FOREVER PARTY, Trencin, Slovakia, 17-19.03.2000
Drinking is not like swapping, because 100% reply is not wanted.
(c)2k Sblz

Allitaice/Scs+Trc/Citadel and Visac/Cult.

Manik/Commo Bam, Sam/Cult, Rogue/Cult and Top Secret/Cult.

Party fun.

Edhellon/Resource and Da Blondie/Resource.

Sebaloz/Lepsi De, Manik and Poison/Singular.

Atari sceners.

Thunderblade/Dmagic with two girls: Womana and Octie/Dmagic.

There was a nice and cheap pub near party place. Sad/Anubis is in the middle.

Manex/Anubis, Red Redby/Anubis, Edhellon and Poison.

From L to R: Da Blondie, Luis/Wow/Role and Manik.

Pubeers drinks beer till the end.

Red Redby and Manik plays a game.

Other people sleeps well.

Prize giving.

Last moment before big trade: 17 empty bottles for as much as possible beer.
Done by master of deal: Sebaloz.

Pub in Zwardon, Poland.

Sceners drinks vine from Tymbark.

After short talk, these nice girls invited us into their part of train.

Girls from L to R: Malwina, Milena and Aneta.

There was a lot of fun.
Text and pictures by Sebaloz/Lepsi De.
Scanned and uploaded by Psychik.