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       Ż    \/    Ż Ż    \/.  |Ż      Ż|z!o     Ż  Ż    \/    Ż
               A M I G A      |#020731 |      U P D A T E
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      

               S W A G   N O T E S   O N   A M I W E S T

L I F E T I M E   I   A M   A M I G A   C L U B   M E M B E R S H I P  

    S E N D O   A N D   A M I G A   I N   C O N T E N T   D E A L 

        F R E N C H   S H O W   F E A T U R E S   A M I G A S

       R E D H O U S E   U P D A T E   F R O M   T H E   N E T 

  M A I   L O G I C   &   E Y E T E C H   J O I N T   V E N T U R E 

 M E R L A N C I A   O F F E R S   F R E E   S I T E   H O S T I N G 

  S U P E R   A M I G A   1 0 0 0   ( T H A T ' S   C O R R E C T )

                 A K I K O   1 . 6   R E L E A S E D 

       N E W E S T   B A R S   &   P I P E S   R E L E A S E D

        D I S T R I B U T E D   B A S I S   A V A I L A B L E 

 N E W   V E R S I O N   O F   B I B L E V I E W   T O   A M I N E T 

 F X S C A N   H A S   A M I T H L O N   S U P P O R T   N A T I V E
Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:

 What to make of this month? AmiWest, always a good show, is ending as
I begin these notes. As always, interesting and important news is made
there. We have some notes below for your study.
 Meanwhile, Amiga has sold 1019 coupons to the "I Am Amiga" club. This
seems to ensure the success of the Amiga One (see update by Alan
Redhouse, below) though I'm sure it's much less than Amiga Inc. was
hoping for. Of course, no one expected the really big numbers
mentioned in the promotion from being realized.
 I fully believe that once the Amiga One is available in complete
boxes that people can plug in and run the number of users can be built
up. It just can't all be done at once. The coupon buyers represent a
good start.
 And if you get this in time and are really quick, you might be able
to just beat the deadline for a lifetime "I Am Amiga" Club membership.
Read below quickly and rush to www.amiga.com.
 Other Amiga products are drawing good attention. The Amiga website
reports that the Amiga Anywhere Entertainment Pack #1 has received a 4
star rating from PC Magazine in a review by  Neil J. Rubenking. Four
out of five isn't bad. There's a link to the review on the Amiga web
site (www.amiga.com).
 Finally, the venture between MAI Logic and Eyetech looks like a good
step forward to us.
 All in all, probably a positive month for Amiga and one I hope
provides impetus for the future.
 Brad Webb,
E-mail to the E-ditor:

20 Jul 2002 1

 Dear Brad, I still have a ton of Amiga floppies that I would love to
be able to activate on my Gateway computer. I now have one setup with
Linex and it is supposed to have an Amiga emulator. Do you know
anything about it? So happy to see Amiga making progress world over..

Sincerely , Wil
Hello Wil,
 Not having gone that route, I really have no idea I'm afraid.
However, one or more of our readers may be able to help.
 If so, please drop a note to "AmigaUpdate" and we'll forward it on to

              S W A G   N O T E S   O N   A M I W E S T

28 July, 2002

 {The following notes were unashamedly borrowed from the South Wales
Amiga User Group. It summarizes the high point of Bill McEwen's
banquet address as SWAG saw it. Looks like a very good summary to us.
More Amiga news is available on their excellent website, which we
recommend you visit. They invite your comments on these items at the
site. Brad}

 Bill McEwen of Amiga Inc. gave a banquet speech at Amiwest 2002. Here
is a brief summary of the speech:
 o He stated that OS 4.0 is now working on Blizzard PPC's and the
Cyberstorm PPC.
 o Amiga is 18 months behind schedule due to financial and other
constraints. Hence what was planned for AmigaOS 4.1 and 4.2 will now
appear in release 4.0.
 o Bill clarified that Amithlon 2.0 was legal and will have a name
change before release.
 o Amiga will persue companies that violate their Interllectual
Property from September 1st 2002.
 o Bill also acknowledged that the slippage of products caused
discussion in the Amiga community and promised to not announce any
product until he could "see it" and "touch it".
 o Various deals have been made to distribute AmigaAnywhere on
devices. Companies such as UK based Sendo, O2 and Dixons Retail were
 o An AmigaOne draw was made from the Coupon promotion, the winner was
a UK resident, John Hindle.
 o The "I Am Amiga Club" will now continue every year for $50 USD
annual membership. The T-Shirts will now be designed by the Amiga
 o Finally he said that he hopes that the AmigaOne will be with us by


 L I F E T I M E   I   A M   A M I G A   C L U B   M E M B E R S H I P  

 20-Jul-2002 At the request of participating dealers carrying the "I
Am Amiga" promotion and due to the number of orders still being
received, the deadline to join the "I Am Amiga" club has been extended
through July 31, 2002. Club memberships purchased after July 25 will
not be eligible for promotional drawings.

 30 JULY, 2002 You can get your "I Am Amiga" coupon now to receive
lifetime club membership! Lifetime membership promotion ends 0700 GMT,
Aug 1, 2002. Anyone who signs up after midnight the 31st of July will
not receive the coupon or the lifetime membership to the club. After
the July 31, 2001 deadline, club membership will be by an annual
subscription. Those who purchase/join before July 31, 2002 will not
have to renew annually.

      S E N D O   A N D   A M I G A   I N   C O N T E N T   D E A L 

 July 27, 2002 - Snoqualmie, WA (USA), - Birmingham England - Amiga,
Inc. and Sendo announced today that Amiga Anywhere and Amiga Anywhere
content will be shipped with, and extended content made available for
the Sendo multimedia Z100 Smartphone. The applications are being
developed by the highly talented Amiga Development Community and range
from well-known games to messaging services and business applications
from Amiga's impressive catalogue and its long standing position as a
pioneer in multimedia development.
 The Z100 Smartphone's large color screen and the processing power of
the device make it an ideal phone for games and multimedia
 Amiga Anywhere Applications will be available for the Sendo Z100 via
download as well as by SD based Game Card's known as Amiga Anywhere
Entertainment Packs.
 The first Entertainment Pack features four unsurpassed applications
that are a testament to the innovation of the Amiga development
community. A Casino Game pack and Arcade packs are to follow in short
order. It is anticipated that hundreds more titles are to follow this
year, with increased wireless functionality.
 "Both Amiga and our development community look forward to working
with Sendo to bring leading edge applications to operator partners and
end users of the Sendo Z100. In Sendo, we have found a partner that
will surely play a huge role in defining the mobile experience," said
Bill McEwen, President and CEO Amiga Inc.
 "Amiga and their development community are known for their innovation
and multimedia capabilities. Sendo is excited to offer this content
and services to our partners and customers," said Hugh Brogan CEO of
 The Z100 Smartphone will be available through premier carriers and
partners throughout the world. The Z100 Smartphone is a true
multimedia phone introducing the world to the next generation of
mobile devices.
About Sendo

 Sendo, with its headquarters in the United Kingdom, started shipping
terminals to carrier customers in Europe and Asia in May 2001. The
company is now shipping five products in twenty countries in Europe
and Asia. Sendo offers high-performance, competitively priced,
reliable products and services to the cellular market. Sendo has been
established with the needs of the wireless carriers and consumers in
mind. The company offers a complete custom program, from exclusively
branded phones, matched fulfillment programs and software with
dedicated services. Details of the company are available at
 Sendo Z100 Smartphone At approx. 100 grams and 99 cc, the Sendo Z100
Multimedia Smartphone will be one of the smallest and lightest GPRS
tri-band smartphones. It will feature an impressive TFT display with
up to 65,000 colors, comparable in quality to a high-end laptop
display. The Z100 Smartphone will be able to play MP3 and Windows
Media Audio and Video files and will include USB, IRDA and RS232
 In addition, the Z100 Smartphone will have an integrated HTML, c-HTML
and WAP browser. The Z100 Smartphone will be one of the first color
smartphones that gives users access to e-mail, contacts and meaningful
Internet content on the go. E-mail and contacts can be synchronized
over the air, using IR or when directly connected to a PC running
compatible software. It will incorporate the new Microsoft Ž WindowsŽ
Powered Smartphone 2002 software. Sendo also plans to incorporate the
Amiga Anywhere Content Engine.
 Naturally, other features like voice dial and voice memo and a wide
range of accessories, like a digital clip-on camera (VGA resolution),
will be offered. The pictures taken with the camera may be immediately
sent to someone in the form of a JPEG file or an MMS message. GPS
navigation software combined with an in-car accessory will also be
 Sendo will add a number of features, in option packs, to those that
come standard with Smartphone 2002, which may include, for example, a
Java Virtual Machine, an advanced EMS/MMS messaging client, file
viewers for popular document formats, and SyncML. A number of video
and audio players will be available for the device. Sendo has
previously announced that it is working with several video player
 The Z100 Smartphone will offer memory expansion capability with
hot-pluggable MMC (Multimedia card) and SD (Secure Digital) cards. The
memory slot is a key enabler to allow the downloading of information
between the phone and other devices.
 Sendo has announced Bluetooth support for the Z100 Smartphone, which
will be enabled by a plug-in module into the memory slot. The SDIO
(Secure Digital Input/Output) card is a small expansion card, which
allows wireless connectivity to a Bluetooth headset or Bluetooth
enabled devices.

        F R E N C H   S H O W   F E A T U R E S   A M I G A S

28 July, 2002

What ?

 The Alchimie 2/A-Expo 2002 is a meeting of Alternative computers
users (essentially Amiga, but also Atari, Mac, Game Consoles). This is
the following of the Alchimie 2001 which have welcomed more than 90

When ?

 The 7th and 8th of September 2002 week end: It officially start the
Saturday 7th of September at 9:00 am, and finish the Sunday 8th of
September at 7:00 pm.

Where ?

 At the "Espace Rochegude" of Tain l'Hermitage town in the Drome
department in France.
 The place is ideally situated at 40 meters from the Tain l'Hermitage
train station, the palce is very practical (more than 60 car park
places in the front of the room, 20 in the back of the room, eating
room, sleeping room...).
 Capacity: more than 900 people, with chairs and tables for 400 sitted

 Beware: It's really important to book! The entrance cost will be
majored for all "improvised" participation; we have known this
phenomena in the first edition, which cause for us a lot of
organization problems :(.. So please use the "Tickets" section to book
your entrance. It's possible to pay in the place but we prefer to
receive to payment before the event, even if it will be taken in only
after the event; Please book, it's really important for us!

 The A-Expo 2002/Alchimie 2 is organized by the AFUA and Triple A


       R E D H O U S E   U P D A T E   F R O M   T H E   N E T 

24 July, 2002

{Some editing done to improve the flow of a post to the net. Brad}

 ... The problem is that this list is public, and whatever I (or the
rest of the Amigaone partners) say it gets copied, misinterpreted and
severely criticised on the other newslists like ann etc.
 So what do we do? We make a closed list like the A1G3dev list - which
is highly democratic, productive and busy but is by invitation only -
or we release interim information to this list with all the time
consuming extra explanations needed after cross postings by the
cerebrally-challanged or malicious readers hereabouts.
 Nevertheless I think its time for a brief update.
 Many dev board purchasers were clearly motivated by the 10% discount
rather than their ability to contribute to the developer process. The
initial boards were therefore shipped to those who could make a real
contribution to developing drivers etc, and porting Linux/UAE
distributions. Their progress has been astounding IMO with no less
than 5 different linux distributions (SuSE, Debian, Mandrake, Yellow
Dog and TurboLinux) being ported within a couple of weeks.
 However the Softex open firmware we had originally shipped with the
dev boards (incidently as seen on the Pegasos video) has several
shortcomings (although this has been used to boot the 5 linux
distributions and the OS4 kernel) and we are currently
developing/extending the alternative PPCBoot open firmware for use on
the production AmigaOne boards. This will allow us to build in Amiga-
specific boot etc options, a well as a more comprehensive multi-boot
 We are not shipping the remainder of the dev boards (or any of the
user boards) until this code is complete because of the expense of
shipping update ROMs and chip changing tools. This is anticipated to
be towards the end of August.
 This revision to the boot ROM is being undertaken by Hyperion as part
of the work necessary for booting OS4 on the A1.
 Meanwhile the Amiga Inc club membership/coupon program results
(coupled with our own market extrapolation processes) means that the
future of the AmigaOne is in no doubt.
 Finally several people have asked us why we are not delivering the A1
board to Linux users in advance of the release of OS4. Well there are
two main reasons:
 1 - This is a product we are producing for the Amiga market and IMO
it is proper that the Amiga community get their hands on it first.
 2 - I still cannot see why there would be a significant market for
Linux on the A1 given that the main focus of Linux is the x86
platform, which - because of sheer sales volumes - will always be an
order of magnitude cheaper than a ppc-based product.
 Hope this helps

  M A I   L O G I C   &   E Y E T E C H   J O I N T   V E N T U R E 

 FREMONT, CA. July 9, 2002. Mai Logic Incorporated, a technology
design house of integrated circuits/systems, today announced an
agreement with Eyetech Group Ltd. to distribute the Teron CX and PX
development systems in Europe, and to distribute production systems
based on the Teron CX and PX designs to the Amiga market worldwide.
Terms of the agreement emphasized both companies' long-term commitment
to foster an unshakeable partnership and to create a bright future for
the Amiga customers and partners.

Eyetech in the Amiga Market

 Since it was first conceived in 1985, the same vision that made the
Amiga famous for multimedia development and delivery in studios, cable
stations and with system developers and users, still gives the Amiga
brand a high profile amongst multimedia developers and carries with it
a highly skilled, vociferous and loyal user base. Thanks to a vast
community of developers dedicated to using and updating Amiga's small
footprint, high performance operating system, coupled with the
advanced PPC technology enabled by MAI's Articia chipset series, the
Amiga is once more perfectly positioned to become the most
cost-effective delivery platform for 3D and graphic applications for
the current decade and beyond.
 "Eyetech has established itself as one of the leading providers of
Amiga hardware and software Worldwide," said Alan M. Redhouse,
Managing Director of Eyetech Group. "The high efficiency and mature,
designed-in, multitasking capabilities of the Amiga OS means the new
AmigaOne based on the Teron CX/PX's hardware architecture will deliver
new levels of user responsiveness far greater than that of
equivalently priced Wintel or Macintosh computers."
 "We view the partnership with Mai Logic as an excellent example of a
win-win relationship whereby both parties can combine their individual
areas of expertise and collectively create a better product with
optimal performance," added Alan.

Mai Logic's Platform Capabilities

 Teron is the first and the only system that offers AGP support to
Power PC processors. Its outstanding multimedia features make it a
complete, turnkey package for gaming, presentation, and the
entertainment industry as a whole.
 The advanced Teron PX comes with a 300-pin MegArray connector, which
provides extremely easy configuration to a range of development
platforms driven by single- or dual- PowerPC microprocessor cards.
Jason Hou, CEO of Mai Logic stated, "We are pulling together our high
performance Teron PX with Eyetech Group's renowned technology in
hardware and software solutions focused on the Amiga."
 Mai Logic strengthens the ideal environment provided by Teron for
system development by working with its software partners such as GDA
Technologies, Inc. on Boot code development, ITC Infotech (USA), Inc.
on Windows drivers design, and DATEC Software Solutions on multiple
OS. This combination of technologies will allow developers to push the
envelop in adding to Amiga's repertoire and advancing an operating
system that once was years ahead of its competition. "With the
vertical total system technologies in place, Mai Logic is in a
position to undertake and execute complex turnkey development in the
areas of ASIC, Board, Firmware, Real-Time Embedded systems and Systems
applications," said Jason.

About Eyetech Group Limited

 Headquartered in Stokesley, UK, Eyetech Group has been chosen by
Amiga Inc as the developer and producer of the next generation of
Amiga hardware to run the new, PPC-native, Amiga operating system OS4.
As well as delivering and supporting systems for developers and end
users Eyetech has pioneered the use of low cost, high reliability,
high performance Amiga technology for use in industrial and multimedia
delivery systems.

 For more information about Eyetech, visit http://www.eyetech.co.uk.

Mai Logic Incorporated, A Technology Power House

 With 30 invention patents granted, 100 more pending in the fields of
IC design, security, and system engineering, Mai Logic proves itself
again and again to be a technology power house. Mai Logic's
innovations include: Intelligent Memory (iMemory), which enables the
industry's first to run in-field DRAM fault detection and real-time
fault recovery without the need of a system reboot; Control Pipeline
allowing flexible timing on various system clocks and low power
consumption; Genetic ComputingTM for high-level security and privacy;
and Floating Buffer to achieve a true concurrent system.
 Mai Logic is a total solution IC system design house devoted to
customer satisfaction.

 To learn more about Mai Logic, please visit http://www.mai.com.

 M E R L A N C I A   O F F E R S   F R E E   S I T E   H O S T I N G 


 We are running our servers on a true T3 now, so we have plenty of
bandwidth and space available. If anyone has Amiga content related
sites that they need hosted, I have authorised our staff to offer free
hosting on one of our machines to them. There really are some nice
sites out there that are endangered of going away due to cost issues,
which is a sad, but true reality for many web designers and creative
individuals who deserve better...
 For such a small, dedicated community, this shouldn't ever have to be
an issue.
 Our servers have PhP4, Perl5, RebolView/Core and MySQL installed, so
all of the above are available to you.
 So if anyone needs a content site (e.g. non-commercial site) hosted,
we can arrange this with you at no cost to you. This applies to Morph,
AROS, and Be related sites too.
 If interested, e-mail LotR@merlancial.com.
 This is my way of giving some back to the Amiga community..
 I've personally almost given up hope of anything real out of A.I.
now, as they are even in debt to me for a large sum of money...but as
far as the Amiga community is concerned, I have better hopes. You
truly are a bunch of wonderful colourful individuals who I have always
loved working with. It's a shame we haven't made as great a comeback
as I would have hoped...

   S U P E R   A M I G A   1 0 0 0   ( T H A T ' S   C O R R E C T )

 {We don't ordinarily run stories that are mainly ads, but once in a
while we'll make an exception for something extraordinary. This is one
of those cases. This is a new effort from long time Amiga Community
member Kermit Woodall. The information is extracted from the website,
URL below. Brad}

July, 2002

 The Amiga 1000 was the first and best home multimedia computer. But
have you ever wished to have a customized SUPERCHARGED Amiga 1000 with
more speed than any original or accelerated Amiga model?
 What about built-in Windows compatibility? You won't get that with
the original Sidecar for the Amiga 1000 - and even if it did -
wouldn't you rather have modern speeds and all the multimedia I/O
ports? After all - this Amiga 1000 will now be ready for Windows
applications as well as the greatest Amiga applications!
 Our Amiga 1000 can now do this and much more. We've rescued dead
Amiga 1000s and have lovingly cleaned, restored, and enhanced these
original Amiga 1000 cases by hand and built one of the world's
smallest Windows-compatible computers inside - supercharging this
historic platform!
 That wasn't enough - we put a massive 20gb hard drive inside to store
your software and an ultra-slim CD drive inside to load your programs
or play your music! You'll also find this Amiga has built-in stereo
sound output as well.
 Of course this is still an Amiga 1000 (but customized with x86 style
hardware) so we can include a completely licensed copy of the latest
Amiga Forever so you can run all the coolest Amiga applications in
full emulation at amazing speed.
 Our supercharged Amiga 1000 is powerful enough to be your full time
computer. With a standard starting with an 950mhz processor, 128mb of
RAM, Windows 2000, and all the usual PS/2, USB, LAN, Firewire, Serial
and Parallel ports - you'll have the best desktop computer in the
office or the coolest Amiga at home.
 This is meant to still honor the Amiga 1000's so it's important that
you can still output to a TV through a composite output as well as an
S-Video output or through DV/Firewire connectors as well. This is a
fantastic multimedia computer with a foot in both the Amiga and
Windows worlds.
 This is the supercharged retrosystem Amiga 1000 - we have the
technology. We can rebuild them. We can make them better. Stronger.
Faster. Order your custom built Amiga 1000 from us today.

 o 950mhz CPU
 o 128mb RAM
 o 20gb 3.5" hard drive
 o Side-mounted CD drive
 o Ports: 2 USB, keyboard, mouse, LAN, serial, parallel, VGA, TV,
S-Video, Firewire and more!
 o New keyboard that fits perfectly in the keyboard garage under the
Amiga 1000
 o Windows 2000 (optional) also runs Amithlon and Linux
 o Amiga Forever (optional)
 o Vintage Amiga 1000 case (some cases may have minor scuffing or
dings - but we have attempted to restore these as cleanly as possible)

                A K I K O   1 . 6   R E L E A S E D 
July 10th 2002 Akiko 1.6 out

 Akiko 1.6, the CD32 & CDTV emulator for Windows was just released on
its homepage. This version can run more games and the compatibility
was increased. Additionally this version contains now a cover archive
with more than 160 covers for CD32 and CDTV games (of course they've
been prepared to be displayed in the Akiko GUI). Therefore there are
now two different versions of Akiko for download: One version that
contains all the covers (8 MB) and one version that comes without
covers (1.5 MB). Akiko 1.6 can now be downloaded from the Airsoft
Softwair web page.

 Registered users please send an email to akiko@airsoftsoftwair.de
with "subscribe" subject and you'll get the latest version (you'll
only have to subscribe once, then you'll always get the latest version
of Akiko).


       N E W E S T   B A R S   &   P I P E S   R E L E A S E D

3 July, 2002 

Bars&Pipes Professional is a MIDI sequencer for the Amiga range of
computers. It has a philosophy unlike any other sequencer in
existance. Unfortunately, production was ceased when the developers,
The Blue Ribbon Soundworks, were bought by Microsoft. The last
publically released version was 2.5b, dated 28th April 1994. It's
MIDI editing features are far in advance of any other current or
forseeable sequencer, and this has enabled the program to retain a
devoted userbase with updates still appearing in the form of new

Ver. 1.15 (03.07.2002)

 o all requesters with time-input now changed to overwrite mode
(Bars:Beat:Clocks and Hour:Minute:Second.Frame)
 o bug in requester of programnumber-input in the editor removed
(Pop-Up-Menu opened behind the requester)
 o bug with the closing of the "Define Patch-Lists"-window removed
 o "Move Range" now also possible global in the mainwindow
 o "Undo" and "Revert" are exchanged, "Are you sure"-message of
"Revert" somewhat altered
 o bug removed - resolution cycle gad in the print requester always
shows "Hi Res" when the window is reopened after preview
 o BarsnPipes now opens at a public screen "BarsnPipes"


       D I S T R I B U T E D   B A S I S   A V A I L A B L E 

20 July, 2002

 Distributed BASIC is a BASIC interpreter released in form of a shared
library. It is designed to be used by developers to add scripting
capabilities to their software. Once loaded by an application, a BASIC
scripting library will be available in the background, ready to
execute BASIC programs. Distributed Basic was developed to provide
clean and clear interfaces around it. It is easy to embed the language
into an application and use it as a macro language like Rexx.

 BASIC Manual

Program Structure
Boolean Logic


A - Compatibility
B - ASCII Codes
C - DDE Reference
D - Index


 N E W   V E R S I O N   O F   B I B L E V I E W   T O   A M I N E T 


 Uploaded v1.2 to Aminet. Several updates and new features, see prog

Bible source texts

   o King James Version (Old & New Testament)
   o Vulgate (Old & New Testament)
   o Finnish 1992 Old Testament
   o Finnish 1992 New Testament
   o Finnish 1992 Copyright text
   o Finnish 1938 Old Testament
   o Finnish 1938 New Testament


 F X S C A N   H A S   A M I T H L O N   S U P P O R T   N A T I V E

 22 Jul 2002 

 As the first bigger application fxSCAN now supports Amithlon with
x86-native versions of its CPU-modules. Thus fxSCAN now runs on native
on 680x0, PPC (WarpUP, PowerUP, MorphOS) and x86 (Amithlon) with full
speed. The portation of the OCR-engine and the servertask (one for
every sytem) again brings at least a doubling of speed compared to the
emulated 68K-CPU.

   Under "Downloads" you can now download a free patch from version
   4.0/4.01 to 4.02.

   All changes since V4.01:

 * direct support for TurboPrint (no more only via Graphics
Publisher), incl. copying. Partly leads to greatly enhanced printing
 * x86-native versions of the servertask and the OCR-engine in
 * when saving JPEGs, the DPI-information is now saved, too.
 * version 8 of the fxWARP3-system (new "fxWARP Memory Guard" to work
around bugs and limitations of WarpUP)
 * the standardtool saved in NewIcons can now be changed with the

IOSPIRIT Felix Schwarz
Am Gründla 3
D-91074 Herzogenaurach

EMail: info@iospirit.de
WWW:   http://www.iospirit.de/
Phone: +(0)049 (0)9132/732844
Fax:   +(0)049 (0)9132/732843
Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! 
Copyright 2002 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
                 _    __      _     <>_   __      _      
   A M I G A    /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\      A M I G A   
  U P D A T E  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\    U P D A T E 
              /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_  