Getting Started with the Online Documentation Library (ODL)


           Dear Online Documentation Library Customer,

           This COMPAQ OpenVMS[TM] Alpha ODL uses the Bookshelf Navigation
           Utility (BNU) V2.1 as the primary interface to online bookshelves.
           Bookshelves may contain books in either Bookreader[TM] or HTML
           formats. The BNU invokes the appropriate viewer to display each

           The steps involved in installing the ODL and invoking the BNU,
           including example commands, are summarized below. The examples
           assume being in the system account, having CD-ROM reader de-
           vices of DKA400: and DKA500:, and installing the ODL comprised
           of the two CD-ROMs labeled AXPDOCSEP001 and AXPDOCSEP002. Note
           that particulars of the commands may vary according to your system
           configuration and version of the ODL to be installed.

           1. Insert the ODL CD-ROMs into the CD-ROM readers and mount them.

                 $ MOUNT/SYSTEM/NOWRITE DKA400: AXPDOCSEP001
                 $ MOUNT/SYSTEM/NOWRITE DKA500: AXPDOCSEP002

           2. Invoke the setup command to begin the ODL setup procedure,
              pressing "Enter" as needed to accept defaults for all options.

                 $ @DISK$AXPDOCSEP001:[SETUP]SETUP

           3. If not already defined, define the Netscape symbol for ODL
              users (either in their files or in SYLOGIN).


           4. Log out and log in again.

           5. Invoke the BNU.

                 $ BNU

                å’€ompaq Computer Corporation. 2000. All rights reserved.

       [R]  Compaq, the Compaq logo, and the DIGITAL logo are registered in
            the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
       [TM] Bookreader, DIGITAL, and OpenVMS are trademarks of Compaq Computer
        [R] Postscript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Incorporated.
            Netscape Navigator is a registered trademark of Netscape Communica-
            tions Corporation.

           For BNU System Requirements and Installation instructions, refer
           to the Online Documentation Library CD-ROM User's Guide, which is
           available online or in the [README] directory on Disc 1 of the ODL
           in the following formats:

           [README]ODL_UG.PS           (Postscript[R])

           [README]ODL_UG.TXT          (Text)

           Netscape Navigator[R]

           If your existing installed version of Netscape Navigator is ear-
           lier than V3.03, the ODL V2.1 installation will remove it before
           installing the latest Netscape Navigator for OpenVMS (Navigator
           Gold V3.03). To obtain additional information regarding system
           dependencies for this upgrade, please refer to the following URL:


           Netscape Navigator documentation can be accessed from the Software
           Product Library CD-ROMs.

           For further details, please read the ODL Release Notes located on
           disc 1 in the [README] directory.

           Also included is the Compaq OpenVMS Alpha Online Documentation
           Library Promotional CD-ROM. This enables you to view the OpenVMS
           Alpha ODL locally on a PC running Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000
           or NT 4.0. In addition to beta versions of the BNU and Bookreader
           software redesigned to run natively on MS-Windows, the ODL-PC
           incorporates AltaVista Search functionality.

           The steps in installing the ODL-PC are as follows:

           1. Insert the ODL CD-ROM into the CD-ROM reader.

           2. View the "Readme.txt" file in the top level directory for im-
              portant information before proceeding with the installation.

           3. From the "Start" menu, select "Run...", and enter J:\Setup.exe,
              where J is the drive letter assigned to the ODL CD-ROM.

           4. Respond to the setup program dialogs as desired and/or take the
              default responses by pressing <enter>.

           5. After completion of the setup program, invoke the BNU from
              "Start/Programs/Compaq ODL/BNU".
