GAM:AbanPlaces SensSoccer B-17 B-17 quick BodyBlows DistSuns1 DistSuns2 The Entity ChaosEngin HistLines LionHeart SuperFrog ArabNights COD:AbanPlaces BattleIsle DesStrike SuperFrog Jonatan SinkOrSwim GEN:A1200Games ArtdepPro1 ArtdepPro2 A-TrainCon ChaosEngin ram:PPShow Music is set on Music is set off No disk in drive On the left bottom R  the  drives  2  select.From  there  U  can choose between several banks.Use  the big gadgets 2 get a text file displayed.4 all is a very simple usage. Try out everything! Here R the credits going 2: Code/Idea : Colorboy/SUBMISSION Code Improvement : Incognito/SUBMISSIONText Supply : JPS/SUBMISSION Idea : JFC/SUBMISSION Great Tune : Courage/SUBMISSION Gfx : Axe/Submission And sum technix information: !80! Gadgets Almost 5570 lines source code in 115k (including all structures, texts and fuckin' play routine!) 290k powerpacked text files That R da REAL copyright notes of used toolz:PowerSnap . . . . . . . . . . . (M. Karlsson)Dpaint . . . . . . . . . . (Electronic Arts)PowerPacker Routine & PPmore . . . (Nico F.)NoiseTracker & OctaMedPro (??? / T. Kinnunen)AsmOne 1.15 . . . . . . . . . (TFA & $ceptic)DirectoryOpus 3.55 (SNAP PIC ONLY!) . (Inova)Hiya  ÐøøÐeZ!  This  is  SUBMiSSiONpresenting U da 2nd issue of thegreat /\$