Source IFF Dest ASCII CoNvErT InFo Eltech IFF 2 ASCII converter X Aspect: Y Aspect: Width: Height: Symbols: 5 6 320 256 Select MONO 16 shade IFF Select destination file eLtEcH IFF 2 ASCII converter V1.00 eLtEcH PrEsEnTs tHe iFf pIcTuRe 2 AsCiI CoNvErTeR BY _ __ |__ [_] /_ Infos: "Converts 16 colour IFFs into ASCII files. Palette must range from lightest (colour 0) to darkets (colour 15). Type the source picture and destination file names into the string gadgets or click click on the 'Source IFF' or the 'Dest ASCII' buttons for a file requestor. Type the no. of x pixels/character into the 'X Aspect:' AND no. ofy pixels/character into the 'Y Aspect:' string gadget.Type the size of the IFF into the 'Width' and 'Height gadgets and then click 'Convert'. Bang yer rodent to get back