda@dcandy.demon.co.uk Reflex | music | reflex@ark.org Triumph | swap | Wayne_Sanders@o14amiga.demon.co.uk Wilsh | music | mcwilsh@dcandy.demon.co.uk + not forgetting + tHE gHD hORSE - advice, wise-words, booze - ghd_horse@hotmail.com I m p u l s e ----------- · gato joined from steroid · beast joined from majic 12 as a graphician · impulse, absolute! and Promise! cooperate for making a slideshow from hungaria's best artist, rack, rendall and beast.. I n s e c t --------- · despite some rumours, this group was not founded by bionic (ex-silents), but ledge and maytz (ex-mentrax).. bionic DID code their tp5 intro.. J e t s e t ------- · celtic joined as a coder L i m i t e d E d i t i o n ------------------------- · hp joined from honoo as a doublemember · black dragon joined from honoo as a doublemember · prince joined from x-tension · dvize joined from devious dezigns M o n o ----- · iso joined from axis N a h - K o l o r --------------- · fame joined from old bulls as a graphician · yoga joined from united artists as a graphician · python joined from tpdl · melon joined doublemem from mystic as a swapper · klod joined from trsi · elis joined from trsi · action joined from anadune as a doublemember N e w A g e ---------- · The group died U ' R a c e --------- · hotstepper left the scene R a m J a m -------- · trendy stopped mailtrading · vega stopped mailtrading, but after a few days he changed his mind and is still swapping now.. R e a l i t y --------- · iso joined from axis as a musician · iso joined mono as a doublemem · their party WILL take place 2, 3 and 4 may SIH'97 S u b s p a c e ------------- · infant joined as a coder from new age S y n d r o m e ------------- · marc joined from scoopex · jcs joined from sector 7 and as tripplemem · ghandy joined as a doublemem from gods T a l e n t --------- · they are busy with chromagic 2 pc version · blunt joined as a mailtrader · we need a qualified amiga coder ! T h r e e L i t t l e E l k s ----------------------------- · spot joined from new age · blunt is official 3le warez mailspreader T r s i ----- · qba left to be a member of anadune and nah-kolor only · klod and elis left for nah-kolor you want your latest news in here?.. then send it to coolio@noord.bart.nl blunt1@dds.nl or blunt/ghd^talent^blacksista! henk wijnholds marktkade 110 9581 aw musselkanaal the netherlands _ _ __. ____ \__ |_ ____ ____ ____ ____ ./ __/_ / _ \ / __ \ _\__ \_/ \_/ __/_. | \ Y / Y \_ Y _/ /\_ _/\___ |nM$! `------^--/---^---/--^--\---'|----|^------' -÷{ C · H · A · R · T · S }÷- .....................g R a P h I c I a N c H a R t S..................... __ __ .-^\/^----÷{ nAME }÷--------------.÷{ pREV iSSUE }÷.------÷{ tODAY }÷--^\/^-. | | | | | 01.lazur/anadune............... | ......65...... | .....[ 112 ]...+48.... | | 02.louie/the.black.lotus....... | ......35...... | .....[ o53 ]...+18.... | | 03.danny/the black lotus....... | ......32...... | .....[ o42 ]...+17.... | | 04.facet/the.black.lotus....... | ......25...... | .....[ o36 ]...+o4.... | | 05.yoga/nah-kolor.............. | ......18...... | .....[ o26 ]...+18.... | | kazik/anadune............... | ......18...... | .....[ o22 ]...+15.... | | 06.fame/nah-kolor.^.floppy..... | ......11...... | .....[ o21 ]...+10.... | | rodney/the black lotus...... | ......11...... | .....[ o2O ]...+o2.... | | 07.made/bomb.^.scoopex......... | ......10...... | .....[ o19 ]...+o1.... | | 08.ra/nooon.................... | .......9...... | .....[ o17 ]...+o6.... | | 09.fairfax/andromeda........... | .......7...... | .....[ o11 ]...+o1.... | | peachy/haujobb.............. | .......7...... | .....[ o11 ]...+o5.... | | 10.cougar/artwork.............. | .......6...... | .....[ o11 ]...+o8.... | | destop/cncd................. | .......6...... | .....[ oo7 ].......... | | pickpoke/scum............... | .......6...... | .....[ oo7 ]...+o1.... | | | | | ¯)_ __ _ _________________________l________________l____________/\ _______(¯ /\\/ ¯¯ ........................s W a P p E r c H a R t S.......................... __ __ .-^\/^----÷{ nAME }÷--------------.÷{ pREV iSSUE }÷.------÷{ tODAY }÷--^\/^-. | | | | | 01.trasher/artwork............. | ......19...... | ......[ 19 ].......... | | 02.qba/nah-kolor^trsi^anadune.. | ......11...... | ......[ 17 ]...+5..... | | 03.case78/scoopex^c-lous^head!. | ......14...... | ......[ 15 ]...+1..... | | 04.blaze/floppy................ | ......11...... | ......[ 13 ]...+2..... | | 05.korbal/dinx projects........ | ......12...... | ......[ 12 ].......... | | 06.sagrael/mystic.............. | .......6...... | ......[ 06 ].......... | | 07.norman/anadune^doggystyle... | .......5...... | ......[ 05 ].......... | | 08.candyman/session............ | .......4...... | ......[ 04 ].......... | | iceman/sector 5............. | .......4...... | ......[ 04 ].......... | | acid/doggystyle............. | .......4...... | ......[ 04 ].......... | | jacool/turnips.............. | .......4...... | ......[ 04 ].......... | | klaf/appendix............... | .......3...... | ......[ 04 ]...+1..... | | qix/vacuum.................. | .......3...... | ......[ 04 ]...+1..... | | hardfire/intense............ | .......3...... | ......[ 04 ]...+1..... | | 09.splatterhead/eltech......... | .......3...... | ......[ 03 ].......... | | noodle/haujobb.............. | .......3...... | ......[ 03 ].......... | | mr.king/trsi................ | .......3...... | ......[ 03 ].......... | | hp/limited edition.......... | .......3...... | ......[ 03 ].......... | | devistator/abyss............ | .......3...... | ......[ 03 ].......... | ¯)_ __ _ _________________________l________________l____________/\ _______(¯ /\\/ ..list of voters.. 13 ace/session 23 acid/dinx projects 14 acryl/session^acme^illusion^legend design 23 assassin/sector 5 ^ opm 13 bipbip/fresh 23 belos/independant 13 bentos/chaos split^eternal 13 black dragon/limited edition 23 black fire/nexus 23 blaze/floppy 23 blunt/ghd^talent^blacksista! 13 boulder/high voltage 14 boo/talent 23 bubba/iris 13 camel/eternal 22 confidence/balance 14 crazywild/ghd^massive 23 czarny/skulls 13 damion/artwork 15 danny/the black lotus 22 dave/freezers 15 digger/bucket 13 deus docet/boyzout 13 draw/ambrosia^u'race 23 drf/venal 14 dvize/devious^limited edition 13 dwangi/pacific 23 exor/high voltage 13 fashion/ram jam 14 fender/subspace 23 flapjack/erotic design 13 franckey/dinx projects 13 geist/balance 22 grace/illusion 13 groover/giants 13 hamer/independant 22 hollywood/mono 22 iso/reality^mono 13 ital/freezers^digital corruption 23 jakec/nipson 14 jazz/haujobb^illusion^impulse^smoke 22 jim/scalaris 13 juhi miettinen/independant 14 kaneda/ghd 13 keldon/giants 13 kestrel/syndrome 23 klaf/freezers^appendix 13 korbal/dinx projects 13 kosmi/dinx projects 23 kovy/union 14 lithium/eltech^euphoria 13 madel/fire 14 madbart/anadune^appendix 13 marc/syndrome 13 mcrudi/mavi^void 13 meecash/thefect 23 melon/nah-kolor^fci 15 mike/mystic 23 mr.no/absolute! 15 napoleon/rage! team 13 nemes!s/digital^sos 15 nike/trsi^craze 23 norman/anadune 15 offa/the black lotus 23 prince/limited edition 14 probe/virtual dreams 13 qba/nah-kolor^anadune 13 rabl/void 13 raptor/void 13 rix/error2 15 rokdazone/artwork 13 sane/sardonyx^mellow 23 snipe/hyper tracks 13 steve jones/doggystyle 13 swoop/rebels 13 tcx/apathy 13 terry/dinx projects 23 timer/appendix^squeezers 22 the ripper/da press! 23 the fender/venal 23 the founder/u'race 13 timi/dinx projects 23 yappi/erotic design 22 zabora/tng^pi^cl 23 zeeball/apathy 23 zounds/fci ..that makes 85 filled sheets.. ..make sure you filled the sheet too!.. __ __ ____ _\_\ / (_ _____ ____ ____ ./ __ \ / _/ \ / / \ / __/_/ \_/ __/_. | \_ Y \ Y /| Y _/ \_ _/\___ |nM$! `---/--^------^------^------'|----|`------' -÷{ A · D · V · E · R · T · S }÷- [. tASTE tHE dUTCH fLAVA! .] blunt/talent^ghd^a!a henk wijnholds marktkade 110 9581 aw musselkanaal the netherlands [. fRIENDSHIP aND/oR eLITE .] _ ____ _____ __ .____. _______ ____. __ _ ./ ___(____| |______ ___)_ | | \_ | _ / _/ | tF! |___/ |___/ / ` | u'R! _ _____ /_______| /_____/__________| __ _ for friendship.music.gfx.lazy legit: bliss of ghd 31 snowdon place stirling scotland fk82jp foreign preferred _______ ____ ______ .---------- - ._\_ ___/__.___| |_\___ \_ | gRASSHOPPER | \_ | _| | / / |dEVELOPEMENTS!__________|__\. |_______/| `-------------------------cDrl____|e^d-----' For JOINING gRaSsHoPpEr d!.... kAnEdA oF gRaSsHoPpEr d // cOdE sWaP! 49 Rannoch Drive /OO aGa sWaP! Bearsden ( __) fRiEnDsHiP! Glasgow /,-' jOiNiNg! G61 2LF // sPeCtRuM / C16! Scotland // -nO uK sWap!_ _____// nO gIrAfFeS!!.. `------------------ /---------------------' . |__ __, ___ __ HS! .-|__)(__(__| (__ (_/_-. `------------------------' 4 any kinds of swapping: blaze·floppy polna 63/5 21-200 parczew poland no faked stamps! everyone is welcome! sYNDROMe ^ cRAZy ^ sECTOr 7 . ....................... . : : : : contact... : : : : : : : : M a r c : : : : : : : : Marcus Kaluschke : : : : Ostpreussenstr.30 : : : : 31553 Sachsenhagen : : : : Germany : : : : : : : : for mod swap,etc. : : :.....................: . . greetz to: jcs,cdk,case 78, cyborg,thcm,kestrel,stone, .jazz,raptor,big-rat,l.lech. For any king of swapping with longs letter and hot stuff... Also support to Paradise pak! MELON/MYSTIC^F.C.I. Marcin Banasiak Dabrowskiego 87/4 58-105 Swidnica Poland hi: Qba·Mr.King·Action·Scraby Gangsta·Trasher·Lord·Immortal Sinister·Klaf·Dave·Mike·Magic Decoy·Kestrel·Blaze·Mars·Draw Sixpack·Yoga·Speed Devil·Zibi Pantera·Xtd·Hooligan·The King Zefir·Sagrael·Dweeb·Qix·Pagan Mr. Uhu·Coolio·Daffy·Bartesek Chelesa·Jacool·Kazik·Norman.. ÷ : : _____ _________ _____ _ ____ _________________________ _|_ :____\ _/____\ ____/_\ /___ \\|_ : \_ ___/ _/_ /__ GFX-Twins/Essence \/ :_________________|_______/ / - --------------- - | : __ ______ /________\ __ ________ _____ | :/\_\__ _| |______:.__________\/____.____\_ /____\ _/____ | :\/_/_/\ \_ _/ || \/ _| / / _\ _| : \_\/ |______|______/\ _________\_____/______\______________\ : \_____|cDr/m's · - Watch out for our soon coming Slideshow - Best regards to all sceners - ______ __ ___\____|_/ |__ _____.:[nM$]:. _/ ____/| ___/_| /___ __\ \| | \| \_ / \_ __ _) \\________|_________/________// (_ | | | .:Nemes!s/Digital:. | | 100% Lee Harwood 100% | | TO 30 Farrier Close TO | | ALL! Fatfield, Washington ALL! | | Tyne And Wear | | NE38 8RW, ENGLAND | | | | Contact me for swapping, joining. | | Editors, MOST welcome! | | | | .:D I G I T A L A R E B A C K:. | ¯)_________________________________(¯ _ ______________________________ ___ / / __// / / / / / / .-------/ / / /_/ // / / / / / /_/ /_/-----. | / / / //_/_/ / / / / /pr!de | | /_/_/_/ /_//_____/___/_/ /_/_/ | | - -- --/_/--- artwork --/_/------ -- - | | | | For legal reasons write to.. | | ------------------------------ | | Trasher of Artwork | | Oliver Plink | | Bricciusweg 03 | | 89079 Ulm | | Germany. | | | `------------------------------------------' . ...aLSO fOR aNY D.I.S.C sUPPORT ! __:_________________________________ l_ ______l___ _ ¬\___ ¬\_ ___ /// | \___ ¬\_/ / / \ /____ ¬\ .:l l / _/ / / / _/ /: .::::\______/\_____/\______/\______/::. |ø:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ø| :----------------------------: | y0UR sWAPPIN` gRANDPA` ¬| |_____4 aMIGA/sNES & tAPE-tRADING .__¦ ::::::\ \::::| |::::::\ mAHADMA GHANDY/GODS \:·:| |:::·:::\ Lars Sobiraj \::: ::::::::/ Mindener Str. 5 /::| :::::·:/ 40227 Düsseldorf /:·:: |:::::/ Germany /::::| |::::/___ ______ _____ _ _ _____/:::::| |¯¯¯¯ ` ¯¯¯¬| TRIBE IS NEEDED & FRIENDSHIP IS WANTED! ______ _________________________________________________________)::::/ \_ _________ \_ _____/ ___________ \_ ___________ \_ ___/__ ·| ____/ _/ _/ ___/_| ___/_| _____/ ___/_| _/ /_____ |· :| | \ \ \ | \ | \ | \ | \ \ / |: |l_____l____\ \______l_______l_______l_______l____\ \______|| `----------- \___\ ---pSh--------------------------- \___\ -----' We are looking for an experienced coder ??? INTRESTED ??? for more informations write to: Immortal/Freezers --------------- KASPROWICZA 28E 31523 KRAKOW POLAND _ ______________________________________________ _(_)_ _¦¦¦¦¦¦¦_ | \_ |_#_| (_______) | sOME7HING dANGEROUS iS iN tHE aIR... ¦ _| |_ / `-' \ | wHA7CHA gONNA dO?! . |_ |_ __\ ~U~ /__ | _ (_) (_)_/ \___/ \_| [ r3AC7! / mONK ] [ nOODLE / HauJOBb ] (_) (_) ¦ \ | (_) () . r3AC7IFI3D! | jOERI tAN s7EPHAN sCHIPPER (_) | |_ _¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | fAUNA 17 tIJM 20 () `---' \| V/| 1273 GV HUIZEN 1273 EC HUIZEN | | ¦ | dA nEVERLANDS! dA nEVERLANDS! | /_____________\| | | Y | | ÷ aLSO aSCII'S^rAP ÷ ÷ aLSO mODS^gFX ÷ | | ¦ | | ^fRIENDSHIP ^fRIENDSHIP | ( V ) | | | | | ¦ nO cHEA7ED / lOWPAYED sENDINGS! | | ___ |_____) : nO hANDLES / gROUPNAMES oN mAIL! | (/___\) .._/_. dISC(S) + lE77ER iS A 100% rEPLY! | (_._._) \_ | /_____\________/[rC7]- - - ---------------------------------' `'`'`'`'`''`'`' For some REAL friendship swappin', write to me at this addy: The Specialist / !ndy 100% Reply To ALL!!! Henrik B. Johansen X-Rated Stuff Very Welcome Teglgaardsvej 3, Vindinge DK-5800 Nyborg A1230 50 Mhz, 520 MB HD, 2MB Chip, Denmark 16 MB Fast, CD-Rom, +1600 disks. BTW: Once more.... 100% reply, no matter who u are........., IF u send a nice letter + stuff to me. I am NO diskstealer, like certain other ->known<- swappers. I too swap surprices, candies and other nice things. Please write me now.......... .rooster.swooop.punk. /\_______ ____:_ .hotstepper.nork.qix._:_ / | Keldon@hotmail.com .dvize.action.syndan. | \/ k E L D O N | .case78.tommy.jummen. | :............ cDr/m's ______ ________ ______ _____: : : o : _:_______ ______/ /___\_ /__\ /____\_ \_ : :o o _:____| / \ / / /____/ / / /.. : : \ \ / /_____\ \_____________________________/ : : : /_____\_____/ \_____\ . ..:..:.:.:.....· .qba.ghandy.bubba.axm. | 1 9 9 6 ! ...::: KELDON / GIANTS .spot.chewie.candyman. |_ : : kenneth fajkowski .splatterhead.trasher. /___ _ . ...:.:: arvesgarde 3o .crusader.hawk.rodney. : 417-44 gothenburg .coolio.orbit.ace.mrk. . sweden ______ ___________ _________ ______ |____ V_____|____ V_____| | | ____| |___ _|_____|___ _|_____| |__\___ \_ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ¦ | | | ¦ | ¦ | ¦ | l__| |_____l_____A_____A_____l_____| rC7l__l SwOOP/rEBElS ERiK SuNDBERG STRANDBERGSV.12 6 1 1 37 NYKoPING S W E D E N .:: aLSO FOR MODuLE SWAP ::. ·:: LoNG LEttER PLEASE ::· · ____/\ ______ _/\ __ · _____ Coma of Three Little Elks :/ __ \ / __ ¬\ / _ Y ¬\: _\__ ¬\. Daniel Johansson ¦. |___Y. l Y. \ / ¦/ __ | Stenstaliden 1B |:. ` ¬|:. |:. Y |:. ' | 681 36 Kristinehamn (SWE) `--------^--------^----l___|--------' ____. For friendly swap... >t0!/E^d< ____/\ .\_ ¬| ______ · Demos - Intros - Diskmags - !Modules! · \___ \| |/ __ ¬\: Utilities - Graphics - Games - Stuff! :__(__ |. |. ____¦ All formats/packers!Answer to every1! ¦:. ¬' |:. |:. ` ¬| (This ad (C) 1996 by CompactAd Corp.) `--------^----^--------' _________ .____. ___\ /_____| | -ÐÅ! | \ /_____ \ __|___ | \\ / \___ \ \__ \ |----\__/---/______\ /KoLoR\ _/\_ QBA/NAh-KoLoR^ANd \oo/ ul. Chopina 4 12-100 Szczytno _/\_ Polnad \oo/ hi: dreamer.norby.magic.billy candyman.mike.trasher.muffler the founder.dave.hiv.qix.zibi sharp.mars.gangsta.vega.excel steve jones.qwerty.ttd.bodzio acbs.klaf.celic.the king.pila terrox.flapjack.fishwave.dsx. decoy.dingo.bald horse.ghandy ______ __ ______ ___ _ _______ _______ _ ___\__ (_.)_)._) ____\_ ___________)__ ) ____(______) ____(___ _ / /| |\ \( / _______( ._ (_/ _ ___( tF! /) .: | |_____\ .: _. (_/ ____|/_____/ .: ._ u'R! _ ______________| \_____\|_________\ /_______|/____________ _ iF yOu aRe aN iNDEPENDENt -GOOD- aSC² aRTISt aNd iF yOu sTILl sEARCHINg oWn aSCIi cREw... jUSt cONTACt tHe fOUNDEr oF u'RACe wHq fOr jOININg... u ' r a c e - y o u n e e d n ' t k n o w n o t h i n g e l s e ! ______ __ ______ ___ _ _______ _______ _ ___\__ (_.)_)._) ____\_ ___________)__ ) ____(______) ____(___ _ / /| |\ \( / _______( ._ (_/ _ ___( tF! /) .: | |_____\ .: _. (_/ ____|/_____/ .: ._ u'R! _ ______________| \_____\|_________\ /_______|/____________ _ ___________ ____________\______ _/_____._____ : __ ._\_ \ _/__ `- \ _| _/ __ : - -÷------_\/_-- -| \ \ /-----\_____\ \. \- ---_\/_------÷- - : __ \/\/ `-cDr--\_____/ `-----l______\ \/\/ __ : : _\/_ _____. _____ _________ _\/_ : : \/\/ ._\_ _|/ /_____________________________\_____ \_ \/\/ : - -÷---- -| \. _/________ \_ /_________ \_ _/ _/- ----÷- - : `-e^d--l_____\ \/ / _/ \ \/ /---\______\ : +-----.____/----._____\--.____/ cONTACt uS: Qba / Nah-Kolor Mars / Nah-Kolor Magic / Nah-Kolor ul. Chopina 4 ul. Na Stoku 2a Spreeuwenlaan 6 12-100 Szczytno 84-230 Rumia 1742 GP Schagen Poland Poland The Netherlands oNLy pURe eLITe !! __ · _______/\\/__________________________________ _ __ _ · _ _:_\ \/ /_:_ _ ! .c.a.r.p. / .p.h.u.t.u.r.e. .3.0.3. & .S.t.r.o.b.e. | | __________ __________ __________ __________ _ _|_ .\ _____/_\ __ /_\_____ /_\ _ /. |/ | \ \_ _/ /_____| Steven | `----------^-----/----^----\-----^---------\ 107 Tintern Road /|_ _ -nM$/sOS! ¡ greets to:gods/eltech/apathy Carshalton __ | | redline/rekton/massive/frezzers Surrey _\/__ | | giants/strange/ramjam/anadune SM5 1QG \\/\ ( | | turnips/kinky/depth/appendix ENGLAND \// | _ _|__void/why/axis/lsd/bucket/void __|_ _ : /_ __ _ __________________________________/\ _____\ : . /\\/ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____/(____/(____/(____/(____/(____/(_/( (¬ ____/¬_ _/¬ ___/¬ __/¬_ _/¬ ___/¬ /_ |____ | | /' | '| | ___| ' | | .( | .( .( | .( | .( ( .( `­­­\_/­­'\_/­­­\_/­­'\_/­­'\_/­­­\_/­­­\_/ -lzd- For happy mailtrading write to: S A G R A E L / M Y S T I C Marcin Sykutera Po Box 26 86-100 Swiecie 1 Poland !Foreigners are welcome! _ _ ____________________________ ._______ ___________ _ _ .__________ ._____. .________ .___¦ /.____________ ___________ : /___¦__ ¦-----¦ ______/___¦ _______/-¦ _______/ / ¦ / __ ¦ | | \ |___¦ | _______/-. ____/ | /______/ |--------'-----------' `-------'-----------' | `----------------' - - ---------- bUCKEt ---------- - - `------tF!-' : : : : bUCKET sTILL sEARCH: cODER (aSSEMBLER) aND gOOD gRAPHICIAN : : : : 4 jOIN'n'sWAPPING wRITE 2: 4 cOOL mAILTRADING wRITE 2: : : : :. tHE sOUL/bUCKET dIGGER/bUCKET .: : tOMASZ dUSZA tOMASZ jANKOWSKI : :. wESTERPLATTE 31/61 mLODZIEZOWA 14/19 .: :. 42-218 cZESTOCHOWA 09-100 pLONSK .: :: -» pOLAND «- -» pOLAND «- :: :::.. . . .::: `·······································································' ____ _____| |_____ ____\____ ____/____--------- - ._\_ ____/_| | ______/_. gIANTs |cDr \_ | |-----. e^d| 1996 !__________|____|__________!------- - fOR MAiLsWAPPiNG: kELdON/GiANtS kENNEtH fAJkOWSKi ARVESGARdE 30 417-44 GOtHENbURG sWEdEN! SUPPORT MY PACK: 'THE NIGHT TRAIN' With Adverts,Messys,News,Music,Votes _________ __ . _______ _:___ _____ ._\___ /_\/_|_\ ___/__| |/ / | _/ _/ \/\/| \____ | / _/ |___/_____\ |__________|___\ \ <------cDr|____|e^d----------->\____\ RiSK / ANiMAtORS John Walter Am Busch 4 53773 Hennef Germany .------._ | ___/ lORD / iMPULSE, aBSOLUTe!, cJ | |____________________________ pETER lABOS | | \________ \_________ \ 1181 Budapest | | ¯¯¯7 \_ ___ _/__ ___/ \_ Darus 10 II/3 | | | / \ / / HUNGARY | |________/_____\ /_________/ lord@goliat.eik.bme.hu | |---------------\ /----[G]--- http://goliat.eik.bme.hu/~lord `------` \/ All sort of instrumental guitar tablatures, notes and tapes swapping! (Yngwie Malmsteen, Satriani, Friedman, Steve Vai, Al di Meola, Paco de Lucia, Santana or any kind of classical) Number of the Beast BBS (iMS wHQ, aBS! wHQ, cJ distro): +36-12914029 -^\/^··· /\ · n · a · d · u · n · e ···^\/^- _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _______ _ _____ \ _///_ _ ______ \ _///_ \ _///_ \ __ /_ _ ______ _\\\_ / .-\____ /-.-\\\_ /.-\____ /-.-\___ /-.--\ \_/ :-\\\_ /.-\_____/ |_---/ | / __/__---/ | --/ __/ \ _ | / __/__ ------_ ///__.__/\_:___/ \_ /__.__/\_|___. \__/\____////___/ \_ /______\\\ --------------/______/------------/____/---------!shp-/______/---------- for some ridiculous trading write to : ---------------------------------------- ACTION OF ANADUNE przemek wozny h.sawickiej 37/27 62-8oo kalisz poland hi 2: absolute!,abyss,artwork,balance,banal projects,bomb,crimson jihad, essence,fci,freezers,giants,gods,impulse,lego,lemon,majic 12,mystic, passion,polka brothers,ram jam,sanity,saturne,scoopex,stellar,trsi,union The Scene Alive? Yes? Or No? Find out at: Noodle - Haujobb Tijm 20 1273 EC Huizen HOLLAND (ownPRODUCTIONS!!!) _______ _____________ _________ ESTRAYK of CAPSULE \_____ )-----.----(__ \_ ___/---\_ __ /--. P.O. Box 6078 _ ) ) ) ) L ) \__/ )_ 46080 Valencia.\\/____T / \___/___ /___ ///. SPAIN `------'--------' `------'bHe`------' ·!· RAGE! ·!· WREC of ZYMOSIS & K!NKY Da famous raging! sceners are here to collect Kiertotie 14 as 2 your vote or any form of contributions... 40250 Jyväskylä Don't wait a minute! Next issue will come FINLAND sooner than you expected... POSDNUOS of TSF RAHIEM of ESSENCE LORD of ABS!&IMS SWOOP of REBELS Cristiano MICOLI Frank MEISTER Peter LABOS Erik SUNDBERG Via D'Aragona 12 Grüner Weg 54c 1181 Budapest Strandbergsv.12 66100 Chieti 58708 Menden Darus 10 II/3 61137 Nykoping ITALY GERMANY HUNGARY SWEDEN ____ _________ ______ ________ ______ _____ / |___\ __ /____\_ \___\_ /_\ /_____ \ \/ ./ / / /____/ / / /_____\/ _______|_______________/_______________________\ cDr/m's/______| contact madel to join rno in poland: mAdEl/rNO^fiRE mARCIN bEbNOWSkI, lEkINSkO 88, 97-560 klESZCZOW, pOlANd write also for nice, fast swapp techno mods and scene stuff try... COMMODORE 64! you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours Ant/3LE (Amiga) Anton Halldin Olsby 304 471 98 Fagerfjäll Sweden for friendly C64 to Amiga transfers _____ ____ ____ ____ ________ / ___/__/ /___/ _/ / /___/___/ _/ «--- - / / / _/ / _/__/ _/ /___/ _/__ -----. / / / _ / / / \ / / / / Depth| /__ / /___/ /__ / /___/ / /__ / / 96 | .------/_____/---/___/-/_____/cHw/___/___/-/_____/--------' | | fAST aND fRIENDLy! cHeWIE/dEPTH | jOHN jOHANSSON | kÖRSBÄRSSTIGEN 21 | - 1oo% aNSWER - 532 74 sKARA | aLSo fOR jOINING dEPTH sWE dIVISON! `---------------------------------------------------- - -» .-/-------------------------\-. |/ \| / 323 MB of demos \ | 102 MB of graphics | | 333 MB of modules | | + 100's of trackdisks... | | | | Coma of Three Little Elks | | | | Daniel Johansson | | Stenstaliden 1B | | 681 36 Kristinehamn | | Sweden | | | \ Also order your mod's here! / |\ /| `-\-------------------------/-' .. ..... .:::· ...: :............. · .__j_ ____ _.___ ____ :____. ,_) 7 , (j ¡ 7 ,_(_¯ ,_(_ j ' ¦ . 7__` |___ 7___ 7 L j j ' _j_ ' _j_ ' _j_ ' _j ¯¯¯¯¯T¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ T¯¯¯¯ ¦ gfx swapping! ¦ :· .·::..: ......... ...: :.. :::::. .... : :.: ::· ···:..:..: : :....: Holger Linde Schwärmerweg 13 ·Cyclone/Abyss· 44269 Dortmund Germany or: cyclone@glenz.prima.ruhr.de Kinderschokolade - macht die Latte gerade.. _:_______ ____ ________ ______ ______| / ____ _____ / |____\_ /_______| | \ _|_ _/ /___/ \ \/ /____/ \ _| /______| \ /_____\/ _:__________________\______\ cDr/m's|_______\ /______| If you need music for your demo, game, diskmag or whatever, then you should consider writing to X-Men at..: Raze of Ambrosia Cyboman of Ambrosia Thomas Petersen Martin Nielsen Nørrebrogade 110, 2Th Borggyden 4, Holbæk 8900 Randers 8950 Ørsted Denmark. Denmark. Our humble greetz goes to..: Scoopex, Puzzle, Polka B., C-Lous, Artwork, Cryptoburners, Passion, Rebels, Sardonyx, Talent, Virtual Dreams, Saf, Razor 1911, Depth, Jewels, Bomb, Sanity and all the members of Ambrosia. ... .... .. . ... ... ......... . . . .. . ......... : ______ ·:.·::::: _/\__: _/\ __/\_______/\ __/\____\_ /_/\__ . · ::: | /:__! \\___ ___/! \\_ _/| /__/\! _ \ . . :: ! / . ! \! \/ \_| \! \_! ! / \_ : .: l_______%____%_______/l____%____/l______%______/D\/z : : ______ . : : dvize/dvs^led _\_ /_/\__ _/\ __/\____/\ _/\_: __/\__ . ²9 diane crescent ! /__/\! _ \ | \\_ _/| \ ! \\____ \_ . mooroolbark ³¹³8 | ! / \! \! \_! \| /. \! / /-. : victoria l______%______%____%____/l____%___.__%_/ · | : australia : /______! :.... . ... . . ..... . . . ... . . .. . . ..... . ..: .oO e-mail: dvize@ozramp.net.au Oo. _/\__ _____ _______________________ __ .--/. \ //. ___________ ____/-::: - ::: ------------_\/_--. .--|_/ _ \ \_ ____/_____/ .\_ ::: : ::: .:::::::. \/\/ |--. | |\_____\ ./__________/\________/ `:::::::' ::: ::: | | | `-------\_____/---------------------------------- `:::::::'.:::::: -' | | ::: .--' | fOR A iNcReDiBlE/fAsT/fRiEnDlY/hOt SwApPiNg tRy: ::: | ::: .::: | NORK/NETWORK^MASSIVE^OSMOSE ::::::: | hi to those groups: Abraham Sanchez Gallego ::: `::: | abyss.aliens.amiga circle. Leon XIII 5-3C | appendix.avocado.axis.balance. 41009 Sevilla | | batman group.bros in arms.capsule. SPAIN | | chaos age.crux.cydonia.darkness.depth. or try on internet | | divas.dusk.erotic design.fanatic.freezers. network@redestb.es | | jewels.giants.goblins.gods.honoo.iris.kinky.llfb. `--. | massive.metro.mezcal.nah kolor.nivel 7.mystic.odrusba. | | old bulls.opium.osmose.ozone.phuture 303.psykotrope.redline.ram jam. | | sadist.saf.scoopex.sdc.silicon.spoon.suicidal t.trsi recordz.vacuum.void| `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' ______ _______ ___.:____ ________ ________ __ ____\ //_ // || \\_ // _ /___ / \ \ / /____/ || / / ./ \/ \ /______________________||_____/______\___|________\/ \· _ <-------------------------------------------cDr/m's/_______\\/ send your support to the new english mag TRASHCAN.... also send your votes ^ support 4 SHOWTIME, DEFY and JURASSIC... do you want to join us? No problem, you can also write to this addy... graphician? ascii-artist? swapper? musician? coders? no probz... leunam/network manuel sanchez gallego c/leon xiii 5, 3-c 41009 sevilla spain! you are too lazy to write a letter? Don't worry, you can try this... - ---> network@redestb.es <--- - you have not time to send a e-mail? just find on #amigascne... never had so easy to contact with someone... ;) ................................................... ________: ________ ____ ____ ___ ________ ________: ___ ____ ._\ _ (:_\ _ ( _\ (__ _\ _/ ( _\ _ ( _\___ (:_\ / ( .-| / \_ _/ \_ ___/____ \ \_ / \_ _/ \_ / \_-. |:| _/ .:/ \______// \_ .:/ \_ .:/ .:/ \ .:/ \ .:/:| `-|__\______/_________/_________/_________/_________/____\____/____\___ /--' : : Y lm! <---:.. n e t w o r k - n o l i m i t s ! - ..:---> . :.............................................: Don't hesitate and contact us for coding matters... WIND/NETWORK WASI/AMIGA CIRCLE^NETWORK Antonio Vargas Gonzalez Oscar Martinez Fernandez C.Relator, 67 C.Conde Toreno, 56 1-D 41003 Sevilla 33204 Gijon (Asturias) SPAIN SPAIN network@redestb.es omartin@arrakis.es ________ _ ______ \ __|________ | _________ ___________ ________ _\________ / _|_____ ____\____ \__/ _______/ ____|_________ \ _/ / \ \ _/ \ \| \ \___ ______/ \____________/_______________\_____/ \____________\___/ \ /___________\ /__________\ __________ _________ _________ _/ ______/_ _______ _/ ______/__ ____|____ __________ \________ \ ____/_\_______ \ ______/_______\____ \_ _ _/ \ \ _/ \ |/ / _/ \ \_____________\_______\____________\______________/_____/ 2s \ [] Black Sista - Genuine Liquid Beats [] .---------------------------.-------------------------------------------. | | | | Orlingo/Black Sista | HipHop-TripHop-EasyTune-Jazzy-Drum'n'Bass | | | And more ... | | Paul Rietveld | DemoScene Related Stuff.. | | Willem Alexanderstraat 6 | KoolJunk(tm)-Stickers-Plastic Bags | | 3258 BB Den Bommel | Humorous Stuff - Handwritten! Letters... | | The Netherlands | | `---------------------------^-------------------------------------------' ________ _ ______ \ __|________ | _________ ___________ ________ _\________ / _|_____ ____\____ \__/ _______/ ____|_________ \ _/ / \ \ _/ \ \| \ \___ ______/ \____________/_______________\_____/ \____________\___/ \ /___________\ /__________\ __________ _________ _________ _/ ______/_ _______ _/ ______/__ ____|____ __________ \________ \ ____/_\_______ \ ______/_______\____ \_ _ _/ \ \ _/ \ |/ / _/ \ \_____________\_______\____________\______________/_____/ 2s \ /____________\ blunt of blacksista! - marktkade 110 - 9581 aw musselkanaal - holland usual swap - gfx swap - ascii requests - (ghd) too hot packmag support... ..also for hokus pokus support, articles, votes, gfx, music and adverts.. ____. ____________ ___ ___ ________\ ¬|___ \_ ___) .__) .¬\/ .¬\/ ._ \ ___) | /----. ||___ ¬\ ¦ ¬\ ¦ \ ¦ \ ¦__/ _)_/ \ ! !(___ /____/____/____/ |¬¦_____)__| \ ¡ ¡ ¬\/ ¬\_| ¬¦____\ | `--------------------------------------÷2F÷' C a s e 7 8 / S c o o p e x ^ C - l o u s R e n e R u m m e l H u t s c h e n r e u t h e r k o l . 5 9 5 1 0 0 S e l b G e r m a n y dealer of latest ambrosia productions graffiti - hiphop - aerosol lifestyle ... name it and you are my man ___________________________________ | ¦ | R.A.M. J.A.M. : | . ¦ . : Fashion seeks for some new : . friends out there. Are you ¦ man enough to try the . challenge ??? Andreas Keirat . Nordstr. 35 . 27619 Spaden . Germany . . : fashion@fishtwn2.han.de : ¦___________________________________| _ _______________ __\\\ . _ /___ hellos to: | O + \/ (_ anadune,sector5,void ____. | ________ ____ :...... erotic design,rektum ___ / | ______ ___\ (_. _\ /_ : dinx project,genetic __\ \/ |__\\ _ (_) \ |__) __ (___ : floppy,freezers,zoom ) \/ · (_ _ \ ¦ _\/_ ( : mystic,fci,rno,opium \_ / __/ \ /\ \/\/ _/ : ungraphy,artwork,sdc /__/ .O ._____| \___/\_______________\ : x-rays,ramjam,nevtos \_______| |______\ ......: iris,nahkolor,bucket $Ð!/dGs . m A w i _| przyjacielestefana b | \_ fire,status ok,venal god create you as |___________/\ _| scum,appendix,sadist f o o l /__________( and rest... we create you as g o d for high quality mailtrading, joning mawi and supporting SAVE DA VINYL: ctp/mawi · tomasz wisniewski · szeroka 35/8 · 75814 koszalin · poland e-mail: zorka19@puma.tu.koszalin.pl no beginners! only firendly and interesting dewdz! foreigners - try... _________ .____. ___\ /_____| | -ÐÅ! hi.. dreamer norby magic billy candyman dingo | \ /_____ \ __|___ case78 mike trasher muffler the founder dave | \\ / \___ \ \__ \ hiv qix zibi melon sharp lazur action vega |----\__/---/______\ /KoLoR\ excel steve jones qwerty ttd bodzio acbs klaf celic the king pila terrox flapjack fishwave _/\_ QBA / Nah ^ And ^ U'R dsx decoy elis bald horse ghandy blaze coma \oo/ ul. Chopina 4 pantera fame jacool czarny magiel hotstepper 12-100 Szczytno _/\_ zerox mr.uhu mars mr.king norman rave rooster oxy'97 Polnad \oo/ blunt zefir yoga dalthon peters dagon noodle I'm really tired with standard swapping, so for REAL friendly swap write to: Steve Jones / Doggystyle Marek Stachon ul.Findera 33/14 43-100 Tychy POLAND Girl-swappers are VERY HOT welcome! Don't send ANY disks! Only paper letters! This address is also for join to DGS and for swap gangsta rap tapes. __________ _____. ________ __\ _____/_\ | __\ _ ¬\ _) ___/ \ |___) ___| \ \_ | _ _/ \______/ /______| //_____\ _.______|$Ð! \____| for some nice mailtrading try: blaze / floppy patrick kalinowski polna 63/5 21-200 parczew poland no faked stamps! known groups only! ......................................................................... ! ! s u p p o r t h o k u s p o k u s ! ! Sane of Mellow ^ Sardonyx Blunt of Ghd ^ Talent Pieter v/d Horst Henk Wijnholds Korte Tuinstraat 32 Marktkade 110 1607 CJ Enkhuizen 9581 AW Musselkanaal The Netherlands The Netherlands HP,SP support + Magswap HP,TH support + Friendly Swap ......................................................................... ._____ .____ _____. _____ .____ ____._____ | _/_ ________ __|_ / \ |___(_____)| \/ (_____)_ __/______ /_ __ \ / | / \_ \/ / \_ | / ____/ / | \ \________/______/____/_____\______/_______/_______/________/ Contact for REAL Friendship Swapping!!! NOT ELITE!!!: ---------------------------------------------------- BLACK DRAGON/LIMITED EDITION PAUL PACHECO 2 AVENUE PAUL BRARD 78700 CONFLANS SAINTE HONORINE FRANCE .____ ._____ _________ ___|_ /_____ | _/_ _____ _______ ________ \____ /_ __ (_____)_ __/_(_____)/ _ \\ _ \ / ____/ / | / \_ | / \_ | \ | \_ \_______/________\______/_______/______/________/___|_____/ __________ __ ________ _______ ________ _______ ______ ___________________ ___\ ___//_ //_ // _ \\ |______ cDr/m's · \ _\ _/ / /_____/ ./ _/ / fREEAAAK!!!!! ________ _/_______|___\______\____________|__________\_______\_ _______ ___ for support -freak- packmag or elite mailtrading: blaze / floppy polna 63/5 21-200 parczew poland no faked stamps! reply guaranted to all supporters! _ _ ____ ____ \__ / ______ ______ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____-nM$ ./ _/_ / / \ _\_ /_\_ // _ \ _\__ \_/ \_/ __/ _\__ \ / __/_. |\___ V /| V /__/V /__/V / V _/ /\_ _/ _/ V _/ /V\___ | `------^------^----\ `----\ `------^--\---'`----'`------^--\---^------' -÷{ C · H · A · R · T · S }-÷- issue 23 -÷{ C · H · A · R · T · S }-÷- __ __ .-^\/^----÷{ nAME }÷--------------.---÷{ iTEMS }÷--.------÷{ bYTES }÷--^\/^-. | | | | | 1..Bigrat/Abyss^Ethic.......... | ......OO3..... | .............1,241,020 | | 2..Qba/Nah-Kolor^Anadune....... | ......OO5..... | ...............693,548 | | 3..Keldon/Giants............... | ......OO6..... | ...............686,620 | | 4..Dvize/Limited Edition....... | ......OO1..... | ...............579,568 | | 5..Swoop/Rebels................ | ......OO1..... | ...............556,740 | | 6..Curt Cool/Depth............. | ......OO1..... | ...............481,580 | | 7..Sane/Sardonyx^Mellow........ | ......OO2..... | ...............472,308 | | 8..Trasher/Artwork............. | ......OO1..... | ...............412,076 | | 9..Ghandy/Gods................. | ......OO3..... | ...............410,148 | | 10.Blaze/Floppy................ | ......OO4..... | ...............357,980 | | | | | ¯)_ __ _ _________________________l________________l____________/\ _______(¯ /\\/ ¯¯ __ __ .-^\/^----÷{ nAME }÷--------------.---÷{ iTEMS }÷--.------÷{ bYTES }÷--^\/^-. | | | | | 11.Ant/Three.Little.elks....... | ......OO2..... | ...............349,308 | | 12.Black.Dragon/Limited.Edition | ......OO2..... | ...............268,984 | | 13.Jimmy.Parker/Redline........ | ......OO1..... | ...............238,692 | | 14.Fender/Subspace............. | ......OO1..... | ...............219,780 | | 15.Infant/Subspace^Session..... | ......OO5..... | ...............215,388 | | 16.Ital/Freezers............... | ......O21..... | ...............202,542 | | 17.Celtic/Jetset^Axis.......... | ......OO3..... | ...............172,032 | | 18.Orlingo/Black Sista!........ | ......OO4..... | ...............162,060 | | 19.Trauma/Royal................ | ......OO2..... | ...............152,104 | | | | | ¯)_ __ _ _________________________l________________l____________/\ _______(¯ /\\/ ¯¯ __ __ .-^\/^----÷{ nAME }÷--------------.---÷{ iTEMS }÷--.------÷{ bYTES }÷--^\/^-. | | | | | 20.Crazywild/Grasshopper d..... | ......OO2..... | ...............145,904 | | 21.Exon/Riot^Jormas............ | ......OO2..... | ...............139,800 | | 22.Prodigy/Oops!............... | ......OO3..... | ...............138,420 | | 23.Zerox/Gods.................. | ......OO1..... | ...............124,288 | | 24.Noodle/Haujobb.............. | ......OO2..... | ................99,380 | | 25.Flapjack/Erotic Design...... | ......OO1..... | ................76,928 | | 26.Wilsh/Grasshopper d......... | ......OO1..... | ................74,036 | | 27.Radavi/Effect^Royal......... | ......OO1..... | ................65,840 | | 28.Coma/Three Little Elks...... | ......OO1..... | ................43,460 | | 29.Kaneda/Grasshopper d........ | ......OO1..... | ................14,856 | | | | | ¯)_ __ _ _________________________l________________l____________/\ _______(¯ /\\/ ¯¯ !! votesheet support !! __ __ .-^\/^----÷{ nAME }÷-------------------------------.-----÷{ sHEETS }÷--^\/^-. | | | | 01.Korbal/Dinx Projects......................... | ........[ o22 ]....... | | 02.Blaze/Floppy................................. | ........[ oo8 ]....... | | 03.Qba/Nah-Kolor................................ | ........[ oo6 ]....... | | 04.Keldon/Giants................................ | ........[ oo2 ]....... | | | | ¯)_ __ _ __________________________________________l____________/\ _______(¯ /\\/ ¯¯ _ _ _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ./_\/_\ / __/ / __/_ / __/_ / __ \ / __/_ / __/ / __/_. | \/ Y _/ Y\___ Y\___ Y \_ Y \_ Y _/ Y\___ |nM$! `--/---^------^------^------^---/--^------^------^------' -÷{ M · E · S · S · A · G · E · S }÷- ..this time from.. 01.korbal of dinx projects 02.jim of sdc............. 02.felix of massive....... 03.moon of abyss^kinky.... 04.risk of animators...... 05.leunam of network...... 06.nork of massive........ 07.sloody of silicon...... ------------------------------------messages from korbal of dinx projects----- Date_1.1.97 I'm still waiting for answer from that people: Sascha, TheLoop, Wade, Subtopia, Frank, Kaosmaster, SuperDna, Ital, Punk, Cenobite, Fender, Excel, Ghandy, Invoker, Darkhawk, Millenium, Ravana, Sear, Crazywild, Cyclone, Swoop, Dosadi and DrDeath. Ace/Session Hey man. What's up? Delay or post, ha? I sent letter 2.07. I sent postcard too. Acid/DinxProject Zaskoczony naszym demem, co? Ja teû byîem, ale najgorsze jest to, ûe znowu nie zostaîo one wystawione. My to mamy pecha do the party. Angeldust/P303^RNO Hi delayer. Nice to be in touch with you - always big delays :). BadBoy/Giants I've a lot of x-files pictures, so if you want than i will send you some. Benton/Eternal Sîyszaîe, ûe Szpryca wreszcie wyszîa, ale ûe straszna kiîa. Podeôlij, to sam ocenië. Blaze/Floppy Podoba mi sië nasz swap, jakoô fajnie sië z tobâ listy pisze. Boobba/Sektor5 Kiedy bëdziesz znowu swapiî, bo jakoô sië za tobâ stëskniîem. Bubba/Iris Dlaczego swap zawiesiîeô? Camel/Eternal Jak nie pisaî tak nie pisze. Celtic/Axis Why the hell you don't write to me? If you drop swap with me than send my disk back. Coolio/GHD^Smellon^Ambrosia I've a lot of votes for too hot so write quickly. Ctp/Mavi Wreszcie sobie moûemy normalnie swapiê. Gdyby nie mój ruch, to byômy pewnie nadal na swoje listy czekali. Czarny/Skulls I jak tam po Prodigy? Draw/Ambrosia Kupiîem tego nowego Dezertera i nawet fajny jest, ale to nie to, co dawne ich kasety. Nie ma to jak dobry, prymitywny punk. Drf/Venal Czekam na Lifeforce. Supportu trochë mam, wiëc pisz szybciej. DrSzach/DinxProject Ale nam sië grupa rozrosîa, co? Emer/Fire No i dlaczego nie piszesz, jak na intelu obiecaîeô, co? Pospiesz sië. Exor/HighVoltage Chyba z tobâ kontakt zerwë, bo jakoô nie otrzymujë nic w zamian. Fishwave/Sardonyx I jak tam nasze artykuly? Flapjack/EroticD. Niedîugo odpiszë, ale narazie mi sië nie chce. Franc/DarkTeam Podobno jesteô w wojsku? Franckey/DinxProject^SAF No to mamy kupe roboty z tym magiem. Ja mam juû pierwszy artykuî. Hawk/Giants Thanx for answering me. Let's start good swaping. Hurricane/Void I haven't answer from you since 10.8. I sent postcard. Delay or post? Iceman/Sektor5 Kiedy mi nowego Candy Assa podeôlesz? Czekam. Insert/Amnesty No to robimy maga. Jak tam Hasidowi idzie kodowanie? Jacool/SDC Ûyczë powodzenia wiesz z czym. Czekam na znaczki i czad gieîdë. Jigit/Clan Dziëki za kartkë. Jak tam twardziel? Kismat/Apathy Spreaduj tego Feedbacka, bo jak nie... Klaf/Freezers Czekam na nowego Bigoza. Ko$mi/DinxProject Czeôê pijaku. Jesteômy juû razem tylko w jednej grupie. Madel/Fire^RNO Jak tam poczta. Mam nadziejë, ûe list doszedî. Maniek Odpisaîem ci i teraz nic od ciebie nie ma, czyûby poczta? Meecash/Thefect I jak ci sië pracuje na a1200? Zajebisty sprzët, nie. Tylko jeszcze twardziel by sië przydaî. Melfis/Cider When you will send me your own production? Why did you change your handle? Melon/Mystic^FCI I co z twoim pakiem? Jakoô go nie widaê. Votki caîy czas spreadujë, wiëc ty rób to samo z moimi. Michael/Freezers I'm waiting for Deadlock#11. Write longer letters, please. Mico63/Iris Delay or post? I sent letter 26.6. McRudi/AFC Znowu delay. Ty to sië chyba nigdy nie poprawisz. Morino/Thefect I znowu delaya robisz. Kiedy jakieô produkcje Thefectu? MrNo/Abs Thanx for postcard. When P&R#3? MrUhu/Freezers Mam nadziejë, ûe jak juû sobie naprawisz amigë, to wrócisz do normalnego swapu. Nork/Massive^Network I'll write to you very soon so don' be angry for me. Norman/Anadune Jak tam po Prodigy. Jak tam Convention (wiesz o co chodzi)? Otton/HighVoltage Coô ostatnio listu od ciebie nie widaê. Pingpong/Bucket Tak wiëc czekam na te Dave'a moduîy. Qba/Nah-Kolor^Anadue Podeôlij mi spis gier na psx, bo chyba bëdë miaî dla ciebie klienta. Quetzalcoatl/Clan Jak tam na polibudzie. Widzisz juû w szeôciu wymiarach? Quizer/Scalaris Coô nie widaê listu od ciebie. Rabi/Claustrophobia^Void No i listu nie ma. Rabl/Void Delay or post? I wait for more postcards. Rappid/EroticD.^Genetic Coô listu od ciebie nie widaê. Delaye juû ci chyba w krew wchodzâ, wiëc chyba bëdziesz musiaî xywë zmieniê. Raptor/Sektor5^Void Czekam na nowe filmy. React I'm waiting for next letter, too long i think. Realitor/Eltech Hey man! What's up with you. I sent letter 11.6 and after that i haven't letter from you. Delay or post? Roover/Nevtos^HighVoltage Niedîugo ci odpiszë. Rufless Fajnie sië z tobâ swapi, ale nie rób takich delayów, pliz. Sagrael/Mystic Podeôlij jakiô numer tej waszej gazetki. Sleeper Czekam na list od wakacji i nic. Podobno opuszczasz scenë? Propozycja jest juû nieaktualna. Snahe/Thefect^Opium Coô dîugo nie mam listu od ciebie? Czyûby aû tak pochîonëîo cië dzwonienie? Steel/Eternal^Sektor5 Podobno opuszczasz scenë? Strife/Apathy Enjoy our demo, man. I'm waiting for next issues of Feedback. Terry/DinxProject Przyôlij mi DigiBoostera, bo hip nie chce odtwarzaê takich moduîów. TheFounder/Scum Yonek sië pytaî czy na serio jest w Scum. TheKing/EroticD. Podobno na pc przechodzisz? Co z listem do mnie? Timi/DinxProject Ciulato, ûe demo nie zostaîo wystawione, widaê historia lubi sië powtarzaê. Szkoda, ûe sië rozspreadowaîo tak szybko, bo moûnaby je wystawiê na Rush Hours. Trasher/Artwork^Sanity I'm waiting for next good your own productions. Trauma/Royal^P303 Maybe you will visit Rush Hours? I'll be there Tw.Max/VLB I jak postëpy w asemku? Vega/RamJam We are making intro for #6 so wait for prewiev. Xaver/Gothic Kiedy list? Nie dzwonië, bo zimno na dworze. ----------------------------------messages from jim of stage diving club------- Ace/Union --------- Fenksy za answer! Juû myôlaîem, ûe mnie sobie olaîeô, a tu taka niespodzianka! Mam naedziejë, ûe nastëpnym razem bëdzie szybciej, hë? Acid/Dinx Project ----------------- Strzaîa Aceeedo! Wîaôciwie to nie wiem co pisaê, bo przed chwilâ wysîaîem list. Anyway, Twoje ascii rulesujâ! Action/Anadune -------------- Fajnie sië z Tobâ swappi, tyle ûe trochë rzadko sië odzywasz. Mimo wszystko jest fajnie:) Pozdrowionka i czekam na list! Aga --- Hmm, nie wiem czy gdziekolwiek to przeczytasz... Szkoda ûe wtedy zwiaîaô z tego party, mogîaô przynajmniej szepnâê sîówko, ûe sië zmywasz. Jak bëdë miaî lepszy humor, to moûe skrobnë liôcik. Pozdrowionka! Amanda ------ Ups! List juû wysîaîem, czekam na answer! Pozdrów swojâ kochonos:) i Terry'ego! Ami --- Czekam sobie na answerka od Ciebie. Ciekawe czy znów nastukasz 17 kilo, hîeh! Dziëki za kartkë!!! Mam juû swojego e-maila! A tym czasem 3sie mocno!!! Baflo ----- Huh, kogo my tu mamy! Dziëki za modki Jormasów, czekam na nastëpne! A tak w ogóle, to do zobaczenia w szkole:) Benton/Chaos Split ------------------ A z Tobâ to co sië do cholerki dzieje?!? Znowu taki zajebisty delay mi robisz? A moûe fakin post, hë? Billy/Mystic ------------ Czeôê Billy! Ciebie to naprawdë trudno rozgryúê. Mógîbyô przynajmniej powiedzieê hello od czasu do czasu! Elektronik 4evre:) Balze/Floppy ------------ Dziëki za list! Cieszë sië, ûe wylazîeô juû z doîka. Niestety, mi jeszcze do koïca nie udaîo sië wygrzebaê z tego shitu. Pozdrów Kaôkë! Kiedy Freak'e? Boobba/Sector 5 --------------- Knock, knock! Miaîeô sië zrekontaktowaê i co? Od Intela nie ma od Ciebie znaku ûycia! Gulp teû nic nie mówi, a ja juû nie mam siîy po raz kolejny odnawiaê znajomoôci. Poczta naprawdë sië na nas uwziëîa! Ale mówiîem ûebyô nie fakaî, a Ty nie posîuchaîeô! Bubba/Iris ---------- Sîyszaîem, ûe rzuciîeô swapp... Szkoda, bo nawet nie zdâûyliômy sië porzâdnie poznaê. Tak czy siak, dyski mógîbyô odesîaê. Cosa/Chaotic ------------ Z Tobâ to juû caîkiem nie wiem co jest grane! Dawno, dawno temu dostaîem kartkë i dalej cisza! Odezwij sië jeôli jeszscze w ogóle ûyjesz!!! Ctp/Mawi -------- Hello CTP! Coô sië nam urwaî kontakt. Mam nadziejë ûe sië na mnie nie obraziîeô, hë? Przypuszczam, ûe to poczta. A tyle razy mówiîem, ûebyô uwaûaî ze stampami! Teraz Twoja kolej, czekam na list! Czarny/Skulls ------------- Dilej czy kochana poczta? Pisz szybko! Co z Twoim packiem? Dave/Freezers ------------- Dziëki za odpisanie! Szkoda, ûe rzuciîeô swapp... A tak w ogóle, to sporo czasu spëdziliômy razem na Gravity, tyle ûe Ty pewnie mnie nie pamiëtasz. Razem z Qbâ i Redbullem odprowadzaliômy Cië na dworzec, nevermind. Jeszcze raz dziëki i 3maj sië! Def/Floppy ---------- Dziëki za odpisanie! Wiesz, to trochë nie tak z Tymi swapperami, chociaû w duûej mierze zgadzam sie z Tobâ. No ale to nie czas na takie wywody. Moûe stykniemy sie na jakimô party, to pogadamy. Digger/Bucket ------------- Czadowo, ûe kupujesz modem! Teû bym sobie kupiî gdybym miaî telefon, a tak... Mam nadziejë, ûe nie rzucisz swappu? List juû w drodze! Emer/Fire --------- Miaîem sië z Tobâ zrekontaktowaê, ale jakoô ciëûko mi sië do tego zabraê. Moûe juû odszedîeô ze sceny? Flapjack/Erotic Design ---------------------- Hi Flapjack! Chyba zapomniaîeô nagraê listu... Szkoda, bo ten poprzedni byî naprawdë super. Z niecierpliwoôciâ czekam na answer od Ciebie! Psychol rulesuje!!! Gizbern/Clan ------------ Dziëki za kartkë! Niestety, to nie delay... moja poczta jest naprawdë do dupy. Prawdë mówiëc, to myôlalem, ûe to Ty swoim dawnym zwyczajem nie dajesz znaku ûycia:) List do Ciebie juû poszedî, mam nadziejë, ûe niedîugo sië Odezwiesz! Gulp/Azkberies -------------- Witam mojego kumpla z Kentucky! Jak tam, masz juû to 040, czy jeszcze nie? Czekam na Twój answer. Coô ostatnio zrobiîeô sië ciutkë ospaîy. Zawsze byîo tak szybko a teraz... Czyûby zaczynaî Cië nudziê swapp? Iceman/Sector 5 --------------- Jak dîugo mam jeszcze czekaê? Z tego co mówiîeô na party, to list ode mnie dostaîeô, niestety ja od Ciebie nie mam nic! Pisz szybko! Kiedy nowe Candy Ass? Jutu/Massive ------------ Pozdrowionka dla best codera w Szczytnie! Niestety Rush Hours nie wypaliîo, wiëc musimy poczekaê na innâ imprezkë:) Carton Network da best! :) Ko$mi/Dinx Project ------------------ Czeôê Koômi! Coô dîugo sië nie odzywasz. Napisaîbyô coô, hë? Od Gravity nie dajesz znaku ûycia... Gdzieô mi sië obiîo o uszy, ûe pracujesz?! Prawda to to? Czekam na list! Korball/Dinx Project -------------------- Ty teû coô zastrajkowaîeô. Moûe poczta? Miejmy nadziejë, ûe nie. Pisz szybko! Kyle/Status O.K. ---------------- Przypuszczam, ûe juû nie swappisz. Mimo wszystko dyski mógîbyô odesîaê!!! Madel/??? --------- Kolejny mega delay? Napisz coô, bo wydaje mi sië, ûe teraz Twoja kolej! Czekam na list! Marco/Sadist ------------ Czeôê! Szkoda ûe nie widzieliômy sië na Gravity:( Niestety dopiero po party dowiedziaîem sië, ûe byleô na tej imprezie. Poza tym coô cicho z Twojej strony... Meecash/Thefect --------------- Howdy! Powiadasz, ûe Neuromancer to nic szczególnego? A mi sië podobaî i to bardzo! Bardzo, bardzo, bardzo:) List ode mnie juû w drodze! Melon/Mystic ------------ No i co? Miaîeô byê taki fast a tu na samym poczâtku dilej!!! Tylko nie mów, ûe poczta, bo mnie szlag trafi! Morino/Thefect -------------- Qrewka, Morino! Juû pisaîeô, ûe bëdzie szybko, a tu dalej wszystko bez zmian. Jeden list na póî roku... no moûe troszeczkë przesadziîem:) Mr.Uhu/Scum ----------- Cosik sîyszaîem, ûe odchodzisz ze sceny:( Byîo by szkoda. W kaûdym bâdú razie, mam nadziejë, ûe sië jeszcze odezwiesz. Mtc/Erotic Design ----------------- Gratulujë nowej grupki! Szkoda ûe nie pojechaleô na Gravity, moglibyômy w koïcu spokojnie pogadac i nie tylko pogadaê:) Nevermindy sâ paîer! Noise/Old Bulls --------------- Fajnie byîo Cië spotkaê na Gravity. Szkoda ûe zaraz gdzieô mi zwialeô i potem juû sië nie widzieliômy:( W ogóle byîem mile zaskoczony tym, ûe mnie jeszcze pamiëtasz. 3maj sië! Norman/Anadune -------------- Witam Mistrza Ceremonii! Jak tam po koncercie bogów? Czekam na relacjë! Momentami ûaîujë, ûe nie mieszkam gdzieô na poîudniu... Dzieci Oazy kuhl:) Omega/Rektum ------------ W ogóle to Ty jesteô jeszcze w tej grupce? W ogóle to Ty masz jeszcze Amigë? W ogóle to gdzie Ty sië teraz uczysz? W ogóle to gdzie mój sampler qrwa!!! Pila/Erotic Design ------------------ No tak, na Intelu mówiîeô, ûe robisz delaya, a ja tu sië dowiadujë ûe odchodzisz ze sceny! Co z Tobâ? Mimo wszystko liczë na to, ûe sië jeszcze odezwiesz... Prince/Rektum ------------- Ciebie to juû w ogole pojebalo! Ja wiem, ûe Playstation jest fajne, ale bez przesady! Odchodziê ze sceny dla gierek?!? Skandal qrwa! Dziëki za odesîanie dysku! Proton/Sadist ------------- Ciekawe co tam u Ciebie sîychaê? Jesteô lepszy od Morina. On wysyîa jeden list na póî roku, a Ty jeden na rok... Qba/Nah-Kolor ------------- Czeôê Qba! Mam nadziejë, ûe ochota na swapp powróciîa Ci na dobre, hë? Aha, byîbym zapomniaî! Uwaûaj na ULTRASów!!! Qix/FCI ------- Dziëki za answer!!! Mam nadziejë, ûe bëdzie nam sië dobrze swappiîo. Udanej sesji na studiach! Qla/Rill -------- Jak tam leci na studiach? Mam nadziejë, ûe wszystko oki? Do zobaczenie na IRCu! Juû niedîugo... miejmy nadziejë. Rapid/Erotic Design ------------------- No i co? Na Gravity obiecywaîeô, ûe odpiszesz, a tu jak nie byîo listu tak nie ma:( Twój rysunek z party jest extra! Pisz szybko!!! Redbull/Ghotic -------------- Qrwa, Twoje modki sâ zajebiste! Miejmy nadziejë, ûe na nastëpnym party bëdziesz pierwszy i ûe nagrody bëdâ bardziej normalne:) Revi/Whelpz ----------- Czeôê Revi! Nie mam co pisac, bo niedawno poszedî list do Ciebie. Odpisuj jak zwykle fastem!!! Sharp/Anadune ------------- No i jak tam po party? Mam naziejë ûe nienajgorzej. Napisaîbyô juû cosik! A co z Insiderem? Odpisuj, bo mam jakieô votki dla Ciebie. Skrapi/Sector 5 --------------- Hmm... Listy piszesz fajne, ale za szybki to Ty nie jesteô! Czekam na answer. Spiryt/The Edge --------------- Mam nadziejë, ûe gdzieô to czytasz... Powiedz Cecylii, ûe... albo nie, nic jej nie mów. Ja mam ciâgle nadziejë, ûe z tego jeszcze coô wyjdzie, ûe to sië jeszcze nie skoïczyîo. Sam juû nie wiem... Steel/Sector 5 -------------- Po Intelu wysîaîem list i myôlaîem, ûe juû wszystko wróci do normy, a tu dalej cisza... Mam tylko nadziejë, ûe nie poszedîeô w ôlady Prince'a. The Founder/Scum ---------------- Cieszë sië, ûe nareszcie zapamiëtaleô sobie mojâ twarzyczkë:) Szkoda, ûe Rush Hours nie wypaliîo. Prawdë mówiâc to chyba i tak bym nie przyjechaî, wiëc moûe to i dobrze? List do Ciebie juû w drodze! The King/Erotic Design ---------------------- Czeôê Królu! Rapid mówiî, ûe sprzedaîeô Amigë i kupiîeô grzyba:( King Pack sië sypie... Szkoda qrwa, mógîbyô jeszcze odesîaê dyski jeôli juû nie swappisz of coz. Thief/Doggystyle ---------------- Jak tam przygotowania do maturki? Nawet nie wiesz jak ja sië cieszë z tego, ûe mam jeszcze roczek:) Czekam na answer! Viper/Dark Team --------------- Od Ciebie juû  dîuuuugo nic nie dostaîem. Pewnie poczta, ale teraz Twoja kolej na zrekontaktowanie sië! Wild/Rektum ----------- Nawet fajne te Twoje moduîy! Dziëki za odpisanie! Chyba jednak do Ciebie napiszë:) Pozdrow swojâ kochonos! Yoyo/Mawi --------- No cóû, mówi sië trudno... Dziëki za swapp no i za odesîanie dysku! Zaba/Bucket ----------- Ty juû chyba zdechleô, co? Mimo wszystko prosiîbym o odesîanie dysku! --------------------------------------messages from felix/massive^kinky------- From:Felix/Massive/Kinky to :Action/Damage I heared you've changed group again,but I don't remember which,anyway, good luck and I shure hope to hear from you soon,it's bin a while. From:Felix/Massive/Kinky to :Base/Phuture303/Kinky Hmm,long time since any of us heard from you,why don't you give me sign of some kind,maybe a letter ;) don't laze down. From:Felix/Massive/Kinky to :Crazywild/Ghd/Massive Havent heard from you in a while,and there's more of us. If you've mooved send me your new adress if possible. Don't sinc into the shadows will ya, we could shure need you. From:Felix/Massive/Kinky to :Cybergod/in the army Hey it's bin a while now,have you returned yet ? Well,guess not,but it would be nice if you had,send when you see this little mess will ya ;) From:Felix/Massive/Kinky to :Devistator/Eltech Hmm,you seem to be there one moment,but the next,you're gone again ? It's nicer with a little of rythm,agree ? Send soon old pal ;) From:Felix/Massive/Kinky to :Hawk/nds... Sorry for this little dlay,but being the organicer is sortof timeconsuming, hehe. I'll send as soon as I'm able too,oki ;) From:Felix/Massive/Kinky to :Groover/Pacific Sorry for this little dlay,but being the organicer is sortof timeconsuming, hehe. I'll send as soon as I'm able too,oki ;) From:Felix/Massive/Kinky to :Keldon/Jewels Sorry for this little dlay,but being the organicer is sortof timeconsuming, hehe. I'll send as soon as I'm able too,oki ;) From:Felix/Massive/Kinky to :Maze/Eltech/Massive Hey,are you soon finished with the fooling around ? Hope those 14ises soon realize that you belong in the scene hehe,give me a call will ya,bitchy just to leave it all like that := No offence,I understand,but why not tell it to my face ;) From:Felix/Massive/Kinky to :Pantera/Balance Hmm,you seem to be there one moment,but the next,you're gone again ? It's nicer with a little of rythm,agree ? Send soon old pal ;) From:Felix/Massive/Kinky to :Scraby/Old Bulls/Massive Hmm,where are you old friendhiper ? Hope you'll get my letters,Jutu too. Well,hope to hear from ya soon,don't quitt now ;) From:Felix/Massive/Kinky to :Sixpack (6pøk) of Gods Sexyunderwhere STOP spøkels ;) oki,bra at du endelig stikker fra fårschen gutten,back 2 the old crazystuff again. From:Felix/Massive/Kinky to :The Loop/Artwork Hmm,Imight have sendt to your wrong adress,but I'm going to send again, just wait a couple of weeks untill the nice weather is finished oki ;) Really hope you could make us a module for mu ;) From:Felix/Massive/Kinky To :All my other contacts If there's not a message for you here,it's just becouse there's nothing wrong like dlays or missunderstandings going on = which is very nice. Keep on sending like you've always done,whithout any fuss ;) From:Felix/Massive/Kinky to :All sceners out there If you would like a fast and reliant contact,then just find my advert some- place around here or maybe in other textlike productions,shouldn't be a problem ;) hehe. --------------------------------------messages from moon/abyss^massive^kinky-- From: Moon/Abyss/Massive/Kinky To : Celtic/Axis+Smellon Hi Niels, I like your cool ideas and demos (touch the screen, hehehe), keep on working mate. From: Moon/Abyss/Massive/Kinky To : Coolio/Grasshopper You are right, Austria is much too silent, but not my room, hehehe, loud music rules! From: Moon/Abyss/Massive/Kinky To : Dafix Hallo, Buerotechniker. Oder heisst es Pyrotechniker? Wenn ich dich mal besuche werden wir mal ein paar Sachen in die Luft sprengen, okay? From: Moon/Abyss/Massive/Kinky To : Defcat/TRSI Hi, dieses Jahr hatten wir wohl beide keine grosse Lust zum code, mal sehen was die Zukunft bringt. From: Moon/Abyss/Massive/Kinky To : Devistator/Eltech+Digital Grafiti Hi Neil, your ASCII-stuff is cewl, but i like your gfx much more.:) Keep on painting, mate. From: Moon/Abyss/Massive/Kinky To : Enzyme/Neo Hi Juuso, i'm still waiting for yout return :) From: Moon/Abyss/Massive/Kinky To : Felix/Massive+Kinky Fjelltronen rules! And believe me, you can also listen to the music only, you don't have to burn down churches, hehehe From: Moon/Abyss/Massive/Kinky To : Ghandy/Gods Hi Lars, hast du eine weitere Briefbombe bekommen, oder hat sich die Post mittlerweile beruhigt? From: Moon/Abyss/Massive/Kinky To : Lousy/Black Code Design (BCD) Der Kro'lgoth kann noch gefaehrlich werden, da muss man verdammt aufpassen. Schon beim Aussprechen des Namens kann man sich die Zunge abbeissen, hehehe From: Moon/Abyss/Massive/Kinky To : Mare/Zenon Hi Markku, long time no letter, arhg, my fault, sorry... I will write soon, okay? Too bad that i couldn't visit the ASM96, maybe next year. From: Moon/Abyss/Massive/Kinky To : Miko63/Iris Hello Michael, it's long ago that i have heared from you, please send soon. From: Moon/Abyss/Massive/Kinky To : Mj/Iris Thanx for your megafast excellent support. Lets drink some beers together at TP6 :) From: Moon/Abyss/Massive/Kinky To : Substance/Avocado Hi Joonas, do you still spend all your time on IRC? Hope to meet you there soon :) From: Moon/Abyss/Massive/Kinky To : Wizzball/Maniacs I'm still waiting for an answer... --------------------------------------messages from risk/animators------------ from: Risk / Animators to: all Hi. Please contact me for friendly swapping, real long letters are preferred. Also list-swapping (modules/demos) is possible. Please contact me for skating- matters, too. No Posers please. My Addy: J. Walter, Am Busch 4, 53773 Hennef, Germany! I hope we all will have a really good time in the scene. We`ll see us on a Party! from: Risk / Animators to: Adonis / Impact DK Howdie Adonis! What`s up? Why don`t you write back to me?? I have written back to you about 3 month ago. Perhaps the sending got lost... shit. But please re- contact me. Okay, send soon! risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Ant / 3 Little Elks Hey Anton! I hope we`ll have a cool time together... Cya! from: Risk / Animators to: Aweson / Illusion Hey Marc! Wie läufts bei Illusion?? Meld dich mal, wir haben uns ja seit Ewigkeiten nicht mehr gesehen. Und meine Disks will ich auch langsam mal wieder haben... wenn du Bock hast, dann können wir wieder tauschen wie früher. Ciao, bis bald, ich calle vielleicht mal! risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Bladerunner / Cosmic Pirates Hallo Mirko!! Alles klar? Schreib bald mal zurück!! Denn List-Swapping rult! Okay, dann bis bald!! Meine addy befindet sich in der advert-section, falls Du sie nicht mehr hast. risk! from: Risk / Animators to: Blitter / X-Trade Hey, alles klar??? Danke noch mal für das Parnet-Kabel!! Jetzt?? Der Jungle 8 war echt wieder mal gut, freue mich schon auf die nächste Issue... Yo, dann mach`s mal gut, wir sehen und hoffentlich bald mal wieder auf irgendeiner Party, wa?? So wie ich dich verstanden haben, willst du ja nicht mehr auf DiE Party fahren, war aber auch echt scheisse organised und viel zu kommer- ziell das letzte mal, muss ich zugeben!!! Okay, bis bald dann... risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Candyman / Session Hey Timo my friend!! Thanx for the wanted stuff!! Greets to your brother! And send soon as (almost) always. Your pal risk! from: Risk / Animators to: Case78 / Scoopex / C-lous / Head Hi Rene! Ist ja echt ein dicker Hammer, daß Du die Swapping-Scene verlassen hast. Ist die CD fertig?? Wir sehen uns! risk! PS: Write soon! hehe... from: Risk / Animators to: Celtic / Axis / Smellon Design Hey Niels! I hope we`ll have a cool time together... Cya on some Party. Skate radical! Bye... from: Risk / Animators to: Cie / Phuture 303 / RNO Hi Thilo!! Melde dich unbedingt nochmal bei mir!! Call einfach. risk! from: Risk / Animators to: Coolio / Grasshopper Developements / Smellon Design Hey Henk! I hope we`ll have a cool time together... Cya! from: Risk / Animators to: Curt Cool / Depth Hey Frank!! I hope to see ya in Denmark this year! Bye... from: Risk / Animators to: Cyborg / Crazy Hallo Helge!! Mach ma hinne!! Und sag dem Phase bescheid! risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Cyclon / Eskimos Hi Peter, warum meldest Du dich nicht mehr?? War dir der Kram nicht gut genug? Das kann ich mir nicht vorstellen, denn ich habe mir echt mühe gegeben. Ich habe mittlerweile genug Zeug gesammelt um dir nochmal was zu schicken, aber ich habe vor, ein eigenes Mag unter Animators auf die Beine zu stellen. Aber dann auch mit anderen Sections, wie etwa Musik (Hardcore/Crossover, aber auch Rap, wenn es sein muß, hehe), Drogen (nur paffen.) und Skaten (bin einer der letzten, aber es gibt doch mehr (auch gute) Skater unter uns, als man denkt). Meld dich auf jeden Fall nochmal!! Meine addy findest Du in den Adverts, oder call einfach!! Machs gut... risk aka john. from: Risk / Animators to: Cyclone / Fresh Okay, es ist lange her, aber ich schreibe dir bald zurück!!! Echt... mit Tape! Versprochen... Ansonsten werden wir uns mal irgendwo sehen, hoffe ich! Ciao... PS: Es wäre glaube ich besser, wenn du erst nochmal schreibst, weil ich gehört habe, daß du Ärger mit der Post hattest (ich fake). Oder call einfach mal nach 21 Uhr... 02248 / 3804(john). Ciao... risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Danzig / Animators Na Mirko, du alter Schläger! Naja, was solls... wir werden uns dann wohl auf dem nächsten Meeting oder auf der Messe sehen, wa?? Bis dann... risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Dealer / Savage Wenn wir dich bekommen, dann gibt`s was. from: Risk / Animators to: Deep / Scoopex Hey Juuso! I heared from Gangsta on the Party 5, that you changed your Handle! Well, please write once again, pal!!! Cya. from: Risk / Animators to: Dehydrator / Sardonyx / Savage Hallo Daniel! Erinnerst Du dich noch an mich? Den John? Von Shrimps Design damals? Vielleicht sehen wir uns mal wieder auf einer deutschen Party? Wir werden sehen. Mach`s gut, Ciao... risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Dj Mellow Noise / Infect Hi Dennis!! Alles klar?? Ich hoffe, wir sehen uns nochmal!! War immer sehr cool früher!! Cya soon... risk! from: Risk / Animators to: Dodger / Essence Hallo Daniel! Wir haben uns auch länger nicht mehr gesehen. Aber vielleicht sehen wir uns ja wieder auf der Messe!! Naja, bis denne... risk! from: Risk / Animators to: Double R / Bronx Hey ma jammin` homie from da sunny spain... write once again - it`d be great! Send some new pieces from `Mr.Stone`, coz he got a good Style! Yes... cya somewhere sometime... risk!! from: Risk / Animators to: Dr.Avalanche / Ind. Hi! Haste meine Karte bekommen? Ich hoffe, du hast dich gefreut! Meld` dich mal wieder, so langsam musste dich doch wieder eingekriegt haben. Ciao... PS: Ratinger Hof suxx, aber die Fresh Fruits sind lecker und die Afterhours sind (recht) lustik. from: Risk / Animators to: Dragon / Incal Hi! Ich hoffe wir sehen uns bald mal wieder! Auf den letzten Parties haben wir ja nur Spaß gehabt. Ciao, bis dann, your pal risk! from: Risk / Animators to: Dulux / Mystic Hey Dulux! Lange nicht mehr gesehen!! Bist du auf der Messe?? Okay, dann sehen wir uns ja vielleicht!! risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Eksec / Infect Hi Eksec, alles klar bei Infect? Wir sehen uns! from: Risk / Animators to: Elvin / Arrogance / Style Hi Ralf! Alles klar?? Meld dich mal wieder. from: Risk / Animators to: Exhorder / Animators Hey, hängt dir immernoch der halb ausgelaufene Öko-Gartenteich aus der Sonnen- brille?? Schreib mir - wie versprochen! Greets to Horny. Und call mal wieder, ich brauche echt mal wieder ein Meeting!! Yo, Okay, dann hau rein... risk! from: Risk / Animators to: Exl / Megahead Hey... what is up with you?? I haven`t received any sending from you for about 4 months now. Please write soon, if you`ve lost my addy, it`s in the adverts- section!! Okay, Cya... your pal risk! from: Risk / Animators to: Fate / Outlaws Hello Fate!! Why don`t you write back?? Haven`t you got my sending? Check out my addy in the adverts-section. Cya soon... risk!! from: Risk / Animators to: Floppy / Silicon Brains Hey Jerome... write soon pal!! I haven`t got any send from you for about a year now... perhaps my sending got lost? Please write soon once again! Cya soon, John... from: Risk / Animators to: Ghandy / Gods Hallo Lars! Wie geht`s Dir denn so? Hoffe mal gut. Wir sollten uns mal wieder auf irgendeiner Party treffen, das ist lange nicht mehr geschehen. Ciao, man sieht sich, ne? risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Gonzo / Illusion Hey Jörg... lange nicht mehr gesehen! Meld dich mal! from: Risk / Animators to: Hardfire / Intense / NGC / MG Design Hey Johan! Cool, that we are swapping four disks regulary now. Please write soon my mate!! risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Hardy / Ind. Hey Hardy!! Du alter Hausschuh... der Toaster hat dich auf seinem College gesehen, warum hast Du ihn nicht identifiziert? Tu das mal, und wenn Du dabei bist, dann call mich auch mal wieder Du fauler Sack!! risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Homeboy / Ind. Hallo Homeboy! Meld dich bald nochmal! risk. PS: Was war jetzt eigendlich mit dem `alten` Quartex-Mann? from: Risk / Animators to: Horny / Animators Hallo Horny!! Alles klar?? Ich hoffe, wir können uns alle bald mal wieder treffen und uns ordentlich die Prellung geben! Aber dann bei mir hier in Oberbayern. Wo warst Du eigentlich in der letzten Zeit? Urlaub? Ich habe 30000000 mal versucht bei dir anzurufen, aber es ging keiner ran. Okay... machs gut. John from: Risk / Animators to: Hurricane / Clan / Void Hi Hurricane! Thanx for contacting. I`m sure we`ll have a good and friendly time in swapping. Write soon! from: Risk / Animators to: Iceman / Sector 5 Hello Iceman my polish friend! Thanx for contacting, but why don`t you write back to me? Please write fast! risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Iro / Depth / Phuture 303 Hallo. Wenn Du mir 10e schickst, dann können wir heiraten. risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Iso / Axis Hey Christiaan! What`s up? Why don`t you write back to me? Write soon! Cya. from: Risk / Animators to: Jazy / Hellfire Hallo Jazy! Ich hoffe, wir werden uns bald mal wieder auf einer Party treffen! Dann können wir nochmal gemütlich einen rauchen. Ciao... risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Kalikone / Dylem Hello Kalikone my swiss friend!! But what`s up with you? I haven`t got any sending from you for about 4 month now. Please send soon!! Cya, your pal risk! from: Risk / Animators to: Karpow / Scoopex Hi Karpow! Well, write soon!! Please ask Deep / Scoopex to write me once more! Thanx! Any Scoopex Releases in the next future? Hope so... Okay... Cya soon! risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Kestrel / Syndrome Hallo JC. Alles in Ordnung oben bei dir?? Hoffe ich mal!! Ich hoffe auch mal, daß wir uns auf jeden Fall in nächster Zeit mal sehen, ehe wir Falten und Alsheimer bekommen. Okay... bis dann, write soon!! risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Krypton / Shoot Hey Krypton! Alles klar? Echt gute Musik, die ich da in letzter Zeit von dir gehört habe. Wir haben uns auch länger nicht mehr gesehen, ich hoffe, daß wird sich bald mal ändern. Lass uns bald nochmal mit dem Mellow abfeiern! Okay, dann bis (hoffentlich) bald!! Your pal risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Ledge / In-Sect Hey Kim my friend! Thanx for the wanted stuff! I really hope to see you again in Aars!! So long, write soon, insect! risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Lord Lech / Humbugs Hey du Skatersau! Was ist los? Mach ma flott, oder ich melde dich beim dem komischen polnischen Verein an, hier bei uns anner Ecke. Ist ne Sekte, glaube ich, die trinken immer sekt und sehen aus wie in-sekten. Alles aus Plastik, wenn du mich fragst!! Aber jetzt schreib` ma!! Kannst auch callen, wenn Du Böck hast. Cya... from: Risk / Animators to: Mars / Mystic Hello Mars!! Why don`t you write back?? Haven`t you got my sending? Check out my addy in the adverts-section. Cya soon... risk!! from: Risk / Animators to: Marty McFly / Style Was gibt`s da noch zu sagen?? Call mal wieder du Widder... from: Risk / Animators to: Maxx / Illusion Hey Christian... Von dir hört und sieht man ja auch nichts mehr, ne?? Falls Du nicht in Illusion bist, haste Bock auf Animators?? Yo... Meld dich über- haupt mal!!! Greets to MDB, Powl, Sting... from: Risk / Animators to: Mike / Mystic So you left the Swapping Scene. Well... what to say? I wish you much luck in the future. Perhaps we`ll see us on a Party again... I hope so. Bye. from: Risk / Animators to: Mindphaser / Freezers Hey Frederik... write me once again, or have you left the Scene?? hmm... from: Risk / Animators to: Morbid / Animators Haloele Stephan! Alle klar?? Hoffich mal. Meld dich bitte nochmal, wegen Party! Bis denne und trink Paderborner. john. from: Risk / Animators to: Mogue / Arclite Hi Mo. Alles klar?? Naja, wir werden uns dann wohl auf der Messe sehen, wa? Bis dann, Ciao! from: Risk / Animators to: Mr.Vain / Sunflex Inc. / Arclite Hey Man-fred! Wo bist Du? Bitte melde dich auf jeden Fall nochmal bei mir. War immer lustig früher... machs gut Alter. from: Risk / Animators to: Noodle / Haujobb Hey Noodle!! Where are you?? I haven`t got anything from yourself for almost 3 month now, what`s up?? You were fast... well, please write me once again! Your pal risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Phase / Craze Yo Stephan!! Ich hörte, du bist jetzt in Craze?? Aber bitte schreib` mir bald mal wieder, weil ich deine Briefe früher echt gemocht habe!! Okay, man sieht sich! Your pal John! from: Risk / Animators to: Pink / Abyss / Sceptic Hallo Manfred. Warum schreibst du nichtmehr? Keine Zeit, oder was?? Bitte hau mal rein und schick mir was!! Ansonsten sehen wir uns auf der Messe oder irgendwo. Ciao, your pal risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Powl / Illusion Hi powl! he. Alles klar? Bitte grüss den Maxx, den Sting und den Karsten mal von mir. Wir sehen uns!! Ciao... from: Risk / Animators to: PVC / Decent Hi Sven! Alles klar in Porz? Was machst Du jetzt? Wir haben uns ja gut lange nicht mehr gesehen, call mal wieder. Grüsse an Cocoon, wenn du ihn siehst. Ciao, vielleicht sehen wir uns ja auf der Messe. from: Risk / Animators to: Radavi / Effect / Royal Hey Ray, what do you think about writing me once again? Cya... from: Risk / Animators to: Rahiem / Essence Hi Rahiem, bitte schreib mir mal zurück, wegen Moduleswappen. from: Risk / Animators to: Ramirez / Illusion Hi Gerd!! Ich hoffe, wir sehen uns bald noch mal! War lustik mit dir und Aweson auf der Pokomm letztes Jahr. Ciao... risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Scorpik / Absolute! Hey Adam my friend! In summer I was in poland, but I haven`t found your house. Shit... I hope we`ll meet soon, pal! risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Skinner / Eltech Hey Skinner! How`s life in the army? I hope you are back soo, becoz I miss your cool letters!! Cya... from: Risk / Animators to: Skull / Eremation Yes, I`m still interested in Swapping with you, so let`s go on mate! Sorry, I got a headache from some Dreamer-Module... so I`ll end here, but send soon anyway!! Greets to your Girlfriend and please say to Tos/Silicon, that he should write me once again, okay?? Thanx mate... your pal risk/ats! from: Risk / Animators to: Slime / Myth / Fairlight (C64) Hi Slime! Alles klar? Ja, auch für dich habe ich eine Messy übrig. Wir sehen uns auf der Messe. risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Snoop / Applause Hey Robert!! Why haven`t you written back to me yet?? I got your card and sent a letter with disks back. I still want to swap tapes with you, so come on! from: Risk / Animators to: Sodom / Shripms Design Lebst Du noch?? Lange nix mehr von dir gehört... Meld dich mal wieder du alter Säufer!!! Ich habe neulich mal bei dir gecallt, aber deine Mutter hat da wohl was verplant! Call einfach mal! Wir seh`n uns und feiern, wie früher!!! risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Splatterhead / Fanatic Hey Vesa! All right? Please write soon... I haven`t got any post from you for about 7 months now! I`m looking forward to get some sending from you soon!! Okay... Cya soon... your pal risk!! from: Risk / Animators to: Sting / Abyss / Alcatraz Hallo Sting aus Gelsenkirchen. Alles klar bei dir?? Ich hoffe, wir sehen uns irgendwann nochmal, bevor wir sterben. Ciao... your pal risk! from: Risk / Animators to: Tazz / Animators Hi Marius, du Tasmanischer Teufel!! Warum meldest Du dich nicht mehr? Hast Du meine Karte bekommen?? Schreib mir bitte bald zurück. Grüsse an Mel`o dee!! Falls ihr wieder auf die Party fahren solltet, dann gebt mir bitte Bescheid. Okay, ich hoffe wir hören voneinander!! risk. from: Risk / Animators to: The Elder / Synergy Hey, schreib mir bald mal zurück du Eimer! Oder ist der plus4 tot? Der wird nie tot sein! Schreib! Meine addy findest Du bei den adverts!! risk. from: Risk / Animators to: The Trendy Dealer / Ram Jam Hi Eugenio!! All right? At least I hope so. Why haven`t you written me for such a long time? What`s up? I told Vega several times to ask you to write me once again, but nothing happened... why? Please write once again, but with looong handwritten letter, as in the old times... you remember? If you`ve lost my addy, then please look in the adverts-section. from: Risk / Animators to: Rave / LSD / Sceptic Hey Christian!! Was is denn los? Da freue ich mich, daß Du mich nach langer Zeit recontactest, und dann meldest Du dich doch nicht mehr. Mach ma hinne. Ansonsten sehen wir uns auf der Party`96? Okay, schreib schnell bitte!!! risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Toaster / Animators Ha, Danke für deine Hilfe heute, als ich die Ohrenstäbchen in meine Angel- stiefel geworfen hatte und sie nicht mehr rausbekam!! Du hast die absolut längsten Arme du Eimer!! So ist das also. from: Risk / Animators to: Too Mad / Arrogance Hi Kurt! Ich muß echt mal wieder vorbeikommen!! Bis dann... risk! from: Risk / Animators to: Tos / Silicon Hey, you french fries piece of Schloss!!! Write me once again... be quick or be dead!!! Yo... risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Vega / Ram Jam Hey my Italian pal!! When comes the next Issue of Showtime? I hope soon. So please write fast, pal! Ciao, your pal risk. from: Risk / Animators to: Watts / Neo Hello Watts! What`s up? I wrote back to you, and you don`t answered. Why? I hope to get some sending from you soon!! Ciao... risk! from: Risk / Animators to: Yop / Decent Was is los mit dir? Warum schreibste nich mehr? Warum callste nich mehr? Warum grüsste den Nex nicht einfach mal von mir?? Fragen über Fragen? Um sie zu beantworten call mich mal wieder! 02248/3804(John). Okay? Gut! Nee, bitte melde dich mal wieder! Wir sehn` uns... from: Risk / Animators to: Zapotek / Timezone Hey Zap!! What`s up?? Just remember, you`ve contacted me and I wrote back, so why haven`t you replied? Write back once again for some c64-Swapping, okay?? I`m waiting for you sending... cya risk / animators!!! ps: If you have lost my addy, please check the advert-section, okay?? from: Risk / Animators to: Zorro / Infect Hi Zorro! Alles klar? Bist Du auf der Party`96, oder auf der BBX`97? Falls ja, dann sehen wir uns vielleicht wieder mal. Grüsse an Mellow. (84 Messages) --------------------------------------messages from leunam/network------------ ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: aCID^sADIST^sDc. Hi Arek! Thanks for writting me! I'm happy to contact with new ascii-artist and cool people like you... I wait your letter, and don't forget write me soon... See you. ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: bLACK dRAGON^hONOo. Salut Paul! Vraiment je ne t'écirs pas des lettres mais tu lis les lettres de HP... n'est-pas? Je crois que tu es un des meilleurs swappeurs dans la scene... Félicitations por ta 12ème place à la Saturne III!. ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: cHRISTINE dE lA qUEEN^sPOOn. Hi Christine! I wait your letter since 26 feb. Do you not receive my letter? Do you not receive the audio tape with my prefered musics? Or maybe you write me and the post stealed your letter? Please reply me! At least send me a little letter and tell me if you write me or not! don't forget your 'zpanish friend! ;) ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: cLO!^hONOo. Salut Clotilde! Je t'écris ça simplement pour te saluer! Je crois que tu est la seule "singer" dans la scene, et sans doute la meilleure! À bientôt! ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: cRO^cYDONia. Hi Tom! Congratulations for Defy! I hope you are happy with our support for your mag, and of course our mag. and don't worry we will support forever! Defy Rules! Cydonia Rules! Do you will travel to Spain with Gabriella? Cool! I hope you like this country! ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: dAVE^fREEZErs. Good ascii! I see the Nork's letter and I think you are one of my prefered ascii artists... I wait your last ascii-colly and don't worry, I will made my second ascii colly soon! greets! ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: dUMp. Hi Niko! I received your last letter... I'm sad because you sold your A1200... I hope you will buy one Amiga machine soon! and of course if you return to the scene, you can write me! ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: eLMEK^eROTIC dESign. Hi Elmek! Thanks for your dedicate module "Black Death" to myself! It's my first dedicate module! ;) I hope you like my ascii for you, and don't worry next letter I will send you more if you need! ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: eXOLON^oLD bULLs. Hi Maciej! Thanks for your photo and your VhS tape... And of course special greetings to the fucking army! ;)) ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: fELIX^mASSIVE^aVOCAdo. Hi my prefered organiser! I hope you will be one great group with massive... Thanks for your offer at the moment but I want create a new group with a new cool crew... maybe you wanna join us? ;) ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: fICTIOn. I don't remember your group, becuase you have much chances in all your letters... Write soon to Nork and I will speak about the join offer... see you... ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: HP^hONOo. Salut Henrique! mon cher ami! premieremente je veux te feliciter pour ta 3ème place à la Saturne Party 3! Je suis, peut être plus joyeux que toi!!! Oui, ça c'est très dificile, mais je suis très content pour toi!. Merci aussi pour tes gfx's pour notre no-aga demo... J'espère que tu l'aimeras... Ça sera notre premiere demo dans la scene, sinon ne rigole pas!... Et finalement je dois te parler de ton delay... Je t'avais envoyé mon dernière colis le 25 Avril '96 et aujourd'hui (5 Juin) je n'ai pas reçu ta lettre! Qu'est-ce qu'il s'est passé? Tu n'as pas reçu ma dernier lettre (et tu crois que c'est moi qui ne t'as pas écris?) ou tu m'as écris et la posté a volé ton colis? Ou peut être tu n'as pas de temps pour m'écrire? Dis-moi qu'est-ce qu'il s'est passé, s'il te plaît! Écris-moi très vite, mon ami!! Je suis vraiment préocupé... :'-( ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: jOYBREAKER^nETWORK Hi Adam! I don't receive nothing since some weeks ago... I send you my last letter 19 April '96 and today 4 June, I don't have your reply... Also I send you a postcard for tell you the reason of your delay... please, write me very soon!!! It's very important for me, and for the group. ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: jURA^rEDLINe. Salut Julien! Je suis très content parce dans ta dernier lettre tu dis que pour l'année prochaine tu viendras a l'Espagne avec très parents! Je crois que tu es un des meilleurs contacts de Nork et très sympa! Ahh! et merci beaucoup pour tes timbres! ;) ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: mIKO 63^iRIs. Salut Michael! En français ou en anglais? ou peut être en espagnol? ;) Merci pour tes cools lettres, stuffs et pour la tape de VhS... et aussi pour tes delicieux bonbons! See you... ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: mILLENIUM^aLIENs. Hi Enrik! Nork's brother on the keys! Just I wanna says you, we are fans of your nice chip tunes... Send more, please! you are good! :) ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: pEPSON^oPIUm. Hi! I hope you write Nork soon... I'm very happy becuase you like my ascii and you use it in your letters!!! Thanks... and don't worry if you need more ascii! ;) ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: sLOODY^rEDLIne. Salut Laurent! Ta derniere lettre english/french était très sympa... J'espère que mon ascii de "Sloody" te fera plaisir... et surtout que tu l'utiliseras... ;) Malhereusement nous ne poudrons aller à la 3S party parce 30 août-1 Septembre c'est une mauvaise date pour nous... on doit prepares examens pour septembre! pourquoi pas une party en France à Nöel ou en Juin/Juillet? ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: tHUNDER^sCOOPEx. Salut Jean-Francis! Je dois m'excuser pour mon petit delay dans ma dernière lettre mais j'ai eu beaucoup des examens... Sooorry... mais ne t'en fais pas, on peut continuer avec le fast-"elite" swapping... ;) ahhh! merci pour utiliser mes ascii... je suis très content! ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: tOS^sILICOn. Salut! Qu'est-ce qu'il s'est passé? Tu as laissé la scene? Bon si tu ne veux pas continuer avec le swap envoie moi mes disques, s'il te plaît! ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: tRASH^vACUUM^pHUTURE 3o3 Hi Piotrek! Thanks for your cool letters and cool ascii's... you are good... dO you like my last ascii? Write me soon... I wait your letter... See you soon... ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: vEGA^rAM JAm. Ciao il mio amico Vega! Molto grace per tutto... Io spero Showtime #3 sera molto grande! Bad-italian rules! Thanks for all... I hope you like my contribution for Showtime... I wait very impatient Showtime #3 with the Gallery! This was a cool idea! And don't worry for the votes... I have at the moment 6 votes for issue #4... but wait and see... I wait your letter with St 3 and your cool letter and stuff... and don't forget to contribute with Defy!... See you my friend!. ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: zAAC^pSYKOTROPe. Salut Laurent! Merci pour repondre à ma lettre... Je suis très content parce que tu est vraiment bon graphician... J'attends ta lettre avec patiente... Bonne chance dans tes examens, et écris moi tôt, eh? Vraiment genials tes nouveaux gfx's... ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: sIXPACK^gODs. Hi! Good work in Jurassic Pack... I hope will be one great mag... Also, I hope you like the votes collected by Nork and me. I made a little ascii for JP, I hope you like it! and if you like more ascii don't hesitate to tell me... :) Really good modules in JP... The LoOp, OkEaNoS.... and comming soon, Nork! ;)) ... ...:.: fRoM: LEUNAM^nETWORK :... . tO: aLL sPANISH fRIENDs. ¡Hola a todos! No penseis que os he olvidado... Simplemente llevo ya cerca de 10ks de mensajes y eso que solo es para los extranjeros... Y la verdad es que no quiero que SixPack saque la revista en dos discos por mi culpa... :) Bueno y otra cosa, ¿Qué hace un español leyendo esto? :) En serio, mis mensajes españoles irán en la Trashcan #2, así que nos vemos allí!... --------------------------------------messages from nork/network^massive------ >Adn/Honoo< ----------- Thanx for contacting with me... maybe our swapping can be a cool friendship hot swapp, ehhh??? :-)... Thanx for send me modules by Maf, thanx... he is a cool musician! >Barman/Capsule< ---------------- Hi!!! Espero tu carta desde hace ya algun tiempo... seguramente estarás muy ocupado así que no te preocupes, OK???... hasta entonces recive un gran saludo. PS:Seguramente cuando salga este texto ya me habrás escrito... espero!!! >Curt Cool/Depth< ----------------- Your modules are very cool, thanx for your letta and for your friendship swapp... Maybe you can composed one for the next pack by TNC called -JUST-... :-) >Cro/Cydonia< ------------- My big friend CRO... Defy Rulez of course ... I think that Defy can be more better in the phuture so continue with this cool mag!!!... Thanx for programm our pack JUST, really you are a cool friend! >Dave/Freezers< --------------- I know you since some weeks ago so I have not nothing for tell you only that I wait to have a good friendship and fast swapping with you... recive a greets from me!!! :-) >Evelred/Capsule< ----------------- Joder tio!!!, no se que decir!!!... ahhh, si!, eres el mejor haciendo música. Quizas aparezcas algun dia en las listas internacionales, no lo dudo!!!... A ver si no vemos en otra party y así me hechas una mano con mis módulos. :-D >Elmek/Erotic Design< --------------------- Thanx for be me polish teacher and thanx for send your fabulous mods... Maybe you can make a module for our phuture pack called -JUST- (soon!)... A greets for you!!! >Estrayk/Capsule< ----------------- No se si te acuerdas de mí aun (desde posadas), pero seguro que Evelred te ha hablado algo de mi!!!... Tus modulos son super buenos y tienes un buen estilo.... Euphonik II mola un mazo!!!... >Excel/Balance^Crux< -------------------- Thanx for your lettas and for your stuff... maybe we can meet in some phuture party... Send me more production of your group! >Exl/Megahead< -------------- Thanx for be the first in send me SHOWTIME!!! :-)... I wait a photo from you, Ok???... Your letta are cool and fast... friendship rulez!!! >Exolon/Old Bulls< ------------------ Army Rulez!!! :-)... I'll have go to the army in the phuture but even I must wait more.... I don't like the army!!! :-(... When will you finish???. Thanx for the cool -VHS-. >Felix/Massive^Avocado< ----------------------- Now Massive is more cool and we have new entries... continue with your cool job (organiser!)... you are one of the best organiser in this scene, I hope!!!... >Fiction/Intense< ----------------- We are without swapp for some months/weeks ago but now We back to our swapping. :-).... I want back with our fast swapping, Ok???... a greets from me!!! >Frank/Batman Group< -------------------- Al fin escapastes de la fucking army!!! :-)... Espero verte ahora peleando por un puesto en las revistas, Ok???... La minis parties que nos montamos en mi casa son de escandalo, ehhh??? Bagettes RULEZ!!! >Gangsta/Scoopex!< ------------------ Thanx for answer to my sending... I think that we can have a cool swapp time!!! Maybe we can meet in some party :-)... >Hp/Honoo< ---------- Congrats for your third place in Saturne'96, sweet home is a cool graphics by you... thanx for the fraphics for our phuture demo... really you and your friend are pure friendly... a greet for you and other for Black Dragon!!! >Jura/Redline< -------------- Hardcore Rulez!!!, ehhh??? I wait you in summer'97... If you'll go to Spain in summer, maybe you can visit some party (Posadas or Euskal)... >Korball/S.A.F< --------------- Thanx for contact with me... I wait to have a cool swapping with you and if you are fast it's more better... see you soon!!! >Lovely/Oldbulls< ----------------- Are you married now or no???... :-)... I think that you can have a good life with your girlfriend and maybe you'll make a beautiful family!!! write me soon and send me a photo!!! >MadBart/Appendix< ------------------ Thanx for send me modules by Timer!!!... Sorry, but I don't know that you was not swapper but thanx for answe me... I wait a cool swapping with you and don't worry, my brother Leunam/nETWORK will do the ascii for your bbs and others!!! >Mars/Mystic< ------------- Ufffffff!!! I don't received letter frome you since the last year... I cann't understand why you don't reply me, I sent you one letters and two postcards but maybe you change your addy so please write me... nORK^nETWORK^mASSIVE! Abraham Sanchez C/Leon XIII, 5/3C 41009 -SEVILLA- S P A I N nOT hANDLE oN eNVELOPE :-) >Miko63/Iris< ------------- Thanx for your cool fast and hypper friendly letters and also thanx for your cool -VHS- tapes... I try find some video from something party but ever forget tell me in your letters, what videos you have.... Well, receive a greet from me and my brother Leunam. >Millennium/Aliens< ------------------- Our chips are cool, don't think??? I wait your letta since some weeks ago, write me soon!!! >Moon/Abyss^Massive< -------------------- You are slow, but no problem bcoz you are a real friendly coder and I like it!... Maybe you can code something for the Posadas'96 or maybe for Euskal'96... Write me soon!!! >Pepson/Opium< -------------- Ummmm!!! You don't understand the english very well, so I tell hello and write me soon.... greets for you! >Qba/Nah Kolor< --------------- I wait your new pack!!!... Is Speed die???... Thanx for your cool stuff, see you soon !!!maybe in some party!!! :-) >Rogu3/Darkness< ---------------- Joder tio!!! haber si se algo de ti pronto!!! Quizás tu estes retirado de la escena, pero la verdad es que no lo tengo muy seguro, porque aun te sigo viendo en algunas revistillas de por ahí!!!... escribe pronto aunque tan solo sea para decirme que te vas!!! :-) >Scavy/Osmose^Dusk< ------------------- Yep!!! cool modules by you... send me more in the next lettas, OK???... Maybe I can go to S3 party in FRANCE this summer, Ok??? >Sloody/Redline< ---------------- Thanx for your photos and for your cool lettas!!! Even I don't see graphics by you... send me one in some letta!. Thanx for the information about the S3 party... Maybe We can meet there!!! see you soon!... You must go to Posadas'96 in Spain, Ok??? >Terrox/Raw Staff< ------------------ Hello?!? is there anybody here!!! I wait your letta. I don't know if my letta don't arrive or if your letta lost in the way... please write me soon and send me the next RAW, thanx!!! >Trash/Vacumm< -------------- Thanx for your cool ascii logos.... I use this logos in my letter design, really your logos are very cool!!! >Toff/BIS^Silicon< ------------------ Please, don't left the swapping...!!! write me soon and continue with the swapping... the moden is not a problem for continue with the swapping, but the money is a big problem!!!... Have a greet from me and my brother!!! >Vega/Ram Jam< -------------- Thanx for do ascii logos for me and thanx also for send Showtime and for include our stuff!!!... Aloha!!! >For All Massive Group< ----------------------- (Except Felix and Moon!) Sorry if I don't write to you, but I have not much time!!! but don't worry you'll have a lettar from me soon!!! Now the summwr arrive to Spain! :-) --------------------------------------messages from sloody/redline------------ Jura/Redline ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Coucou!, dis moi!!!, tu arrete tes activitées de Swapp?, car cela fait longtemps que je n'est pas recu de réponses à mes courriers!. Encore bravo pour ta first Ascii collection !! Weirdo/Redline ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Hi my friends, I'm very happy !!! we have a good friendship and fast swapping activities. Don't forget to send a present to Elliot (for all, he is my doggy). . . I stop here because our letter say all the rest. Swapping rulez Boedha/Redline ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Bordel, tu changes encore de pseudo!!!, cela fais seulement le 6em en moins de 1 an! Tiens moi au courant de l'avancement de Serenity, du coup je ne vais pas en dire plus car nos lettres de 50ko en disent assez long. Vive les Lémuriens et les Schleumfeux, amitié au Gnoux Fais des gros boutsous à ta voisine pour moi (celle qui a les gros p....) Grog / Redline ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Hello, merci pour la photo mais en ce moment je suis en panne de camescope, mais rassure toi je te la resenderais avec les digits. Réecris moi, et tiens moi au courant de ce que tu fais en ce moment Insomniak/Redline ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Swapping rulez, Ps0 rulez, Amiga rulez Hi guy, dès que tu as une nouvelle sortie de AddBox, send moi la en express Lestat/Redline ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Salut, cela fais longtemps que je n'est eu point de nouvelles de toi. C'est vrai que t'es pas swappeur, mais tiens moi au courant de tes activitées de temps à autres. Ah tiens!, tu bosse toujours sur Imagine comme un houf?, si oui (je pense que oui) alors send moi tes dernieres prod 3d Bye Carp/Strobe/Phuture 303 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Thanks for contacting. It's always a pleasure to have a new good contact, and I hope in future we have a good and fast friend contact (same at this moment) Hotstepper/Rektum ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Hi guy!!!, thanks for replying. Your asciis (9 collections!) are really dudes, and I hope to see the new look of the Sinister Pack . . Damion/Artwork ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Are you Dead?? I haven't receive answer from you, and some of my contacts have not news from you!!! Don't forget to answer me, for a good, fast, hot, friend'Swapping! ! ! Eagle/Syndrome/Agoa ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Salut Eagle, alors comment c'est que tu vas depuis qu'on c'est revu à la Saturne3? Je crois que en ce moment tu fais tes revisions pour le bac, alors tu dois pas trop avoir de temps pour m'écrire, mais à l'occasion fait moi un petiot send. Ah! au fait tu vas à la 3S?! Bye Edw/Psk.Darkness.Honoo ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Coucou Un p'tit messy pour te dire que je garde très bon souvenir de notre rencontre à la Saturne3. Continue à coder, tu as de l'avenir, car c'est très rare de voir des personnes comme toi à vouloir en savoir toujours plus sur l'assembleur!! Tu vas à la 3S? Amitiés Ibanez/Silicon ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Salut Iba A l'heure ou je t'écris ce mot tu as du recevoir la bouteille de Gewurts que je t'avais promis. Savoure là avec toute l'attention d'un moniteur d'auto école, mais fais gaffe quand même car 1 verre ca va, 3 verres on commence à en prendre plaisir Si t'en veux une autre, no problémo Nork and leuman/Network.Massive ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Hi spanish friends and thanks for our nice send! Our photos are really great. The ascii from Leuman are nicy! Thanks leuman for have made ascii for me. En français pour leuman --> cela me fait plaisir que tu cause le français, et je trouve ton français très, très bon Two language letters rulez, Fast swapping rulez Maf/Silicon.Syndrome ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Bn!Bn!Bn!Bn!Bn!Bn!Bn!Bn!Bn!Bn!Bn!Bn!Bn!Bn!Bn!Bn!Bn!Bn!Bn!Bn!Bn!Bn! J'ai mis ton module Galaga Theme dans mon Galaga, et cela rend génial !! Dès que tu as ta nouvelle adresse donne moi là! Silicon rulez, hmmm, hmmm Guille/Syndrome ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Hmmmm, hmmmm (tu dois très bien comprendre!) Zoon/Silicon ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ C'est bien dommage car cela aurais permis au Pikaboo Pack de reprendre son envol, car bon nombre de mes contacts auraient aimés revoir ce pack sur la scène. Biso'Sha Godfather/Fun ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Hi my canadian friend, thanks for replying. Have a good swapping activities in future Kalikone/Dylem ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The swiss mania is back, merci pour ton invitation, dès que tu as fixé les dates tiens moi au courant In-line rulez Mr Young/Silicon ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Salut Baptou Le slood est au clavier pour te faire un petiot mot comme tu aimes si bien en recevoir de moi! Ah que coucou!, un de ces 4 je te retéléphonerais car j'aime bien passé 1 heure au tèl avec toi, c'est hypra méga cool Waynes World, mégateuf!!! Solo/Corpse ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Salut Solo J'ai apris par Mr.Young que tu t'étais fais tiré ta Barette de 4mo à la Saturne!!! Y'a pas à dire mais ceux qui ont fais ca c'est vraiment des &é§&é (censuré). Tu te met à la zik à ce que j'ai entendu!, continue sur cette voie Bye Lithium/Eltech ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Hi Guy!!! Thanks for your send and congratulation for your Lunchy Pak, it is a great Pack. But sorry, the Pikaboo Pack is not reborn !!!!! I wait with impacience of next Lunch Pak issue. In my next letter I send to you some UkChartsVote Filled !!!!! Vega/Ram Jam ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Hello Vega, big congratulations for Showtime, and thanks for your lettas and sendS, don't forget to send me the next issue of Showtime because I love this mag. The last musicdisk from Ram Jam is really great, good work by Ram Jam team. Mangas, Mangas rrrrruuuuullllleeeeezzzzzz For all who I have contacting ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Don't forget to answer me for a nice fast swapping !! ______/\ _ ___________________________ _ __ _ _ _·_\ \/// /_·_ _ | _ __. _ ____ _ ____ | ! _ _/ |____ ___) \_ ___) \_ _ ! ______\\_\ ____/_ _\ __ /_ _\ __ /_//______ _ _/ \) ÷\_ (/ ÷\_ (/ ÷\_ _ \\\_ \ _/ / _/ / _/// /___________________\___________\___________________\ . _ __. _ ____ _ __. . ! _ _/ |____ ___) \_ _/ |____ _ ! ______\\_\ | /_ _\ __ /_ _\ ____/_//______ _ _/ ¯¯¯ ÷\_ (/ ÷\_ \) ÷\_ _ \\\_ ¯T¯ _/ / _/ \ [nM$] _/// /_____________|_____\___________\___________________\ _ _¡__ __¡_ _ · /_ __ _ ____________________________/\ _____\ · /\\/ e x i t i n g b a c k 2 m e n u ! remember to support the pack! have YOU filled in YOUR votesheet?!