yo!!! reach out and touch faith!!!!! we're here!!! finally we bring out our first demo.............. this demo coded by none other than -the reaper- one of canada's best!!!! this is just the beginning.................... when reality just isn't enough reach out for -fantasy- this is jet info pro typing at the keyboard....... i'd like to send some personal greets to.. binary bandit (keep up the great work at being canada's coolest sysop!), merlin the mysterious (how are you doing guy??? hows the ibm??), starcrasher/thrill (keep sending your cool thrill demo's! they are great!), dr star/byterapers (hows it going??? don't talk to many swedish girls, they might get the best of you! hehehe), copperhead (sorry i couldn't make your birthday party), joe firmware (well you certainly are knowledgable! can't wait for the mini-meet with adipodicus intl. and jim digriz)...... and every other cool guy out there!!! it is to bad there aren't any coders in canada that likes to do great intro's........ guess it is up to us to change that (hehehehehehe).........also remember ....... you can tell the men from the boys by the price of their toys!!! now here goes night stalker at the keyboard........... hello! this is night stalker at the keyboard in our first demo ever on the amiga. hope you like it everyone. first of all i would like to send out some personal greetz to sector 9 of razor 1911 (thanks for all the help. what do you think of this demo? keep in touch until you go into the army! talk to you sometime soon) ralph 124c41+ of powerdrive (why haven't you wrote back lately?! keep up the good demo's) sensei of top swap (hello there, how's life in sweden? if you see anybody from powerdrive tell ralph to call or write .) bones and fitzy from excel uk ( fitzy, how's the coding coming? looking forward to your first demo. bones, thanks for keeping up the swapping while fitzy learns coding. talk to ya later guy.) c. dawn of exult ( how goes your group. i am looking forward to seeing your mega-demo. i have talked it over with jet info pro and others of fantasy and have decided to remain a seperate group, one because we like the name. and two because we finally got a good coder in canada as well as many other members. sorry about that but you know how it is. i still want to keep up the swapping though. keep up the good work) striper of the silents ( hey robert how's it going? haven't heard from you in a while, are you still working on your game? oh, are you still with the silents or have you quit that?) fen dal of supreme ( thanks for all your help there, to bad about the mega conference eh? lets hope that we can set up another one soon) yankee rose of no group in particular! ( how is university life treating you? call sometime if your home ) and finally, the most important greet goes to midnight lace ( hi there maritta! love ya.) thats it for the personal greetings. if you would like to contact us or become a member of fantasy look at the end of this demo for our address thats it for me, but remember, pepsi sucks!... here come's the reaper...... hi there guys!!! this is my first scrolltext i have ever written (oh boy!). ... well after many hours of coding i finally got this demo done... i just finished debugging my sprite routines about a half hour ago... whenever you pressed the right mouse button to pause the text the sprites would start to flicker so i got rid of that problem... anyways, this is my first demo i've ever coded.... it has been coded in assembly with no use of system routines!!! as far as i know i'm about the only canadian who codes that way... well i don't have to much more to say, except watch out for future demos coming from me, they will be much better than this one (i promise!).... oh yeah, here's the cred's for this demo... coding... the reaper music... the pheonix graphics... night stalker the font on this scroll line was ripped from a vision demo and the greetings font was ripped from a rebels intro.... anyways, here's the part you've all been wait for... the contact address!! write to S fantasy box 44043 370 main street north brampton, ontario l6v 4h5 canada F ok, that's it for me, see ya in our next production!!! text restarts.... fantasy's dream warriors sends nightmare greetings to the following cool groups around the world.... abase, aramada, avoid, ballz boyz, byterapers, ctrl-x, den masters, dynamix, excel, fulcrum, master crew, nomad, power drive, razor 1911, silents, strangers, supreme, thrill, top swap.............