we want information C information C the new number 2 who is number 1 C we are number 1 you are number 6 A crush A & $ proudly present: C %B the roger rabbit demo B all coding by: C A draco A & % all graphics and design except for the sprites was drawn by A amhac AC & % the sprites was drawn by A tigra AC & % music by: A cherokee A& % ok !!C lets rule this show again!!CCC now sitting behind the keyboard is A tigra AC & % i wanna welcome our new member C.C..CC B A t.a.e. A BC he is a graphics artist after beathoven left us, we are in need of a new musicwizard , so feel free to contact tigra on... myrsvingen 37......4890 grimstad.....only norwegians!! well this demo should actually have been released for about aC month ago or so, but here it is today , to join the demo competition. now in the later time, 6 members have left us to start their own group, and we wish you all good luck with your new group. but crush is still going strong! heres full memberlist of crush with status CA wizzy AC coding, graphics AC tigra AC founder, graphics A t.a.e. A graphics A snowClion A coder A smokey A swapper, coder A sciff A coderC,graphics A mindwarper A Ccoder A masterbrain Acoder,music A howling A graphics, swapping A CCCCCgissy A graphics,swapper A genius A coder A flash fox 66 A graphics,swapping A draco A coder A cherokee A founder,music A brainiac A coder A amhac A graphics puuh! thats all!! read in the upper scroll for the greetings! soon coming demos from crush.... B sciff, mr.skull demo B B wizzy, afterCburner demo B B brainiac, bob demo B and also soon coming demos from mindwarper, genius, sciff, masterbrain and others!! partygreetings to some of our best friends...... B it B he hole crew! B rawhead B banshee, rastlin, lord assassin, mr.evil. B platoon B raistlin B alive B the whole crew. B 7th heaven B bobby and nameless B cryptoburners B the whole crew. B academy B eclipse, the dwarf! B cartel B nice demos, pab and ozzy! B ghostriders B B quackers B yoohooo, rainmaker (drunk after sniffing on a beer bottle) oscon the gigacoder B the destructor B the lad that has been around our necks all the time!! allright! this seems to be all! read the upper scroll! and before we rest to peace, lets have a little blink test on roger ( the rabbit ). $ CCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCyCeCeCeCaCaCaCaCaC!C!C!C!C! CC CC C C C CCCCC C C CCCCC C CCCC C C CCCC C C C C C CCC C C C C CCC C fCuCnCnCy, gCuy!!!CCC C CCCCCCCC C C CC C C C CCCCCCCCC goodbye from tigra and the rest of crush!!!!!CCCCCCC hejsan svejsan alla svantar! are you all sitting comfortable in your chairs? i hope so because this will be the longest scrolltext ever written ha ha! another crushed joke! as none of you know i am gissy but to what use is it to tell you that you dont care anyway! so why not start scrolling the greetinx over your screen! fasten your seatbelts and get ready keep in mind that these greetingx are in nooo special order!!! normal regards first!! they go to system z roadrunners prophets ag unicorn northstar and fairlight clones deathstar amigavision ghostriders quartex band silents goonies acc and tsk crew genesis share and enjoy xxx int thorax mirage xakk sos extreme team kefrens jungle command vision one northern lights flash team triangle freedom force ibb and digitech rawhead 101 maltese hackers timelords bamiga sector 1 tetragon the supervisors and double density crew 7th heaven team x highspeed and anthrax route 66 hoaxers mechanic tmd brainbusters tec this time our special regards flies out to the following guys and groups ....of course in no order at all and off we go alphaflight (ey rogi i just looove your sister! and keep on writing such lovely letters!) powerbyte danish dragons phalanx (yoho tai pan sorry for the trouble but i love you you know ha ha ha!) it world of wonders (heippa derek still chewing my gum!) beastie boys (metal tape coming up ddri!) dexion powerslaves cartel quackers (regnfall regnfall beer drinking dude!) subway and dream team razor 1911 tat powerpack no limits platoon (your music drove us wild at the party! nice nice!) wizzcat and i am really sorry about all those we forgot (sniff sniff) and now my friends this scroller will restart!!