U _wØ«‹GÝºt {k± 0-ø¸l·—Ób[”BB£ k>¨ÇGJOQ3510J.86A.0704.2007.1023.2031 # 1QJO0704C.bioãÇó ”JO£‚€n÷úáw0uqi{|}³8´?=Z¾D½|²,5™-0CÖ‡ì¤ëµK¡å?>6² ©Setupr:-bñ«M )æE Û4ÎdhÍ×·M€ûÀ,Ìl§^N3ÞM`Hž»?Yo–9á'J†]©}H€ö8Ήv$p!*öÎ)M„î\L»$‹êP5ùœôC˜_åzbßuð+,mêåÎO™µÓ\»ÐwIw[ד=±N¿»Ïzª_¾1S>.£J:~†š~†–Ââø$@XpžÈ*~Æ&|²l’¤Ð*Lˆ¸øRp¢Ö B ˆ  ú H Œ  ø < € ¶ ú  H h ’ À î  < f  ° Ò PhžT¼Vª´ÎÖ`~œ .Tbr6ŒDv®â& ¼!Þ!""T"Z#ˆ#¶#ä#:$¢%J'ô'B(’(Æ(ú(.)b)’)Â)ò)"*R*‚*²*Ü* +š+\-n.¶/ 0.1\1x1r2¨2€3Þ3r4„4è4D5”5Ö5 6œ6þ62767:7†7º7ð7Ò8Ü8î8ü8V9¶9engEnglishAlternate DNS AddressGateway AddressIP AddressPreferred DNS AddressComputer NameDomain NameSubnet MaskSOL/IDER ConfigurationTCP/IP ConfigurationProvisioning Server Configuration:DHCP EnabledEnter Intel(R) Management Engine PasswordTurn On Intel(R) ME in Sleep StatesSOL/IDER Authentication ModeCompatibility ModeChange Intel(R) Management Engine PasswordProvisioning ConfigurationIntel(R) Management Engine ConfigurationIntel(R) Active Management Technology ConfigurationPRTC ConfigurationSet PRTCManageability FeatureEnable Virtual ApplianceClear Verified BootClear Public KeyVirtual Appliance Boot PolicyClear or Reset Wrap KeyVirtual Appliance ConfigurationIdle TimeoutIntel(R) ME After Power FailurePKI DNS SuffixProvisioning Server PortDelete TLS Pre-Shared KeyTLS Pre-Shared Key (PSK) PPSProvisioning Server ModeFully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)TLS Pre-Shared Key (PSK) PIDProvisioning Server AddressProvisioning ModelManage CertificatesHash Certificate #3: Not DefinedUser Hash Certificate #3: User Hash Certificate #2: Hash Certificate #2: Not DefinedHash Certificate #1: Not DefinedUser Hash Certificate #1: Hash Certificate #4: Not Defined Hash Value: Active: Not Defined Hash Value: Active Certificate Active: Not Defined Active: Not Defined Active: Not Defined Hash Value: Active Certificate Active Certificate Hash Value: Intel (R) ME WOLManage Permanent CertificatesManage User Defined CertificatesIntel(R) MEIntel(R) Management EngineIntel(R) ME Password must be entered prior to gaining access to other options on this pageIntel(R) ME Password must be changed from the default password prior to gaining access to other ME options. The new password must be a minimum of 8 characters, using upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols which exclude : , and double quotation. Space and _ are not symbols.Feature Not PermittedThe CMOS battery has been removed, cannot enter this page until next reboot.This option will allow various Manageability options to be used. None supports the ability to be able to enable/disable LOM. When switching between these options you may be required to change to a strong password again. This is specifically true when changing to Intel(R) AMT from another mode.NoneIntel(R) AMTASFThis option determines the state that the Intel(R) ME is in when in system sleep states. 'Never' disables Intel(R) AMT in system sleep states. 'Always' enables Intel(R) AMT in system sleep states.Never/DisabledAlways/EnabledThis option determines the mode of operation if a power loss occurs. Stays off: Intel(R) ME will remain off once power is restored. Power On: restores Intel(R) ME to power on state.Stay OffPower OnThis option determines to enable/disable WOL when power loss occurs. Enable: ME need user to key in Idle timeout. Disable: ME does not suppor WOL.EnableDisableValue between 1 and 65535. Sets the number of minutes of idle time before Intel(R) ME will sleep.Toggle the Checkbox to Enable/Disable DHCPEnter address in dot-decimal notation. For example, the Intel(R) AMT provisioning model. Small-Medium Business (SMB) model support HTTP Digest only (no TLS support). Enterprise model support both HTTP Digest and TLS security, however this model requires a provisioning server to function.EnterpriseSmall-Medium BusinessIntel(R) AMT Generation 3.0 mode utilizes TLS-PSK or TLS-PKI (new to 3.0 mode), Intel(R) AMT Generation 1.0 mode utilizes in the open unsecured provisioning communication. Note that Intel(R) AMT Generation 2.0 mode is TLS-PSK and thus support in Intel(R) AMT Generation 3.0 mode.Intel(R) AMT Generation 1.0Intel(R) AMT Gen. 3.0/2.0Port number range from 0 to 65535Selects between One Touch Configuration [OTC - uses TLS-PSK (Pre-Shared Key)] and Remote Configuration [ZTC - uses TLS-PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)]. Deployment policy for Intel(R) AMT decides this.OTC uses TLS-PSKRemote Configuration uses TLS-PKIView Provisioning RecordThe Provisioning record contains information about the last provisioning attempt, regardless if it was successful or unsuccessful. Provisioning Mode : Service IP : Date of Provision : OTC/One Touch Configuration using TLS-PSK:The PID is a 8 character alpha numeric string in dash separated format, e.g. ABCD-123K. Both PID and PPS must be set to provide the ability to establish a secure TLS-PSK session.The PPS is a 32 character alpha numeric string in dash separated format, e.g. EGET-GZFF-C6A6-ORRR- HQXP-C9JI-RJGB-KBS8. Both PID and PPS must be set to provide the ability to establish a secure TLS-PSK session.This option allows the deletion of existing PID/PPS values so they can be reprogram.Delete the existing PID and PPS? (Y/N)ZTC/Remote Configuration using TLS-PKI: Hash Data: Not Defined Hash Data: Not Defined Hash Data: Not Defined Hash Data: Not Defined Default: Not Defined Default: Not Defined Default: Not Defined Default: Not Defined Default: Not Defined Default: Not Defined Default: Not Defined Active Certificate Disabled CertificateA readable unique identifier that is used to track the certificate hashThe hash data is a 40 character alpha numeric string in dash separated format, e.g. 1234-ABCD-1234-ABCD- 1234-ABCD-1234-ABCD- 1234-ABCD. The hash data must be set to provide the ability to establish a secure TLS-PKI session.Determines if the certificate hash is active or not. When checked indicates certificate can be used in Remote Configuration PKI process.The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for a specific provisioning server. FQDN is a complete domain name consists of two parts: the hostname and the domain name.Dynamic Name Server Suffix for PKI. This value is used to validate the FQDN in the provisioning server's certificateSelects how IDER and SOL operation verify and secure interfaces on LANUser Name and PasswordKerberos onlySet the Intel(R) AMT PRTC (Protected Real Time Clock). Enter PRTC in Greenwich mean time(GMT) format (YYYY:MM:DD:HH:MM:SS).Partial Intel(R) AMT resetResets Intel(R) AMT to defaults except PSKs (PPS/PID keys), Intel(R) ME password, domain name and host nameReset Intel(R) AMT to default factory settingsResets all Intel(R) AMT configuration settings to their factory defaults.WARNING:"Yes" will prevent further changes to Intel(R) MEsetup for the remainder of the setup session.Continue with Intel(R) AMT reset? (Y/N)AMT has been reset successfully.Intel(R) ME page will be grayed out.Please press <�F10> to Save and Exit when finished with Setup,or press ESC to previous page for other changes.Press any key to continueYNBoot Virtual Appliance SOS before COSVirtual Appliance EnabledVirtual Appliance DisabledHALT boot if mismatched hash, CONTINUE to boot Virtual appliance if mismatch hash, NORMAL Continues to boot COS.HaltContinueNormalClear all values required for Verified Boot Clear or Reset Public Key in Private Store AreaClear or Reset Wrap Key in Private Store Area:~†š~†Ž’–šž¢¦ª®²¶º¾ÂÆÊÎÒÖÚÞâæêîòöúþ "&*.26:>BFJNRVZ^bfjnrvz~‚†ˆŠŒŽ’”–˜šœž ¢¤¦¨ª¬®°²´¶¸º¼¾ÀÂÄÆÈÊÌÎÐÒÔÖØÚÜÞàâäæèêìîðòôöøúüþ   "$&(*,.02468uqiUQI<>ABCFHMOQY`“–¬®°½ÎÏÔÕÖûüýþÿ  žŸ ¡¢£¥§¨ª°´·½¾¿ÄÉÍÎÏÐÒÓÔÕÖ×ãäå $bHqd;n¼BžÆ×Ô%X·±@ fA "m D  "n"m E  "`"f"n"m"jÝBB€! "a"`"f"m"i"i   € "a"`"b"f"m"i"i  !€ "a"`"b"f"m"i"i  *€ "`"f"m"i"iBC€!     F G€ H€ I€  J K€ L€   M N€ O€  d=P RD€ QD€ +dìS+€ÿÿ    "i¤B  €! "i  "i   +"i   +"i   *+"e"i ‚ ,€ "e"i „ƒ -€    +)æB €!  ) T€)3"U€)U"U€)w"U€)™"U€)»"U €   "e *)V W € X € *"e +Y [€ Z€ *"e"  *"eÝ"(U € *"e1"\€ÿÿó& *+"e"g ï%] ^.€ _.€ *+ï"e e  *"g+ï"eî h# 1€ *"g+ï"eÿ'f€  *"g+ï"eP$g€( *"g+ï"ec  *"g+ï"e j  *"g+ï"eðþ&{/€ *"g+ï"eîþ!|0€ *"g+ï"e *  *+ a` E€  * *   >  ? **++ïïï klm n4<� 938 675 ;:o pqr stu  > >   x/  yk  í3z3€  x.  yl  ï8z5€  x+  ym  ñ6z7€  x1  yn  ó7z9€ ? ?  õB0x:€ Ã5z<€7P4y;€2‡<  ÅB-x>€ “;z@€P<�y?€2W<  •B,xA€ c:zC€×P9yB€2'<     "a -} € ~€     ox€$€<      ç ‘%€ ’%€ ç è“ ”&€ –&€ •&€ ç é—'€ ç ê˜(€ ç ë™)€  ŽbHqd;n¼BžÆ×Ô%X·± Setupó&¬‘ö¦È1DD…LâÁ¦•’¢‰. *2E*2Dl‚ìb¸v° >Ú†6â’† ¢ ô x Ú L n ¶ Z `ä.hRô®¤œœ@TÔÖxªÒÔÖ @¸ÈZ\¦¨ªÌ`fraFrançais[Shell EFI interne]Lecteur A:[ProcessedAllBootOptions() : Charger le shell de FV]Amorçage réussi - Tester la mémoire (Échap. pour ignorer)% de la mémoire système testée avec succèsAppuyez sur Échap. pour ne pas tester la mémoire octets de mémoire système testés avec succèsMémoire étendue non trouvée!Le système a rencontré des erreurs de mémoireLancer l'option amorçageProcesseur éteint précédemment en raison d'une erreur thermique (surchauffe).Le microprogramme a détecté qu'une erreur ECC multibit s'est produite sur le canal A.Le microprogramme a détecté qu'une erreur ECC sur un bit s'est produite sur le canal A.Le microprogramme a détecté qu'une erreur ECC multibit s'est produite sur le canal B.Le microprogramme a détecté qu'une erreur ECC sur un bit s'est produite sur le canal B.Le microprogramme a détecté une panne de batterie CMOS.Le microprogramme a détecté une erreur de somme de contrôle CMOS.Le microprogramme a détecté que la date/heure système ne sont pas définies.Le microprogramme a détecté une diminution de la mémoire système.Un problème de disque dur a été détecté.Entrez le mot de passe utilisateur pour déverrouiller le système.Aucun périphérique de démarrage n'a été détecté.Appuyez sur Entrée pour continuer.Paramètres BIOS: <�F2>Menu Boot: <�F10>Le châssis du système a été ouvert.La vérification du mot de passe a échoué.Erreur irrécupérable... Système arrêté.Données SPD (SERIAL PRESENCE DETECT) de périphérique manquantes ou non concluantes. Des données SPD de périphérique correctement programmées sont nécessaires pour un fonctionnement fiable. Mémoire DDR2 de 533 MHz présumée aux temporisations les plus bassesLa quantité de mémoire installée sur le canal A n'est pas égale à celle du canal B. Pour obtenir des performances optimales, la même quantité de mémoire doit être installée dans chaque canal.Erreur de parité de données détectéeErreur SERR système détectéeIntel(R) Manageability Engine (ME) requires a DIMM in Channel 0. ME is non-operational until this is complied with.Intel(R) Manageability Engine (ME) failed initialization and is non-operational.Intel(R) Manageability Engine interface has failed during DRAM initialization. Intel(R) ME is non-operational until this is resolved.Intel(R) Manageability Engine interface failed initialization and is non-operational.Intel(R) ME setup error: Re-check all Intel(R) Management Engine settings. Restart the PC and press <�F2> to enter BIOSIntel(R) AMT setup error: Re-check all Intel(R) Management Engine settings. Restart the PC and press <�F2> to enter BIOSVitual Appliance setup error: Re-check all Intel(R) Management Engine settings. Restart the PC and press <�F2> to enter BIOSThe AA number has not been programmed on the system.Intel(R) Quiet System Technology failed initialization and is non-operational. Re-check the Intel(R) Quiet System Technology configuration files settings.Démarrage‘!“! Sélect. un article, Entrée Sélect. sous-menu, Échap. QuitterPriorité du périphérique d'amorçageAppuyez sur la touche Entrée pour continuer.La Configuration SystèmeSélect. un article:Configuration du système Révision du BIOS :Le processus de démarrage va se poursuivre dans %d secondesQuitterPoursuivre le démarrage du systèmeLangueAfficher le menu de démarrageEntrer dans la configuration systèmeChaîne manquanteMettre hors tension et replacer le cavalier dans la position mode Normal.Reportez-vous au guide des produits à http://support.intel.com/support/motherboards/desktop/Ä*2E*2Bl€è P’ÖNŽ²>Öp¢" ,¬ X ª ì  6 t ¢ Þ R Ð <&ÈÖ‚xppÚ€‚¤æHJnÀÊ:<bdf„engEnglish[Internal EFI Shell]Floppy A:[ProcessedAllBootOptions(): Load shell from the FV]Boot Succeeded - Perform memory test (ESC to skip)% of the system memory tested OKPress ESC key to skip memory test bytes of system memory tested OKNo extended memory found!System encounters memory errorsStart boot optionThe CPU was previously shutdown due to a thermal event (overheating).The firmware has detected that a Multi-Bit ECC Error occurred on Channel A.The firmware has detected that a Single-Bit ECC Error occurred on Channel A.The firmware has detected that a Multi-Bit ECC Error occurred on Channel B.The firmware has detected that a Single-Bit ECC Error occurred on Channel B.The firmware has detected that a CMOS battery failure occurred.The firmware has detected that a CMOS Checksum Error occurred.The firmware has detected that the system date/time has not been set.The firmware has detected that the system memory has decreased.A problem with the hard drive has been detected.Enter password to unlock the system.A bootable device has not been detected.Press the Enter key to continue.BIOS Settings: <�F2>Boot Menu: <�F10>The system chassis was opened.Password Check failed.Fatal Error... System halted.SERIAL PRESENCE DETECT (SPD) device data missing or inconclusive. Properly programmed SPD device data is required for reliable operation. DDR2 533MHz memory assumed at slowest timingsThe installed amount of memory in Channel A is not equal to the amount of memory in Channel B. Maximum memory performance is achieved with equal amounts of memory installed in each channel.Data Parity Error DetectedSystem SERR Error DetectedIntel(R) Manageability Engine (ME) requires a DIMM in Channel 0. ME is non-operational until this is complied with.Intel(R) Manageability Engine (ME) failed initialization and is non-operational.Intel(R) Manageability Engine interface has failed during DRAM initialization. Intel(R) ME is non-operational until this is resolved.Intel(R) Manageability Engine interface failed initialization and is non-operational.Intel(R) ME setup error: Re-check all Intel(R) Management Engine settings. Restart the PC and press <�F2> to enter BIOSIntel(R) AMT setup error: Re-check all Intel(R) Management Engine settings. Restart the PC and press <�F2> to enter BIOSVitual Appliance setup error: Re-check all Intel(R) Management Engine settings. Restart the PC and press <�F2> to enter BIOSThe AA number has not been programmed on the system.Intel(R) Quiet System Technology failed initialization and is non-operational. Re-check the Intel(R) Quiet System Technology configuration files settings.Boot‘!“! Select Item, Enter Select SubMenu, Esc ExitBoot Option MenuPress the Enter key to continue.System SetupSelect Item:System Configuration BIOS Revision :Boot process will continue in %d secondsExitContinue booting the systemLanguageDisplay Boot MenuEnter System SetupMissing StringTurn off power and reinstall the jumper in Normal mode position.Please refer to the Product Guide at http://support.intel.com/support/motherboards/desktop/B*2E*2Bj‚âlÆ:¢ð@zÈx(Ø>ÄZ â @ ¼  j ¨ Ô  \ ˜ ¢(‚ÖÀbp  t®¼<>|Î468ln¤^ln¦¨öøúŽspaEspañol[Shell EFI interno]Disquete A:[ProcessedAllBootOptions(): Cargar shell de FV]Inicio satisfactorio - Realizar prueba de memoria (ESC para omitir)% probado de la memoria del sistema CORRECTOPulse la tecla Escape para omitir la prueba de la memoria bytes probados de la memoria del sistema CORRECTOSNo se ha encontrado memoria extendida.El sistema encuentra errores de memoriaInicar la opción de arranqueLa CPU se apagó anteriormente debido a un suceso térmico (sobrecalentamiento).El firmware ha detectado que se ha producido un error ECC de varios bits en el canal A.El firmware ha detectado que se ha producido un error ECC de un solo bit en el canal A.El firmware ha detectado que se ha producido un error ECC de varios bits en el canal B.El firmware ha detectado que se ha producido un error ECC de un solo bit en el canal B.El firmware ha detectado un error de batería CMOS.El firmware ha detectado un error de suma de verificación de CMOS.El firmware ha detectado que no se definieron la fecha y hora del sistema.El firmware ha detectado que la memoria del sistema se ha reducido.Se ha detectado un problema con el disco duro.Escriba la contraseña de usuario para desbloquear el sistema.No se ha hallado ningún dispositivo de arranque.Para continuar, pulse la tecla Intro.Configuración de la BIOS: <�F2>Menú de inicio: <�F10>Se ha abierto el chasis del sistema.Fallo al comprobar contraseña.Error grave& Sistema detenido.Los datos del dispositivo SERIAL PRESENCE DETECT (SPD) son incompletos o no concluyentes. Es necesario que los datos del dispositivo SPD estén bien programados para un funcionamiento fiable. Se adopta la memoria DDR2 de 533 MHz con los intervalos más lentos.La cantidad de memoria instalada en el canal A no equivale a la cantidad del canal B. Se alcanza el rendimiento máximo de la memoria si hay instalada la misma cantidad de memoria en cada canal.Se ha detectado un error de paridad de datosSe ha detectado un error SERR del sistemaIntel(R) Manageability Engine (ME) requires a DIMM in Channel 0. ME is non-operational until this is complied with.Intel(R) Manageability Engine (ME) failed initialization and is non-operational.Intel(R) Manageability Engine interface has failed during DRAM initialization. Intel(R) ME is non-operational until this is resolved.Intel(R) Manageability Engine interface failed initialization and is non-operational.Intel(R) ME setup error: Re-check all Intel(R) Management Engine settings. Restart the PC and press <�F2> to enter BIOSIntel(R) AMT setup error: Re-check all Intel(R) Management Engine settings. Restart the PC and press <�F2> to enter BIOSVitual Appliance setup error: Re-check all Intel(R) Management Engine settings. Restart the PC and press <�F2> to enter BIOSThe AA number has not been programmed on the system.Intel(R) Quiet System Technology failed initialization and is non-operational. Re-check the Intel(R) Quiet System Technology configuration files settings.Inicio‘!“! Seleccionar elemento, Intro Seleccionar submenú, Esc SalirMenú de las opciones de inicioPara continuar, presione la tecla Intro.La Configuración del SistemaSeleccionar elemento:Configuración del sistema Revisión del BIOS :El proceso de arranque proseguirá en %d segundosSalirContinuar con el arranque del sistemaIdiomaMostrar el menú de arranqueEntrar en la configuración del sistemaFalta una cadenaApagar y volver a poner el puente en la posición Normal.Consulte la Guía de producto en http://support.intel.com/support/motherboards/desktop/j*2E*2Bj‚â `šø8€Êò’8à†.ôˆøZ   t ¦ È L ¦ r J€j Ƽ´´Xhàâb|¢¤¦ÎÐôN^”¤¦ÌÎúüþ$®gerDeutsch[Interne EFI-Shell]Laufwerk A:[ProcessedAllBootOptions(): Shell von FV laden]Boot erfolgreich - Speichertest ausführen (ESC zum Auslassen)% des geprüften Speichers OKESC-Taste drücken, um Speichertest auszulassen Byte von Systemspeichertest OKKein erweiterter Speicher gefunden!Speicherfehler im System aufgetretenBoot-Option startenCPU wurde zuvor aufgrund von Temperaturereignis heruntergefahren (Überhitzung).Die Firmware hat erkannt, dass ein Multibit-ECC-Fehler in Kanal A aufgetreten ist.Die Firmware hat erkannt, dass ein Einzelbit-ECC-Fehler in Kanal A aufgetreten ist.Die Firmware hat erkannt, dass ein Multibit-ECC-Fehler in Kanal B aufgetreten ist.Die Firmware hat erkannt, dass ein Einzelbit-ECC-Fehler in Kanal B aufgetreten ist.Firmware hat einen CMOS-Batterieausfall erkannt.Firmware hat einen CMOS-Prüfsummenfehler erkannt.Firmware hat erkannt, dass Systemdatum/-uhrzeit nicht eingestellt wurden.Firmware hat einen verminderten Systemspeicher erkannt.Es wurde ein Problem mit der Festplatte erkannt.Benutzerkennwort eingeben, um System zu entsperren.Es wurde kein startfähiges Gerät erkannt.Drücken Sie die Eingabetaste, um fortzufahren.BIOS-Einstellungen: <�F2>Boot-Menü: <�F10>Das Systemgehäuse wurde geöffnet.Kennwortprüfung fehlgeschlagen.Schwerwiegender Fehler... System angehalten.SPD-Gerätedaten (SERIAL PRESENCE DETECT)fehlen oder sind nicht schlüssig. Ordnungsgemäß programmierte SPD-Gerätedaten sind für einen zuverlässigen Betrieb erforderlich. DDR2 533MHz-Speicher wird bei niedrigstem Takt angenommen.Die in Kanal A installierte Speichermenge ist nicht gleich der in Kanal B installierten Speichermenge. Die beste Speicherleistung wird erzielt, wenn in jedem Kanal die gleiche Speichermenge installiert ist.Datenparitätsfehler erkanntSystem-SERR-Fehler erkanntIntel(R) Manageability Engine (ME) requires a DIMM in Channel 0. ME is non-operational until this is complied with.Intel(R) Manageability Engine (ME) failed initialization and is non-operational.Intel(R) Manageability Engine interface has failed during DRAM initialization. Intel(R) ME is non-operational until this is resolved.Intel(R) Manageability Engine interface failed initialization and is non-operational.Intel(R) ME setup error: Re-check all Intel(R) Management Engine settings. Restart the PC and press <�F2> to enter BIOSIntel(R) AMT setup error: Re-check all Intel(R) Management Engine settings. Restart the PC and press <�F2> to enter BIOSVitual Appliance setup error: Re-check all Intel(R) Management Engine settings. Restart the PC and press <�F2> to enter BIOSThe AA number has not been programmed on the system.Intel(R) Quiet System Technology failed initialization and is non-operational. Re-check the Intel(R) Quiet System Technology configuration files settings.Starten‘!“! Element auswählen, Eingabe Auswahl SubMenü, Esc BeendenMenü StartoptionDrücken Sie die Eingabetaste, um fortzufahren.System-SetupElement auswählen:Systemkonfiguration BIOS-Revision :Boot-Vorgang wird in %d Sekunden fortgesetztBeendenDen Systemstart fortsetzenSpracheStartmenü anzeigenSystem-Setup beginnenZeichenfolge fehltStrom ausschalten und den Jumper im normalen Modus neu installieren.Lesen Sie das Produkthandbuch unter http://support.intel.com/support/motherboards/desktop/À*2E*2:<>@BDFHJLNPRTVXZ\^`bdfhjlnprtvxz|~€‚„†ˆŠŒŽ’”–˜šœž ¢¤¦¨ª¬®°²´¶¸º¼¾uqiUQI*2E*2>h|äLŽÒJŠ®:Òlžœ(¨ T ¦ è  2 p ž Ú N Ì 8"ÄÒ~tllÖXZjŒ˜¦¨ª¶¸Ððø"$468F€chsñÿ€{SO-N‡e[Internal EFI Shell]Floppy A:[ProcessedAllBootOptions(): Load shell from the FV]Boot Succeeded - Perform memory test (ESC to skip)% of the system memory tested OKPress ESC key to skip memory test bytes of system memory tested OKNo extended memory found!System encounters memory errorsStart boot optionThe CPU was previously shutdown due to a thermal event (overheating).The firmware has detected that a Multi-Bit ECC Error occurred on Channel A.The firmware has detected that a Single-Bit ECC Error occurred on Channel A.The firmware has detected that a Multi-Bit ECC Error occurred on Channel B.The firmware has detected that a Single-Bit ECC Error occurred on Channel B.The firmware has detected that a CMOS battery failure occurred.The firmware has detected that a CMOS Checksum Error occurred.The firmware has detected that the system date/time has not been set.The firmware has detected that the system memory has decreased.A problem with the hard drive has been detected.Enter password to unlock the system.A bootable device has not been detected.Press the Enter key to continue.BIOS Settings: <�F2>Boot Menu: <�F10>The system chassis was opened.Password Check failed.Fatal Error... System halted.SERIAL PRESENCE DETECT (SPD) device data missing or inconclusive. Properly programmed SPD device data is required for reliable operation. DDR2 533MHz memory assumed at slowest timingsThe installed amount of memory in Channel A is not equal to the amount of memory in Channel B. Maximum memory performance is achieved with equal amounts of memory installed in each channel.Data Parity Error DetectedSystem SERR Error DetectedIntel(R) Manageability Engine (ME) requires a DIMM in Channel 0. ME is non-operational until this is complied with.Intel(R) Manageability Engine (ME) failed initialization and is non-operational.Intel(R) Manageability Engine interface has failed during DRAM initialization. Intel(R) ME is non-operational until this is resolved.Intel(R) Manageability Engine interface failed initialization and is non-operational.Intel(R) ME setup error: Re-check all Intel(R) Management Engine settings. Restart the PC and press <�F2> to enter BIOSIntel(R) AMT setup error: Re-check all Intel(R) Management Engine settings. Restart the PC and press <�F2> to enter BIOSVitual Appliance setup error: Re-check all Intel(R) Management Engine settings. Restart the PC and press <�F2> to enter BIOSThe AA number has not been programmed on the system.Intel(R) Quiet System Technology failed initialization and is non-operational. Re-check the Intel(R) Quiet System Technology configuration files settings.ñÿ_ü[‘!“! ñÿ éby˜îv ÿðÿEnter ñÿ ébP[܃US ÿðÿEsc ñÿúQñÿ_ü[ y˜ÜƒUSñÿ c ðÿEnter ñÿ.•åNç~í~0ñÿû|ß~¾‹nñÿ éby˜îvÿñÿû|ß~M‘nñÿ BIOS îO¢‹Hrÿñÿ_ü[Ǐ z\(W %d ÒyTç~í~ñÿúQñÿç~í~_ü[û|ß~ñÿí‹Šñÿ>f:y_ü[܃USñÿۏeQû|ß~¾‹nñÿ"N1YW[&{2NñÿsQí•5un ÿ\ó¥c¿~Í‘°e‰[ň0Rðÿ ñÿN,‚ðÿ ñÿ!j_MOn0ñÿ÷‹ÂS–§NÁTcWS ÿMOŽN ðÿhttp://support.intel.com/support/motherboards/desktop/¬‘ö¦È1DD…LâÁ¦•’–.n@$þÃ{„t¹mD”IZÕA.™;,.,  (þÃ{„t¹mD”IZÕA.™; Setup¬‘ö¦È1DD…LâÁ¦•’š.rD$樿>Q[K©_û8&'14123  (樿>Q[K©_û8&' Setup¬‘ö¦È1DD…LâÁ¦•’Õ.­$¼0 ž?¦K‚ˆ ›…]¾5A5 5 6  9: ?@g… =>dÿÿ 5 5 5  (¼0 ž?¦K‚ˆ ›…]¾ Setup$sn§[Fš„"d+O<Ö.ú_ª ² eª ² Ä ê  V t ‚ ° Ö  4 ^ ” Ö 2 R x ° Ü : ` Œ º è  Z”Î$>Vn†žÊäbr ¬à^ˆ°ÔJrªÜ D„®Ðú$@j¬ðDR^jl DFjlzˆ°Ø&<PšÂäò2h~”à<n’ÚT|¨Âò.†®ìTrŒž¸Öö^h|ÂÄ@´ÈÜô"R‚¬Ø 8 L „ Ì ! !2!L!‚!¸!º!¼!¾!À!Â!Ä!Æ!È!Ê!Ì!Î!Ð!Ò!Ô!Ö!Ø!Ú!Ü!Þ!à!â!ä!æ!è!ê!ì!î!ð!ò!ô!ö!ø!ú!ü!þ!""""" 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CPUIDAudioContrôleur réseau intégréEffacer journal des événementsAfficher journal des événementsType d'émulation ZIPAprès coupure alim.Wake on LAN de S5Priorité du périphérique d'amorçageDémarrer sur le réseauOrdre du disque durOrdre du lecteur CD/DVD-ROMOrdre lecteurs amoviblesList du type d'amorçageOrdre de lecture d'amorçageNiveau d'accès de l'utilisateur1394 monté sur carteMémoire IGD DVMTTaille ouverture IGDIntel Enhanced DebugXD TechnologyPré-délai disque durDémarrage périphériques optiquesDémarrage périphériques amoviblesContrôle délais SDRAM Fréquence mémoire tRCD tRP tCLAvertissement : Aucune donnée chiffrée ne sera accessible si le TPM est effacé.Module plate-forme sécuriséType de disquette1.44MB2.88MBÉtat de veille ACPIHorloge latence PCI Audio panneau avant haute définitionS.M.A.R.T.Mode DVMTModèle de test de compatibilitéEISTMicrosoft Away Mode Memory VoltageLangueConsignation des événements ECCContrôleur SATA SecondaireUSB LegacyPort sérieMode de processeur unique du logicielWake system from S5Configuration PCI ExpressConfiguration du chipsetConfiguration IDEEffacer module plate-forme sécuriséConfiguration mémoireRéessayerSecteur amorçage disque fixeConfiguration vidéoConfig. de l'amorçagePériphériqueConfiguration disquetteInfo. supplémentaires systèmeUtilise le nombre maximal de multiplicateurGestion du matérielConfig. journal des événementsConfiguration USBChangement de la fréquence du busWake up secondWake up dateSécuritéWake up hourWake up minuteKeyboard SelectVT TechnologyIntel(R) Trusted Execution TechnologyHPETUSB PortsDémarrer d'abord périphériques USBUSB Mass Storage Emulation TypeCore Multiplexing Technology Emulate Floppy for all USB storage devices below (in MB): tRASminMini CardFan ControlProcessor Zone DampingProcessor Zone ResponseAutomatic Fan DetectionUnlock Intel (R) QST Reference FrequencyForce On-board LAN DisableEnhanced Consumer IRUEFI bootHigh Definition Audio CodecIntel(R) VT for Directed I/O (VT-d)HD Audio Link and BP/FP Audio outInconnuC2 StateVA OperationUser confirmation requiredVA Configuration InterfaceAUTO: Les délais seront programmés en fonction de la mémoire détectée ; MANUEL - Agressif : Sélectionne les délais les plus agressifs définis par l'utilisateur ; MANUEL - Utilisateur : Permet la modification manuelle des paramètres SDRAM détectésPermet de modifier la valeur de fréquence mémoire détectée.Min. activation-précharge RASDélai RAS-CAS Précharge RASLatence CAS(CL)MaintenancePrincipalInformations systèmeInformations de la carte mère pour PC de bureauInformations du châssis Nom de produit : Numéro de série : UUID : Version : Fabricant : Étiq. ressources :Adresse MAC carte réseau intégréeIntel(R) Management Engine Information Firmware Version :UnknownWhen disabled, disables secondary cores.Overridden Processor SpeedRAM cache niveau 3Non chargéTBD???MonocanalBicanalAbsentAbsentAbsentAbsentAvancéAvertissement relatif à la configuration :Toute définition incorrecte des valeurs de cet écran peut entraîner des défaillances du système.[Absent][Absent][Absent][Absent]Port SATA 4[Absent]Port SATA 5[Absent]This will configure SATA into the corresponding types.IDERAIDAHCIHéritéNatifActivéDésactivéIntel(R) Integrator Toolkit a modifié ce BIOS.Enables or Disables High Definition Audio CodecDésactive le contrôleur réseau intégréDéclenchement thermique du processeurECC multibits du canal mémoire AECC sur un bit du canal mémoire AECC multibits du canal mémoire BECC sur un bit du canal mémoire BErreur de parité de données détectéeErreur SERR système détectéeUn problème de disque dur a été détecté.Panne de batterie CMOSErreur de somme de contrôle CMOSHeure CMOS non définieClavier introuvableDiminution de la taille mémoireType d'événement (nombre)Heure de l'événement128 Mo256 MoDVMT Maximale128 Mo256 MoFIXEDVMTLecteur de disquetteDisque durAlimentationReste arrêtéDernier étatSous tensionÉtat S1État S3DémarrageDisque durLecteur CD/DVD-ROMDisquetteEthernetActivéDésactivéAutomatiqueMot de passe incorrectLe mot de passe doit comporter au moins 2 et au plus 19 caractères.Effacer m de p du BIOSPermet à l'utilisateur d'effacer les mots de passe.Permet à l'administrateur de remettre le mot de passe de l'utilisateur à zéroRétabl. Intel® AMT par défautPermet à l'utilisateur de rétablir l'état Intel® AMT par défaut.Any change to this setting requires power cycling to take effect.Any change to this setting requires power cycling to take effect.NormalProtéger en écritureValeur réelle du rapport Enables or Disables Consumer Infrared communication featureEnable BothDisable BothDisable Only BP/FP AudioEnable Both: Allow audio output to both the Back Panel/Front Panel and HD Audio Link. Disable Both: Disable both audio out streams. Disable Only BP/FP Audio: Only HD audio content through the HD Audio Link.Graphiques intégrés (IGD)Graphiques PCIE d'extension (PEG)Graphiques PCI d'extensionMot de passe superviseur : Mot de passe utilisateur : AbsentAbsentInstalléInstalléSortie uniq.BidirectionnelEPPECPAutoIntrusion du châssisHHHHHHHHCCCCLecteur de disquettes héritéFFFAvancéLecteur de disquettes héritéDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDAccès rejetéPour l'affichage uniquementLimitéAccès totalAucun lecteur amovibleAucun lecteur optiqueAucun lecteur de disque durAucun lecteur de démarrageEnables or Disables UEFI Boot.Intel(R) EM64T CapableActive ou désactive tous les ports USB. NonOuiPar défautManuel - UtilisateurAUTO: La tension de mémoire sera ajustée en fonction de la mémoire détectée.2827262524232221201918171615141312111098765432.802.762.722.682.642.602.562.522.482.442.402.362.322. MHz200 MHz266 MHz333 MHz400 MHz667 MHz800 MHz1333 MHz1600 MHz1066 MHzCanal mémoire A :Canal mémoire B : Connecteur 0 : Absent Connecteur 1 : Absent Connecteur 0 : Absent Connecteur 1 : Absent **REMARQUE**: SPD défini comme : [tCL]-[tRCD]-[tRP]-[tRASmin]Tolérance SPDProgrès mémoire double non équilibréeOptimisation de la mémoire uniqueLargeur PEG négociéeNon détectéeEnables/Disables Microsoft Away Mode Power Management for Windows XP Media Center Edition. Contact Microsoft for device driver supportKeyboard 1High Precision Event Timer SupportDésigne les périphériques de démarrage USB comme étant les premiers dans l'ordre de démarrage.'Auto' relies on USB device design and media format to set emulation type. 'Size' sets emulation type based on media size. 'All Fixed Disc' sets USB mass devices to emulate fixed disks. 'All Removable' sets USB mass devices to emulate removable drives. Master Boot Record format needed for USB mass device.SizeAll Fixed DiscAll RemovableUSB devices below this size will be configured to emulate a removable drive and appear as removable media during boot (Operating systems may re-configure devices differently).Manageability Engine (ME) Channel A DIMM MissingEnable or disable System wake on alarm event. When enabled, System will wake on the day::hr::min::sec specifiedselect 0-23 For example enter 3 for 3am and 15 for 3pmSelect 0-59 for minute within the hour that you would like the system to wake upIntel(R) ME Initialization FailedIntel(R) ME Interface Non-FunctionalIntel(R) ME Interface Initialization FailedIntel(R) ME End Of Post Message FailedSelect 0-59 for second within the minute that you would like the system to wake upSelect 0 for daily system wake up 1-31 for which day of the month that you would like the system to wake upDetected SATA Device:To adjust acoustics for non-Intel(R) fan heatsink solutions. Less efficient fan heatsink solutions set CPU Zone Response to <�Aggressive>. For more efficient fan heatsink solutions set the CPU Zone Response to <�Slow>.To adjust acoustics for non-Intel(R) fan heatsink solutions. For more efficient fan heatsink solutions set the CPU Zone damping to <�High>.<�Next Boot> Will detect fan(s) added to the motherboard upon next boot only. <�Disabled> Will NOT detect fan(s) added to the motherboard, new fans may perform erratically. <�Always> Will detect fan(s) added to the motherboard, may cause a slight delay and increased noise during startup.AggressiveSlowHighNext BootAlwaysEnables or Disables the Mini Card<�Yes> option allows the fan control settings to be changed using software.CPU Core TemperatureProcessor Thermal MarginCPU Die/Package TemperatureICH TemperatureMCH TemperatureVR TemperatureMemory TemperatureMotherboard TemperatureAmbient Air TemperatureProcessor Inlet Air TemperatureSystem Inlet Air TemperatureSystem Outlet Air TemperaturePSU Internal/Hotspot TemperaturePSU Inlet Air TemperaturePSU Outlet Air TemperatureHard Drive TemperatureGPU Temperature+12v-12v+5v+5v Backup-5v+3.3v+2.5v+1.5vCPU 1 VccpCPU 2 VccpCPU 3 VccpCPU 4 VccpPSU Input voltageMCH Vcc+3.3v StandbyCPU Cooling FanCPU Thermal Module FanMCH Cooling FanVR Cooling FanChassis Cooling FanChassis Inlet FanChassis Outlet FanPSU Cooling FanPSU Inlet FanPSU Oulet FanHard Drive Cooling FanGPU Cooling FanAuxiliary FanMissing AA# Current Memory Setting Current Memory SpeedAMT has been reset successfully.Please press <�F10> to Save and Exit when finished with Setup,Press any key to continueIntel (R) QST configuration error.Virtual Appliance (VA)Enable/Disable VA operation. Valid for VA 3.0 only.Select whether user confirmation is required to perform changes using VA Configuration interface. Valid for VA 3.0 only.Lock/Unlock VA Configuration interface. If locked, all interface functions will return error. Valid for VA 3.0 only.UnlockLock¶Vª ² eª ² Â Ô ü & B P d € ¨ Ô ø  L t Ž ¬ ä  & N h Ž ´ â ü  D t ¤ Ô ì 4Ldˆ¢Êø4@Zz˜¾æ8Xz¨Ôò8Rr–ÀÜ4h„ª¸ÄÐÒr¢¤¼¾ÌÚ$l‚–ÆÐø,P„š²ä @l”Ðú<dŠ¼æ"Px¨Ì&@RlŠªÆ0^` ÜPdx¾îHtªÔè h¬¼ÎèTVXZ\^`bdfhjlnprtvxz|~€‚„†ˆŠŒŽ’”–˜šœž ¢¤¦¨ª¬®°²´¶¸º¼¾ÀÂÄÆÈÊÌÎÐÒêôöPxœÀÒö > n ¼ æ ö ø ú ü þ !!!!! ! !!!!!f!œ!ž! !¢!¤!¦!À!Â!Ø!Ú!â!ê!""">"Z"v"’"¤"Â"f#†#¦#Æ#æ#þ#$6$V$Ä$Æ$Î$Ø$â$ð$þ$% %t%Ô%&D&‚&Â&'@'v'¬'(8(`(„(ª(Ô(ú(ü(þ())))) ) )))))):)<)>)@)B)D)F)H)J)L)N)P)R)T)V)d)r)Œ)š)¨)´)¾)Ì)à)ì)þ)*&*8*J*T*t*–*°*Â*Ð*à*ô*+¢+Ì+,t,Ò,H-Ì-P.^.z.¢.¨.ª."/:/T/†/$1J1z1œ1Ê1ì12$282L2d2‚2Š2’2”2ž2Â2Æ2Ê2Î2Ò2Ö2Ú2Þ2â2æ2ê2î2ò23333*3F3J3N3R3V3Z3^3b3f3j3n3r3v3z3~3‚3–3ª3º3Ò3ø34@4\4š4È4555 505Œ5¸5l6r6x6~6„6Š66–6œ6¢6¨6®6´6º6À6Æ6Ì6Ò6Ø6Þ6â6æ6ê6î6ò6ö6ú6777"7,767@7J7T7^7h7r7|7†77š7¤7®7¸7Â7Ì7Ö7à7ê7ô7þ78 888 8(80888H8X8h8x8ˆ8˜8¨8º8Ì8Þ89&9V9†9¶9æ9l:ˆ:Ð:;0;J;L;\<�^<�t<�º<�=‚?Œ?ª?Æ?&AˆAhBÖBxC¼CD^D¬DRE*FVFXFZF\F^F`FbFH*IfK|K†KK¤K²KöKŒL¶LèL M@M`M~M¤MÔMNDN~NºNüN0OfO”O´O¾OÈOÐOæOîOúOPP(P>PTPjPŽPžPºPÚPQ(QFQnQ’Q¸QØQôQR>R^RzR’R”RÆRôR6S²SæS,TZTÂT´UžV¬VengEnglishUSB BootExpansion Card TextDisplay Setup PromptParallel Port ModeEvent LogEvent LoggingMark Events as ReadPrimary Video AdaptorChassis IntrusionSet User PasswordSet Supervisor PasswordClear User PasswordBIOS VersionProcessor TypeHyper Threading Technology Processor SpeedSystem Bus SpeedSystem Memory SpeedL2 Cache RAMMicrocode RevisionProcessor Stepping Processor MultiplierTotal MemoryMemory ModeMemory Channel A Slot 0Memory Channel A Slot 1Memory Channel B Slot 0Memory Channel B Slot 1System TimeSystem DateSATA Port 0SATA Port 1SATA Port 2SATA Port 3Configure SATA asATA/IDE ModeDiskette ControllerDiskette Write ProtectNumlockMax CPUID Value LimitAudioOn-board LANClear Event LogView Event LogZIP Emulation TypeAfter Power FailureWake on LAN from S5Boot Device PriorityBoot to NetworkHard Drive OrderCD/DVD-ROM Drive OrderRemovable Drive OrderBoot Menu TypeBoot Drive OrderUser Access LevelOnboard 1394IGD DVMT MemoryIGD Aperture SizeIntel Enhanced DebugXD TechnologyHard Disk Pre-DelayBoot to Optical DevicesBoot to Removable DevicesSDRAM Control Memory Frequency tRCD tRP tCLWarning: Any encrypted data will no longer be accessible if the TPM is cleared.Trusted Platform ModuleFloppy Type1.44MB2.88MBACPI Suspend StatePCI Latency Timer High Definition Front Panel AudioS.M.A.R.T.DVMT ModeCompliance Test PatternEISTMicrosoft Away Mode Memory VoltageLanguageECC Event LoggingSecondary SATA ControllerUSB LegacySerial PortSW Single Processor ModeWake system from S5PCI Express configurationChipset ConfigurationDrive ConfigurationClear Trusted Platform ModuleMemory ConfigurationTry AgainFixed Disk Boot SectorVideo ConfigurationBoot ConfigurationPeripheral ConfigurationFloppy ConfigurationAdditional System InformationUse Maximum MultiplierHardware MonitoringEvent Log ConfigurationUSB ConfigurationSystem Bus Frequency OverrideWake up secondWake up dateSecurityWake up hourWake up minuteKeyboard SelectVT TechnologyIntel(R) Trusted Execution TechnologyHPETUSB PortsBoot USB Devices FirstUSB Mass Storage Emulation TypeCore Multiplexing Technology Emulate Floppy for all USB storage devices below (in MB): tRASminMini CardFan ControlProcessor Zone DampingProcessor Zone ResponseAutomatic Fan DetectionUnlock Intel (R) QST Reference FrequencyForce On-board LAN DisableEnhanced Consumer IRUEFI bootHigh Definition Audio CodecIntel(R) VT for Directed I/O (VT-d)HD Audio Link and BP/FP Audio outUnknownC2 StateVA OperationUser confirmation requiredVA Configuration InterfaceMaintenanceMainSystem InformationDesktop Board InformationChassis Information Product Name : Serial Number : UUID : Version : Manufacturer : Asset Tag :Onboard LAN MAC AddressIntel(R) Management Engine Information Firmware Version :UnknownWhen disabled, disables secondary cores.Overridden Processor SpeedL3 Cache RAMNot loadedTBD???Single ChannelDual ChannelNot InstalledNot InstalledNot InstalledNot InstalledAdvancedSetup Warning:Setting items on this Screen to incorrect values may cause system to malfunction![Not Installed][Not Installed][Not Installed][Not Installed]SATA Port 4[Not Installed]SATA Port 5[Not Installed]This will configure SATA into the corresponding types.IDERAIDAHCILegacyNativeOnOffIntel(R) Integrator Toolkit has modified this BIOS.Enables or Disables High Definition Audio CodecDisables the On-board LAN DeviceProcessor Thermal TripMulti Bit ECC Memory Channel ASingle Bit ECC Memory Channel AMulti Bit ECC Memory Channel BSingle Bit ECC Memory Channel BData Parity Error DetectedSystem SERR Error DetectedA problem with the hard drive has been detected.CMOS Battery FailureCMOS Checksum ErrorCMOS Time Not SetKeyboard Not FoundMemory Size DecreaseEvent Type (Count)Time of Occurence128 MB256 MBMaximum DVMT128 MB256 MBFIXEDDVMTFloppyHard DiskPowerStay offLast statePower onS1 StateS3 StateBootHard Disk DriveCD/DVD-ROM DriveFloppy DriveEthernetEnableDisableAutomaticIncorrect passwordThe password needs to be at least 2 and at most 19 characters long.Clear BIOS PasswordsThis allows user to clear passwords.This allows supervisor to clear user password.Reset Intel(R) AMT to default factory settingsThis allows user to reset Intel® AMT to its default state.Any change to this setting requires power cycling to take effect.Any change to this setting requires power cycling to take effect.NormalWrite ProtectRatio Actual Value Enables or Disables Consumer Infrared communication featureEnable BothDisable BothDisable Only BP/FP AudioEnable Both: Allow audio output to both the Back Panel/Front Panel and HD Audio Link. Disable Both: Disable both audio out streams. Disable Only BP/FP Audio: Only HD audio content through the HD Audio Link.Int Graphics (IGD)Ext PCIE Graphics (PEG)Ext PCI GraphicsSupervisor Password : User Password : Not InstalledNot InstalledInstalledInstalledOutput onlyBi-directionalEPPECPAutoChassis IntrusionHHHHHHHHCCCCLegacy FloppyFFFAdvanceLegacy FloppyDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDNo AccessView OnlyLimitedFull AccessNo Removable DriveNo Optical DriveNo Hard Disk DriveNo Boot DriveEnables or Disables UEFI Boot.Intel(R) EM64T CapableEnables or Disables all USB Ports. NoYesDefaultThe frequency that memory speed is based uponManual - User DefinedAUTO: Memory Voltage will be adjusted according to the memory detected.2827262524232221201918171615141312111098765432.802.762.722.682.642.602.562.522.482.442.402.362.322. MHz200 MHz266 MHz333 MHz400 MHz667 MHz800 MHz1333 MHz1600 MHz1066 MHzMemory Channel A:Memory Channel B: Slot 0: Not Installed Slot 1: Not Installed Slot 0: Not Installed Slot 1: Not Installed **NOTE**: SPD defined as Nominal: [tCL]-[tRCD]-[tRP]-[tRASmin]SPD ToleranceMemory Optimization Dual UnbalancedMemory Optimization SinglePEG Negotiated WidthNot DetectedEnables/Disables Microsoft Away Mode Power Management for Windows XP Media Center Edition. Contact Microsoft for device driver supportKeyboard 1High Precision Event Timer SupportSets USB boot devices to be first in boot order.'Auto' relies on USB device design and media format to set emulation type. 'Size' sets emulation type based on media size. 'All Fixed Disc' sets USB mass devices to emulate fixed disks. 'All Removable' sets USB mass devices to emulate removable drives. Master Boot Record format needed for USB mass device.SizeAll Fixed DiscAll RemovableUSB devices below this size will be configured to emulate a removable drive and appear as removable media during boot (Operating systems may re-configure devices differently).Manageability Engine (ME) Channel A DIMM MissingEnable or disable System wake on alarm event. When enabled, System will wake on the day::hr::min::sec specifiedselect 0-23 For example enter 3 for 3am and 15 for 3pmSelect 0-59 for minute within the hour that you would like the system to wake upIntel(R) ME Initialization FailedIntel(R) ME Interface Non-FunctionalIntel(R) ME Interface Initialization FailedIntel(R) ME End Of Post Message FailedSelect 0-59 for second within the minute that you would like the system to wake upSelect 0 for daily system wake up 1-31 for which day of the month that you would like the system to wake upDetected SATA Device:To adjust acoustics for non-Intel(R) fan heatsink solutions. Less efficient fan heatsink solutions set CPU Zone Response to <�Aggressive>. For more efficient fan heatsink solutions set the CPU Zone Response to <�Slow>.To adjust acoustics for non-Intel(R) fan heatsink solutions. For more efficient fan heatsink solutions set the CPU Zone damping to <�High>.<�Next Boot> Will detect fan(s) added to the motherboard upon next boot only. <�Disabled> Will NOT detect fan(s) added to the motherboard, new fans may perform erratically. <�Always> Will detect fan(s) added to the motherboard, may cause a slight delay and increased noise during startup.AggressiveSlowHighNext BootAlwaysEnables or Disables the Mini Card<�Yes> option allows the fan control settings to be changed using software.CPU Core TemperatureProcessor Thermal MarginCPU Die/Package TemperatureICH TemperatureMCH TemperatureVR TemperatureMemory TemperatureMotherboard TemperatureAmbient Air TemperatureProcessor Inlet Air TemperatureSystem Inlet Air TemperatureSystem Outlet Air TemperaturePSU Internal/Hotspot TemperaturePSU Inlet Air TemperaturePSU Outlet Air TemperatureHard Drive TemperatureGPU Temperature+12v-12v+5v+5v Backup-5v+3.3v+2.5v+1.5vCPU 1 VccpCPU 2 VccpCPU 3 VccpCPU 4 VccpPSU Input voltageMCH Vcc+3.3v StandbyCPU Cooling FanCPU Thermal Module FanMCH Cooling FanVR Cooling FanChassis Cooling FanChassis Inlet FanChassis Outlet FanPSU Cooling FanPSU Inlet FanPSU Oulet FanHard Drive Cooling FanGPU Cooling FanAuxiliary FanMissing AA# Current Memory Setting Current Memory SpeedAMT has been reset successfully.Please press <�F10> to Save and Exit when finished with Setup,Press any key to continueIntel (R) QST configuration error.Virtual Appliance (VA)Enable/Disable VA operation. Valid for VA 3.0 only.Select whether user confirmation is required to perform changes using VA Configuration interface. Valid for VA 3.0 only.Lock/Unlock VA Configuration interface. If locked, all interface functions will return error. Valid for VA 3.0 only.UnlockLock bª ² eª ² Â Þ  ^ ~ Œ ¬ Ô D l ¨ ê & F l ¤ Ö  H b ’ À î $\”Ì6Z|žÀâ &V °êøN~ªàXx¸ò&TŒÄæ6`|²ð4VŒš¦²´J‚„¦¨¶Äø.Š ´ö(JXˆÀÖð2ZŽÂì4fŒÊø(>r¶ê\†Æäþ,Jj†ÒÜð46v²&:Nf”Äô J € ª ¾ ö >!‚!š!¬!Æ!ü!2"4"6"8":"<">"@"B"D"F"H"J"L"N"P"R"T"V"X"Z"\"^"`"b"d"f"h"j"l"n"p"r"t"v"x"z"|"~"€"‚"„"†"ˆ"Š"Œ"Ž""’"”"–"˜"š"œ"ž" "¢"%Œ%Ê%î%&*&,&H&\&^&Ž&ð&'T'Š'œ'Ò'(B(~(Ì(ö()) ) )))))))))) )")$)v)¬)®)°)²)´)¶)Ð)Ò)è)ê)ò)ú)*4*N*h*‚*œ*°*ì*È+æ+,",@,b,€,¢,À,.-0-8-B-L-d-r-‚-˜-.b.´.ø.D//Ü/(0‚0Ö041`1¦1Ö12@2p2r2t2v2x2z2|2~2€2‚2„2†2ˆ2Š2Œ2ª2¬2®2°2²2´2¶2¸2º2¼2¾2À2Â2Ä2Æ2Ô2â2ú233 3*3H3^3n3’3®3Â3Ö3ê3ü3&4J4\4n4€4˜4®4Ú4f5¶56†6ê6”78œ8ª8Þ8999’9ª9Ä9ö9”;È;<�2<�f<�”<�®<�È<�Ü<�ð<�=$=,=4=6=@=h=l=p=t=x=|=€=„=ˆ=Œ==”=˜=Ð=Ô=Ø=Ü=î=&>*>.>2>6>:>>>B>F>J>N>R>V>Z>^>b>x>’>¤>¾>æ>?4?d?¢?Ð?$@(@.@4@^@`@¢@NATAZA`AfAlArAxA~A„AŠAA–AœA¢A¨A®A´AºAÀAÄAÈAÌAÐAÔAØAÜAæAðAúABBB"B,B6B@BJBTB^BhBrB|B†BBšB¤B®B¸BÂBÌBÖBàBæBìBòBúBC CCC*C:CJCZCjCzCŠCœC®CÀCèCDBDtD¦DÚDVEtEÀEF0FJFLF\G^GtGºGrHØJâJKK|LÞL¾M,NÎNO\O´OP¨P€Q¬Q®Q°Q²Q´Q¶Q¸QjS€T¼VÒVÜVæVúVWLWâW X>XvX–X¶XÔXúX*YZYšYÔYZRZ†Z¼ZêZ [[[&[<[D[P[\[h[~[”[ª[À[ä[ô[\0\^\~\œ\Ä\è\].]J]f]”]´]Ð]è]ê]^J^Œ^_<_‚_°_` aôabspaEspañolInicio de USBTexto de tarjeta de ampliaciónIndicador de config. de pantallaPuerto paralelo ModoReg. de sucesosRegistro de sucesosMarcar sucesos como leídosAdaptador de vídeo principalIntrusión de chasisDefinir contraseña de usuarioDefinir contraseña de supervisorBorrar contraseña del usuarioVersión de BIOSTipo de procesadorHyper Threading Technology Velocidad del procesadorVelocidad del bus del sistemaVeloc. memoria del sistemaL2 Cache RAMRevisión de microcódigoVersión del procesador Processor MultiplierMemoria totalModo memoriaCanal de memoria A Ranura 0Canal de memoria A Ranura 1Canal de memoria B Ranura 0Canal de memoria B Ranura 1Fecha y hora del sistemaFecha del sistemaPuerto 0 de SATAPuerto 1 de SATAPuerto 2 de SATAPuerto 3 de SATAConfigurar SATA comoModo ATA/IDEControlador de disqueteProtec. contra escritura de disqueteBloqNúmLímite de valor CPUID máximoSonidoLAN incorporadoBorrar registro de sucesosVer registro de sucesosTipo emulación de ZIPDespués pérdida alimentac.Wake on LAN de S5Prioridad de los dispositivos de arranqueArranque en redOrden de unidades de disco duroOrden de unidades CD/DVD-ROMOrden de unidad extraíbleTipo de menú de inicioOrden de unidaded de inicioNivel de acceso del usuario1394 incorporadoMemoria IGD DVMTTamaño de apertura IGDIntel Enhanced DebugXD TechnologyPre-retardo del disco duroIniciar a dispositivos ópticosIniciar a dispositivos extraíblesControl de SDRAM Frecuencia de la memoria tRCD tRP tCLAdvertencia: no se podrá acceder a ningún dato cifrado si se borra el TPM.Módulo de plataforma fiableTipo de disquete1.44MB2.88MBEstado de suspensión ACPICronómetro de latencia PCI Sonido de alta definición del panel frontalS.M.A.R.T.Modo DVMTPatrón de prueba de cumplimientoEISTMicrosoft Away Mode Memory VoltageIdiomaRegistro de eventos ECCControlador SATA secundarioUSB LegacyPuerto serieModo de procesador simple del SWWake system from S5Configuración PCI ExpressConfiguración del chipsetConfiguración de IDEBorrar Módulo de plataforma fiable Configuración de memoriaInténtelo de nuevoSector de inicio de disco fijoConfiguración de vídeoConfiguración de inicioPeriféricoConfiguración de disqueteInformación adicional del sistemaUsar multiplicador máximoControl de hardwareConfiguración de registro de sucesosConfiguración de USBAnulación de frecuencia del busWake up secondWake up dateSeguridadWake up hourWake up minuteKeyboard SelectVT TechnologyIntel(R) Trusted Execution TechnologyHPETUSB PortsArrancar primero dispositivos USBUSB Mass Storage Emulation TypeCore Multiplexing Technology Emulate Floppy for all USB storage devices below (in MB): tRASminMini CardFan ControlProcessor Zone DampingProcessor Zone ResponseAutomatic Fan DetectionUnlock Intel (R) QST Reference FrequencyForce On-board LAN DisableEnhanced Consumer IRUEFI bootHigh Definition Audio CodecIntel(R) VT for Directed I/O (VT-d)HD Audio Link and BP/FP Audio outDesconocidoC2 StateVA OperationUser confirmation requiredVA Configuration InterfaceAUTO: Las sincronizaciones se programarán de acuerdo con la memoria detectada; MANUAL - Agresivo: Selecciona las sincronizaciones más agresivas definidas por el usuario; MANUAL - Definido por el usuario: Permite la anulación manual de los ajustes SDRAM detectadosPermite la anulación del valor detectado de frecuencia de la memoria.RAS Activar para precargar minRetardo RAS a CASPrecarga RASLatencia CAS(CL)MantenimientoPrincipalInformación del sistemaInformación de la placa para equipo de sobremesaInformación del chasis Nombre del producto : Número de serie : UUID : Versión : Fabricante : Etiqueta de inventario :Dirección MAC de LAN en placaIntel(R) Management Engine Information Firmware Version :UnknownWhen disabled, disables secondary cores.Overridden Processor SpeedL3 Cache RAMNo cargadoTBD???Canal individualCanal dobleNo instaladoNo instaladoNo instaladoNo instaladoAvanzadasAdvertencia de configuración:Si en esta pantalla define elementos con valores incorrectos, puede que el sistema no funcione correctamente.[No instalado][No instalado][No instalado][No instalado]Puerto 4 de SATA[No instalado]Puerto 5 de SATA[No instalado]This will configure SATA into the corresponding types.IDERAIDAHCITradicionalNativoActivarDesactivarIntel(R) Integrator Toolkit ha modificado esta BIOS.Enables or Disables High Definition Audio CodecDesactiva el dispositivo LAN incorporadoInterruptor térmico de procesadorCanal de memoria ECC de varios bits ACanal de memoria ECC de un solo bit ACanal de memoria ECC de varios bits BCanal de memoria ECC de un solo bit BSe ha detectado un error de paridad de datosSe ha detectado un error SERR del sistemaSe ha detectado un problema con el disco duro.Error en batería CMOSError en suma de verificación CMOSTiempo CMOS no definidoTeclado no encontradoReducción de tamaño de memoriaTipo de suceso (conteo)Hora de suceso128 MB256 MBDVMT máximo128 MB256 MBFIJODVMTDisco flexibleDisco duroEnergíaPermanece apagadoÚltimo estadoEncendidoEstado S1Estado S3ArrancarUnidad de disco duroUnidad CD/DVD-ROMDisqueteEthernetActivadaDesactivadaAutomáticoContraseña incorrectaLa contraseña debe tener un mínimo de 2 caracteres y un máximo de 19.Borrar todas las contraseñas de la BIOSPermite que el usuario borre las contraseñas.Permite que el supervisor borre la contraseña del usuarioRestablecer valores predeterminados de Intel® AMTPermite al usuario restablecer los valores de Intel® AMT a su estado predeterminado.Any change to this setting requires power cycling to take effect.Any change to this setting requires power cycling to take effect.NormalProteger contra escrituraValor actual de relación Enables or Disables Consumer Infrared communication featureEnable BothDisable BothDisable Only BP/FP AudioEnable Both: Allow audio output to both the Back Panel/Front Panel and HD Audio Link. Disable Both: Disable both audio out streams. Disable Only BP/FP Audio: Only HD audio content through the HD Audio Link.Gráficos integrados (IGD)Gráficos PCIE ampliados (PEG)Gráficos PCI ampliadosContraseña de supervisor:Contraseña de usuario:No instaladoNo instaladoInstaladoInstaladoSólo salidaBidireccionalEPPECPAutoIntrusión de chasisHHHHHHHHCCCCUnidad de disquete heredadaFFFAvanzadaUnidad de disquete heredadaDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDSin accesoSólo lecturaLimitadoAcceso totalUnidad no extraíbleNo hay unidad ópticaNo hay disco duroNo hay unidad de inicioEnables or Disables UEFI Boot.Intel(R) EM64T CapableActiva o desactiva todos los puertos USB. NoSíValor predeterminadoManual - Definido por el usuarioAUTO: Se ajustará el voltaje de memoria según la memoria detectada.2827262524232221201918171615141312111098765432.802.762.722.682.642.602.562.522.482.442.402.362.322. MHz200 MHz266 MHz333 MHz400 MHz667 MHz800 MHz1333 MHz1600 MHz1066 MHzCanal de memoria A:Canal de memoria B: Ranura 0: No instalada Ranura 1: No instalada Ranura 0: No instalada Ranura 1: No instalada **NOTA**: SPD definido como: [tCL]-[tRCD]-[tRP]-[tRASmin]Tolerancia SPDMejora de memoria dual no equilibradaOptimización de memoria unificadaAnchura negociada PEGNo detectadoEnables/Disables Microsoft Away Mode Power Management for Windows XP Media Center Edition. Contact Microsoft for device driver supportKeyboard 1High Precision Event Timer SupportAjusta los dispositivos de arranque USB para que sean los primeros en el orden de arranque.'Auto' relies on USB device design and media format to set emulation type. 'Size' sets emulation type based on media size. 'All Fixed Disc' sets USB mass devices to emulate fixed disks. 'All Removable' sets USB mass devices to emulate removable drives. Master Boot Record format needed for USB mass device.SizeAll Fixed DiscAll RemovableUSB devices below this size will be configured to emulate a removable drive and appear as removable media during boot (Operating systems may re-configure devices differently).Manageability Engine (ME) Channel A DIMM MissingEnable or disable System wake on alarm event. When enabled, System will wake on the day::hr::min::sec specifiedselect 0-23 For example enter 3 for 3am and 15 for 3pmSelect 0-59 for minute within the hour that you would like the system to wake upIntel(R) ME Initialization FailedIntel(R) ME Interface Non-FunctionalIntel(R) ME Interface Initialization FailedIntel(R) ME End Of Post Message FailedSelect 0-59 for second within the minute that you would like the system to wake upSelect 0 for daily system wake up 1-31 for which day of the month that you would like the system to wake upDetected SATA Device:To adjust acoustics for non-Intel(R) fan heatsink solutions. Less efficient fan heatsink solutions set CPU Zone Response to <�Aggressive>. For more efficient fan heatsink solutions set the CPU Zone Response to <�Slow>.To adjust acoustics for non-Intel(R) fan heatsink solutions. For more efficient fan heatsink solutions set the CPU Zone damping to <�High>.<�Next Boot> Will detect fan(s) added to the motherboard upon next boot only. <�Disabled> Will NOT detect fan(s) added to the motherboard, new fans may perform erratically. <�Always> Will detect fan(s) added to the motherboard, may cause a slight delay and increased noise during startup.AggressiveSlowHighNext BootAlwaysEnables or Disables the Mini Card<�Yes> option allows the fan control settings to be changed using software.CPU Core TemperatureProcessor Thermal MarginCPU Die/Package TemperatureICH TemperatureMCH TemperatureVR TemperatureMemory TemperatureMotherboard TemperatureAmbient Air TemperatureProcessor Inlet Air TemperatureSystem Inlet Air TemperatureSystem Outlet Air TemperaturePSU Internal/Hotspot TemperaturePSU Inlet Air TemperaturePSU Outlet Air TemperatureHard Drive TemperatureGPU Temperature+12v-12v+5v+5v Backup-5v+3.3v+2.5v+1.5vCPU 1 VccpCPU 2 VccpCPU 3 VccpCPU 4 VccpPSU Input voltageMCH Vcc+3.3v StandbyCPU Cooling FanCPU Thermal Module FanMCH Cooling FanVR Cooling FanChassis Cooling FanChassis Inlet FanChassis Outlet FanPSU Cooling FanPSU Inlet FanPSU Oulet FanHard Drive Cooling FanGPU Cooling FanAuxiliary FanMissing AA# Current Memory Setting Current Memory SpeedAMT has been reset successfully.Please press <�F10> to Save and Exit when finished with Setup,Press any key to continueIntel (R) QST configuration error.Virtual Appliance (VA)Enable/Disable VA operation. Valid for VA 3.0 only.Select whether user confirmation is required to perform changes using VA Configuration interface. Valid for VA 3.0 only.Lock/Unlock VA Configuration interface. If locked, all interface functions will return error. Valid for VA 3.0 only.UnlockLockØ^ª ² eª ² Â Ö  0 T d ˆ ¨ â  6 j ¢ à ú  L ~ ² Þ ø  D r  ¬ ä TŒ¨Àâ&Hv’¼ìô ,N‚¶Úþ$Px°ú<TÆ&HrŽÄ>^„’žª¬p ¢¾ÀÎÜ$|’¨Öà*:r¨¾æ>r Î:P€¦Ìü*jªÔ6rªÀÚø4€ŠžÒÔPÄØì2b’¼èH\”Ü 4 F ` – Ì Î Ð Ò Ô Ö Ø Ú Ü Þ à â ä æ è ê ì î ð ò ô ö ø ú ü þ !!!!! ! !!!!!!!!!! !"!$!&!(!*!,!.!0!2!4!6!8!:!9b9v9Š9¢9Ê9Ò9Ú9Ü9æ9:::::":&:*:.:2:6:::>:n:r:v:z:Ž:¾:Â:Æ:Ê:Î:Ò:Ö:Ú:Þ:â:æ:ê:î:ò:ö:ú:;(;>;\;†;¶;è;<�N<�|<�Ü<�à<�ê<�ð<� = =D=þ=> >>>>">(>.>4>:>@>F>L>R>X>^>d>j>p>t>x>|>€>„>ˆ>Œ>–> >ª>´>¾>È>Ò>Ü>æ>ð>ú>???"?,?6?@?J?T?^?h?r?|?†??–?œ?¢?ª?²?º?Â?Ê?Ú?ê?ú? @@*@:@L@^@p@’@´@ø@E¤G®GÌGèGHIªIŠJøJšKÞK(L€LÎLtMLNxNzN|N~N€N‚N„N6PLQˆSžS¨S²SÆSÔST®TØT UBUbU‚U UÆUöU&VfV VÜVWRWˆW¶WÖWàWêWòWXXX(X4XJX`XvXŒX°XÀXÜXüX*YJYhYY´YÚYúYZ2Z`Z€ZœZ´Z¶ZèZ[X[Ô[\N\|\ä\Ö]À^Î^gerDeutschUSB-StartErweiterungskartentextSetup-Prompt anzeigenParallelanschluss ModusEreignisprotokollProtokollierungEreign als gelesen markierenPrimärer VideoadapterÖffnen des GehäusesBenutzerkennw. einstellenManager-Kennwort einstellenBenutzerpasswort zurücksetztenBIOS-VersionProzessortypHyper Threading Technology ProzessorgeschwindigkeitSystembus-GeschwindigkeitSystemspeichergeschw.L2 Cache-RAMMicrocode-RevisionProzessor-Stepping Processor MultiplierGesamtspeicherSpeichermodusSpeicherbank A Steckplatz 0Speicherbank A Steckplatz 1Speicherbank B Steckplatz 0Speicherbank B Steckplatz 1SystemuhrzeitSystemdatumSATA-Anschluss 0SATA-Anschluss 1SATA-Anschluss 2SATA-Anschluss 3SATA konfigurieren alsATA/IDE-ModusDisketten-ControllerDisketten-SchreibschutzNUMMax. CPUID-WertgrenzeAudioIntegriertes LANEreignisprotokoll löschenEreign.protokoll anzeigenZIP-EmulationstypNach StromausfallWake on LAN von S5Start-GeräteprioritätIm Netzwerk startenReihenfolge der FestplattenReihenfolge der CD/DVD-ROM-LaufwerkeReihenfolge der WechsellaufwerkeBootmenütypReihenfolge der BootlaufwerkeZugriffsrechte des Nutzerseingebaute 1394 SchnittstelleIGD DVMT-SpeicherIGD AperturgrößeIntel Enhanced DebugXD TechnologyFestplatten-VorverzögerungIn optischen Laufwerken startenIn Wechsellaufwerken startenSDRAM-Steuerung Speicherfrequenz tRCD tRP tCLWarnung: Wenn das TPM gelöscht wird, kann auf verschlüsselte Daten nicht mehr zugegriffen werden.Trusted Platform ModuleDiskettenttyp1.44MB2.88MBACPI-WartezustandPCI Latency Timer High Definition Audio auf der FrontplatteS.M.A.R.T.DVMT-ModusKonformitätstestmusterEISTMicrosoft Away Mode Memory VoltageSpracheECC-EreignisprotokollierungSekundärer SATA-ControllerUSB LegacySerieller AnschlussSW EinzelprozessormodusWake system from S5PCI Express-KonfigurationChipsatz-KonfigurationLaufwerkskonfigurationTrusted Platform Module löschenSpeicherkonfigurationNeuversuchFestplatten-Boot-SektorVideokonfigurationBoot-KonfigurationPeripheriekonfigurationDiskettenkonfigurationZusätzliche Systeminformationengrößten Multiplikator verwendenHardware-ÜberwachungEreignisprotokollkonfigurationUSB-KonfigurationSystem Bus Frequency OverrideWake up secondWake up dateSicherheitWake up hourWake up minuteKeyboard SelectVT TechnologyIntel(R) Trusted Execution TechnologyHPETUSB PortsUSB-Geräte zuerst startenUSB Mass Storage Emulation TypeCore Multiplexing Technology Emulate Floppy for all USB storage devices below (in MB): tRASminMini CardFan ControlProcessor Zone DampingProcessor Zone ResponseAutomatic Fan DetectionUnlock Intel (R) QST Reference FrequencyForce On-board LAN DisableEnhanced Consumer IRUEFI bootHigh Definition Audio CodecIntel(R) VT for Directed I/O (VT-d)HD Audio Link and BP/FP Audio outUnbekanntC2 StateVA OperationUser confirmation requiredVA Configuration InterfaceAUTO: Timings werden an Hand des erkannten Speichers programmiert; MANUELL - aggressiv: Wählt das agressivste benutzerdefinierte Timing; MANUELL - benutzerdefiniert: Erkannte SDRAM-Einstellungen können vom Benutzer umgangen werdenErmöglicht das Umgehen des erkannten Speicherfrequenzwerts.RAS Activate-to-Precharge MinRAS-to-CAS Verzögerung RAS Pre-ChargeCAS Latency (CL)WartungHauptsystemSysteminformationenDesktop-Motherboard-InformationenGehäuseinformationen Produktname : Seriennummer : UUID : Version : Hersteller : Bestandskennzeichen :Integrierte LAN-MAC-AdresseIntel(R) Management Engine Information Firmware Version :UnknownWhen disabled, disables secondary cores.Overridden Processor SpeedL3 Cache-RAMNicht geladenTBD???EinzelkanalDoppelkanalNicht installiertNicht installiertNicht installiertNicht installiertErweitertSetup-Warnung:Eingabe ungültiger Werte bei den Elementen dieses Bildschirms kann zu Systemfehlern führen![Nicht installiert][Nicht installiert][Nicht installiert][Nicht installiert]SATA-Anschluss 4[Nicht installiert]SATA-Anschluss 5[Nicht installiert]This will configure SATA into the corresponding types.IDERAIDAHCILegacyNativenEinAusIntel(R) Integrator Toolkit hat dieses BIOS geändert.Enables or Disables High Definition Audio CodecDeaktiviert das integrierte LAN-GerätProzessor-TemperatursicherungMultibit-ECC-Speicherkanal AEinzelbit-ECC-Speicherkanal AMultibit-ECC-Speicherkanal BEinzelbit-ECC-Speicherkanal BDatenparitätsfehler erkanntSystem-SERR-Fehler erkanntEs wurde ein Problem mit der Festplatte erkannt.CMOS-BatterieausfallCMOS-PrüfsummenfehlerCMOS-Zeitangabe fehltTastatur nicht gefundenSpeichergröße vermindertEreignistyp (Zählung)Zeit des Ereignisses128 MB256 MBmaximaler Wert für DMVT128 MB256 MBFESTDVMTDisketteFestplatteEnergieBleibt 'Aus'Letzter ZustandEinschaltenS1-ZustandS3-ZustandStartFestplattenlaufwerkCD/DVD-ROM-LaufwerkDisketteEthernetAktivierenDeaktivierenautomatischUngültiges KennwortDas Kennwort muss eine Länge von 2 bis 19 Zeichen haben.Alle BIOS-Kennwörter löschenErmöglicht Benutzern das Löschen von Kennwörtern.Erlaubt Vorgesetzten, das Benutzerpasswort zurückzusetzenIntel® AMT-Standardwerte einstellenErmöglicht dem Benutzer, die Intel® AMT in ihren Standardzustand zurückzusetzen.Any change to this setting requires power cycling to take effect.Any change to this setting requires power cycling to take effect.normalSchreibschutzVerhältn. tatsächl. Wert Enables or Disables Consumer Infrared communication featureEnable BothDisable BothDisable Only BP/FP AudioEnable Both: Allow audio output to both the Back Panel/Front Panel and HD Audio Link. Disable Both: Disable both audio out streams. Disable Only BP/FP Audio: Only HD audio content through the HD Audio Link.Int. Graphics (IGD)Ext. PCIE Graphics (PEG)Ext. PCI GraphicsManager-Kennwort:Benutzerkennwort:Nicht installiertNicht installierteingebauteingebautNur AusgabeIn beide RichtungenEPPECPautoÖffnen des GehäusesHHHHHHHHCCCCalte DiskettenlaufwerkeFFF vorwärtsalte DiskettenlaufwerkeDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDkein Zugriffnur lesenbeschränktvoller ZugriffKein WechsellaufwerkKein optisches LaufwerkKein FestplattenlaufwerkKein Start-LaufwerkEnables or Disables UEFI Boot.Intel(R) EM64T CapableAktiviert oder deaktiviert alle USB-Anschlüsse. NeinJaStandardwertManuell - benutzerdefiniertAUTO: Speicherspannung wird entsprechend dem erkannten Speicher angepasst.2827262524232221201918171615141312111098765432.802.762.722.682.642.602.562.522.482.442.402.362.322. MHz200 MHz266 MHz333 MHz400 MHz667 MHz800 MHz1333 MHz1600 MHz1066 MHzSpeicherkanal A:Speicherkanal B: Steckplatz 0: Nicht installiert Steckplatz 1: Nicht installiert Steckplatz 0: Nicht installiert Steckplatz 1: Nicht installiert **HINWEIS**: SPD ist definiert als: [tCL]-[tRCD]-[tRP]-[tRASmin]SPD-ToleranzSpeicheroptimierung dual unausgegl.Speicheroptimierung - einzelMit PEG ausgehandelte BreiteNicht erkanntEnables/Disables Microsoft Away Mode Power Management for Windows XP Media Center Edition. Contact Microsoft for device driver supportKeyboard 1High Precision Event Timer SupportPlatziert USB-Startgeräte in der Startreihenfolge an die erste Stelle.'Auto' relies on USB device design and media format to set emulation type. 'Size' sets emulation type based on media size. 'All Fixed Disc' sets USB mass devices to emulate fixed disks. 'All Removable' sets USB mass devices to emulate removable drives. Master Boot Record format needed for USB mass device.SizeAll Fixed DiscAll RemovableUSB devices below this size will be configured to emulate a removable drive and appear as removable media during boot (Operating systems may re-configure devices differently).Manageability Engine (ME) Channel A DIMM MissingEnable or disable System wake on alarm event. When enabled, System will wake on the day::hr::min::sec specifiedselect 0-23 For example enter 3 for 3am and 15 for 3pmSelect 0-59 for minute within the hour that you would like the system to wake upIntel(R) ME Initialization FailedIntel(R) ME Interface Non-FunctionalIntel(R) ME Interface Initialization FailedIntel(R) ME End Of Post Message FailedSelect 0-59 for second within the minute that you would like the system to wake upSelect 0 for daily system wake up 1-31 for which day of the month that you would like the system to wake upDetected SATA Device:To adjust acoustics for non-Intel(R) fan heatsink solutions. Less efficient fan heatsink solutions set CPU Zone Response to <�Aggressive>. For more efficient fan heatsink solutions set the CPU Zone Response to <�Slow>.To adjust acoustics for non-Intel(R) fan heatsink solutions. For more efficient fan heatsink solutions set the CPU Zone damping to <�High>.<�Next Boot> Will detect fan(s) added to the motherboard upon next boot only. <�Disabled> Will NOT detect fan(s) added to the motherboard, new fans may perform erratically. <�Always> Will detect fan(s) added to the motherboard, may cause a slight delay and increased noise during startup.AggressiveSlowHighNext BootAlwaysEnables or Disables the Mini Card<�Yes> option allows the fan control settings to be changed using software.CPU Core TemperatureProcessor Thermal MarginCPU Die/Package TemperatureICH TemperatureMCH TemperatureVR TemperatureMemory TemperatureMotherboard TemperatureAmbient Air TemperatureProcessor Inlet Air TemperatureSystem Inlet Air TemperatureSystem Outlet Air TemperaturePSU Internal/Hotspot TemperaturePSU Inlet Air TemperaturePSU Outlet Air TemperatureHard Drive TemperatureGPU Temperature+12v-12v+5v+5v Backup-5v+3.3v+2.5v+1.5vCPU 1 VccpCPU 2 VccpCPU 3 VccpCPU 4 VccpPSU Input voltageMCH Vcc+3.3v StandbyCPU Cooling FanCPU Thermal Module FanMCH Cooling FanVR Cooling FanChassis Cooling FanChassis Inlet FanChassis Outlet FanPSU Cooling FanPSU Inlet FanPSU Oulet FanHard Drive Cooling FanGPU Cooling FanAuxiliary FanMissing AA# Current Memory Setting Current Memory SpeedAMT has been reset successfully.Please press <�F10> to Save and Exit when finished with Setup,Press any key to continueIntel (R) QST configuration error.Virtual Appliance (VA)Enable/Disable VA operation. Valid for VA 3.0 only.Select whether user confirmation is required to perform changes using VA Configuration interface. Valid for VA 3.0 only.Lock/Unlock VA Configuration interface. If locked, all interface functions will return error. Valid for VA 3.0 only.UnlockLockÄNª ² eª ² ¾ Î Ü ì ø    0 @ L \ n ~ ˜ ¦ Þ ì ü & 4 B p | ˆ ¢ ¼ Ö ð ü   4 J ` v Ž œ ¬ ¼ Ö Þ î þ  " , N ` n € ¤ ¸ È Ú ê ü *Tp~¤¼ÌÜêø&\ŒŽšª¸ÆÜö$4FPxš¢ºÔêö 4HVf~Š”¤°¼ÈÔäôþ2PjtŽ¬Ìè4>Rjl¬è\r†žÌü,V‚¸âö.vºÂÔî$Z\^’äæè  <>d¨àâú@–˜²Ðð<JXZŽè<fÖ vx¢¼Úêüþ 0PnžXx”²Äàâú,`ˆ¬Ðâ * N l º ä ô ö ø ú ü þ !!!!! ! !!!!d!š!œ!ž! !¢!¤!¾!À!Ê!Ì!Ô!Ü!æ!ð!ú!""" 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For more efficient fan heatsink solutions set the CPU Zone Response to <�Slow>.To adjust acoustics for non-Intel(R) fan heatsink solutions. For more efficient fan heatsink solutions set the CPU Zone damping to <�High>.<�Next Boot> Will detect fan(s) added to the motherboard upon next boot only. <�Disabled> Will NOT detect fan(s) added to the motherboard, new fans may perform erratically. <�Always> Will detect fan(s) added to the motherboard, may cause a slight delay and increased noise during startup.AggressiveSlowHighNext BootAlwaysEnables or Disables the Mini Card<�Yes> option allows the fan control settings to be changed using software.CPU Core TemperatureProcessor Thermal MarginCPU Die/Package TemperatureICH TemperatureMCH TemperatureVR TemperatureMemory TemperatureMotherboard TemperatureAmbient Air TemperatureProcessor Inlet Air TemperatureSystem Inlet Air TemperatureSystem Outlet Air TemperaturePSU Internal/Hotspot TemperaturePSU Inlet Air TemperaturePSU Outlet Air TemperatureHard Drive TemperatureGPU Temperature+12v-12v+5v+5v Backup-5v+3.3v+2.5v+1.5vCPU 1 VccpCPU 2 VccpCPU 3 VccpCPU 4 VccpPSU Input voltageMCH Vcc+3.3v StandbyCPU Cooling FanCPU Thermal Module FanMCH Cooling FanVR Cooling FanChassis Cooling FanChassis Inlet FanChassis Outlet FanPSU Cooling FanPSU Inlet FanPSU Oulet FanHard Drive Cooling FanGPU Cooling FanAuxiliary FanMissing AA# Current Memory Setting Current Memory SpeedAMT has been reset successfully.Please press <�F10> to Save and Exit when finished with Setup,Press any key to continueIntel (R) QST configuration error.Virtual Appliance (VA)Enable/Disable VA operation. Valid for VA 3.0 only.Select whether user confirmation is required to perform changes using VA Configuration interface. Valid for VA 3.0 only.Lock/Unlock VA Configuration interface. If locked, all interface functions will return error. Valid for VA 3.0 only.UnlockLock ª ² eª ² º ¾ Â Æ Ê Î Ò Ö Ú Þ â æ ê î ò ö ú þ        " & * . 2 6 : > B F J N R V Z ^ b f j n r v z ~ ‚ † Š Ž ’ – š ž ¢ ¦ ª ® ² ¶ º ¾ Â Æ Ê Î Ò Ö Ú Þ â æ ê î ò ö ú þ        " & * . 2 6 : > B F J N R V Z ^ b f j n r v z ~ ‚ † Š Ž ’ – š ž ¢ ¦ ª ® ² ¶ º ¾ Â Æ Ê Î Ò Ö Ú Þ â æ ê î ò ö ú ü þ              " $ & ( * , . 0 2 4 6 8 : < > @ B D F H J L N P R T V X Z \ ^ ` b d f h j l n p r t v x z | ~ € ‚ „ † ˆ Š Œ Ž  ’ ” – ˜ š œ ž   ¢ ¤ ¦ ¨ ª ¬ ® ° ² ´ ¶ ¸ º ¼ ¾ À Â Ä Æ È Ê Ì Î Ð Ò Ô Ö Ø Ú Ü Þ à â ä æ è ê ì î ð ò ô ö ø ú ü þ              " $ & ( * , . 0 2 4 6 8 : < > @ B D F H J L N P R T V X Z \ ^ ` b d f h j l n p r t v x z | ~ € ‚ „ † ˆ Š Œ Ž  ’ ” – ˜ š œ ž   ¢ ¤ ¦ ¨ ª ¬ ® ° ² ´ ¶ ¸ º ¼ ¾ À Â Ä Æ È Ê Ì Î Ð Ò Ô Ö Ø Ú Ü Þ à â ä æ è ê ì î ð ò ô ö ø ú ü þ    "$&(*,.02468:<>@BDFHJLNPRTVXZ\^`bdfhjlnprtvxz|~€‚„†ˆŠŒŽ’”–˜šœž ¢¤¦¨ª¬®°²´¶¸º¼¾ÀÂÄÆÈÊÌÎÐÒÔÖØÚÜÞàâäæèêìîðòôöøúüþ   "$&(*,.02468:<>@BDFHJLNPRTVXZ\^`bdfhjlnprtvxz|~€‚„†ˆŠŒŽ’”–˜šœžuqiUQI 012ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRYZabcdfghijklmoqryz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰ŠŒŽ‘’“”•–—™šŸ ¢¥¦µÂÌÎÑÒÓÔãäçèðñòóôõö÷úûý   /0:KUYf|}³·¾¿ÀÁÒèrz~ÙÞàáâ$sn§[Fš„"d+OL. 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Flash update failed! Technical information: (0x%x, %d) Â6>6>P”ÂðHxfraFrançaisFlashing motherboard firmware: Current revision: Updating to revision: Flash update has completed successfully. Flash update failed! Technical information: (0x%x, %d) À6>6>N’ÀîFvspaEspañolFlashing motherboard firmware: Current revision: Updating to revision: Flash update has completed successfully. Flash update failed! Technical information: (0x%x, %d) 6>6>Nªä€ÀgerDeutschFlash-Abruf der Firmware auf Hauptplatine: Aktuelle Revision: Aktualisieren auf Revision: Flash-Update wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Flash-Update fehlgeschlagen! Technische Daten: (0x%x, %d) ,$•~ÛÃ<ÛHK¸ÝB²ç çÎï}&ýK¢WJj³î…‘rF.BJ BJZjt~ˆ’®ÊæengEnglishUnknownJ6H1J6H2J6J1J6J2CHAN A DIMM 0CHAN A DIMM 1CHAN B DIMM 0CHAN B DIMM 1,$çÎï}&ýK¢WJj³î…‘ ¨d/çO¤¶{Ëa¬`€T.¶¾(¶¾ÎÐÒÔÖ8PRTVXZ\v’”–âòô ,68:<>Xt’°ÎäúengEnglishBase Board Asset TagBase Board Chassis LocationIntel Corp.English (US)ETK_VER_02.01Intel(R) High Definition Audio DevicePRIMARYSECONDARYATX_PWRBTX_PWRenUSEnglish (US)PCIE X16 SLOTPCIE X1 SLOT 1PCIE X1 SLOT 2PCIE X1 SLOT 3PCI SLOT 1PCI SLOT 2PCI SLOT 3,$¨d/çO¤¶{Ëa¬` ËqÑbÍx€D†xÆ¢§—¨Þ0.À.6.6F|Œ¶engEnglishIntel(R) Genuine processorUnknownIntel(R) CorporationJ1PR,$ËqÑbÍx€D†xÆ¢§—¨Þ þBóëÓ±øN•|€H`oöpê.þ+.¨,ÊÞæ2ÞæöFp†¤Æê8b†®Òþ.Hfˆ¶ÆÌ ,B|¾Î4fhrtx¤Îø Pp¨à2xengEnglishSystem SetupExit Saving Changes? (Y/N)Load Defaults? (Y/N)Esc = ExitF1=Scroll HelpF2=Previous PageF9=Setup DefaultsF10=Save and ExitEnter=Select SubmenuEnter=Change SettingEsc=Previous PageEsc=Discard Changes+- = Change Value+ = Move Selection Up- = Move Selection Down=Select Item=Select ScreenTAB=Select FieldSpace = Switch SettingChanges!!Exit Discarding Changes? (Y/N)YN=Select Item0123456789Please type in your passwordPlease type in your new passwordConfirmPasswords are not the samePress ENTER to continuePlease type in your dataExit Load Optimal DefaultsLoad Custom DefaultsSave Custom DefaultsExit Saving ChangesExit Discarding ChangesDiscard ChangesLoad Custom Defaults? (Y/N)Save Custom Defaults? (Y/N)Exit Setup? (Y/N)Discard Changes? (Y/N)Please wait! Saving BIOS settings.F9 hotkey is not supported in this page.Ô Þæ2Þæø$bš¼Üø&R„®Òü"JvžÊì.4tx|¤ºî2F~ÂèêúüR®f¼ÚD¶ø< ‚ fraFrançaisConfiguration systèmeQuitter en enregistrant (O/N)?Charger val./défaut ? (O/N)Échap. = QuitterF1=Défiler aideF2=Page préc.F9=Définir val./défautF10=Enreg. et quitterEntrée=Sélect. sous-menuEntrée=Modif. param.Echap.=Page préc.Échap=Abandon modif.+- = Modif. valeur+ = Monte sélection- = Descend sélection=Sélect. un article=Sélect. votre optionTAB=SélectionnerEsp.= Changer param.Changements!!Quitter sans enregistrer? (O/N)ON=Sélect. un article0123456789Entrez votre mot de passeEntrez votre nouveau mot de passeConfirmerLes mots de passe diffèrentAppuyez sur ENTRÉE pour continuerEntrez vos donnéesQuitter Charger les valeurs optimales par défautCharger les valeurs par défaut personnaliséesEnregistrer les valeurs par défaut personnaliséesQuitter en enregistrant les modificationsQuitter sans enregistrer les modificationsAbandon modif.Charger les valeurs par défaut personnalisées? (O/N)Enregistrer les valeurs par défaut personnalisées? (O/N)Quitter la configuration ? (O/N)Ignorer les modifications ? (O/N)Please wait! Saving BIOS settings.F9 hotkey is not supported in this page.ª Þæ2Þæö0p¾Ö&Rz¤Ðø"HŠÊìBl|‚ÂÆÊì.fz´ð"$(vÒ0h¤Æ2 Þ X spaEspañolLa Configuración del sistema¿Salir guardando cambios? (S/N)¿Cargar valores predeterminados? (S/N)Esc = SalirF1=Ayuda desplazableF2=Página anteriorF9=Configurar predet.F10=Guardar y salirIntro=Selec. submenúIntro=Cambiar opción.Esc=Página anteriorEsc=Desechar cambios+- = Cambiar valor+ = Mover selección hacia arriba- = Mover selección hacia abajo=Selec. elementoSeleccionar pantallaTAB=Seleccionar campoEspac. = Otra opciónCambios!!¿Salir sin guardar camb.? (S/N)SN=Selec. elemento0123456789Escriba la contraseñaEscriba la contraseña nuevaConfirmarLas contraseñas no coincidenPresione Intro para continuarEscriba los datosSalir Cargar valores predeterminados óptimosCargar valores predeterminados personalizadosGuardar valores predeterminados personalizadosSalir guardando los cambiosSalir descartando los cambiosDesechar cambios¿Cargar valores predeterminados personalizados? (S/N)¿Guardar valores predeterminados personalizados? (S/N)¿Salir de configuración? (S/N)¿Descartar cambios? (S/N)Please wait! Saving BIOS settings.F9 hotkey is not supported in this page.– Þæ2Þæö\¢¾âö$T„¶ÌúHvœ¾ä28Ž’–¾Ôdz¼@BRTX’à6xºÜ8œÆþD gerDeutschSystem-SetupBeenden und Änderung speichern? (J/N)Standardeinstellungen laden? (J/N)Esc = BeendenF1=Bildlauf-HilfeF2=ZurückF9=Setup-StandardwerteF10=Speichern & beendenEingabe=Auswahl SubMenüEingabe=Einstell. ändernEsc=ZurückEsc=Änderung verwerfen+- = Wert ändern+ = Auswahl nach oben- = Auswahl nach unten=Element auswählen=Seite auswählenTAB=Feld auswählenLeerz. = Einstell. wechselnÄnderungen!!Beenden ohne Speichern der Änderung? (J/N)JN= Element auswählen0123456789Bitte geben Sie Ihr Kennwort einBitte geben Sie Ihr neues Kennwort einBestätigenKennwörter stimmen nicht übereinDrücken Sie ENTER, um fortzufahrenBitte geben Sie Ihre Daten einBeenden Optimale Standardwerte ladenBenutzerdefinierte Standardwerte ladenBenutzerdefinierte Standardwerte speichernSpeichern der Änderungen beendenVerwerfen der Änderungen beendenÄnderungen verw.Benutzerdefinierte Standardwerte laden? (J/N)Benutzerdefinierte Standardwerte speichern? (J/N)Setup beenden? (J/N)Änderungen verwerfen? (J/N)Please wait! Saving BIOS settings.F9 hotkey is not supported in this page.ŽÞæ2Þæòþ4h~’¤ºÒî2Hb|Œœ²ÐØÞ,BThp~ž°²º¼ÀÒæú *bšÊö<chsñÿ€{SO-N‡eñÿû|ß~¾‹nñÿ/f&TÝOX[ôf9ev^úQÿÿ/fðÿ(Y)ñÿ/&Tðÿ(N)ñÿ ÿñÿ/f&T R}Øž¤‹¾‹nÿÿ/fðÿ(Y)ñÿ/&Tðÿ(N)ñÿ ÿðÿEsc = ñÿúQðÿF1=ñÿÚn¨R.^©RðÿF2=ñÿ NNu˜ðÿF9=ñÿ¾‹nØž¤‹@BDFHJLuqiUQIª$CÖ‡ì¤ëµK¡å?>6² ©###"A"B %)$à %*$à"A %&$à"A %'$à"A %($à %+$à  BCÖ‡ì¤ëµK¡å?>6² © Setup