- u.k - invite - you - to where travel when -how- compo`s cost rules prizes exit where: the party will be held at: gibbet hill refectory gibbet hill university of warwick coventry england when: the party is scheduled for: 21 of october 1995 9 in the morning til 12 midnight cost: the entrance fee will be: in advance : 10 pounds on the door : 12 pounds ladies : 5 pounds please note, no foreign currency will be accepted! send cheques or postal orders to: £robert king£ digital party 20 providence way, baldock hertfordshire. sg7 6tt england include a stamped addressed envelope make cheques and postal orders payable to: robert king prize money: prizes will all depend upon turnout therefore the more people we get the larger the prizes, and the more fun it will be so bring your friends, bring your friends friends, damn it bring your mum! travel arrangements: the university is situated between coventry and warwick (near kenilworth). the actual refectory is on the gibbet hill site of the university, off the gibbet hill road which is connected to the a429 and a46. gibbet hill is well signposted from the university. buses: the x12 bus goes past the gibbet hill site, ask the driver for help. train: arrive at coventry or leamington spa station, then head for the bus stop and get an x12 bus going to the university. air: arrive at birmingham international airport and then get a train to coventry station (one every half hour) sea: harwich port has good rail links to coventry and the rest of the country. if you want a map then please ask for one when you order your tickets competitions the competitions this year include: amiga demo competition pc demo competition graphix competition music competition the infamous tug-o-war amiga demo competition: the demo must run on an amiga 1200 with 4 meg of fast ram. pc demo competition: must run on a 486 dx2 66 with a soundblaster 16 card. graphix competition: up to 1024 x 768 x 256 colors. music compo: must be self-executing or playable by cubic player v1.0 tug-o-war: how can we not ? 5 members from the same group. (no grabbing 5 big lads and forcing them to join on the day!) all entries must be handed in by 4pm graphix will be displayed on appropriate machines (eg ham on amigas...) rules: all competition entries must be handed in to an organiser by 4 pm latest a maximum of 3 minutes of any music entry will be played no selling food, disks, alcohol inside drinking is allowed but drunk people will be thrown out. people who cannot behave will be thrown out until they can, if they cannot then security will be called. people will of course pay for any damage they cause. we accept no responsibility for anything that may be stolen - look after your kit this is a legal party - we accept no responsability for any software or any other form of piracy that may occur at the party ££ think before commiting the crime ££ how: send cheques or postal orders to: £robert king£ digital party 20 providence way, baldock hertfordshire. sg7 6tt england include a stamped addressed envelope make cheques and postal orders payable to: robert king once again: no stamped addressed envelope no ticket... £robert king£ digital party 20 providence way, baldock, hertfordshire. sg7 6tt england for more info call: -44 (0)1462 491553 or email: silk at dcs.warwick.ac.uk --- credits --- music - liquid/parasite graphics - azi - silk code - silk ---------------------------------------- recognition flys out to - andromeda bomb complex fairlight insane melon? pygme projects sanity spaceballs virtual dreams yoghurt - spaceballs chaos and moby - sanity cache - digital - what no computer ? no.5 and intreq - good luck lads... hanny - i hope thailand was/is cool.