Šuncan gives you this time | one hell of compilation of crack-,import & trainer intros! | + ---------------------------------------------------------- + [1] Defjam & CCS! [16] The Company [2] World of Wonders! [17] Nemesis [3] Mutual Assured Dest. [18] Fairlight [4] Paranoimia [19] Fairlight [5] Unit A! [20] Fairlight [6] Adept [21] Defjam [7] Oracle [22] Agile [8] The Band (*) [23] F.C.C [9] Crystal [24] Dual Crew [10] Defjam [25] Punishers (*) [11] Angels [26] Punishers [12] Angels [27] Adept [13] Zenith [28] Energy [14] Tristar & RSI [29] Exec [15] Mag Fields [30] Crystal (*) = no exit -------------------------------------------------