^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ SONIC PRESENTS ^ ^ ANOTHER BBS INTRO ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .............CREDITS............ CODING AND FONTS............LINK AWESOME LOGO................MURK WEIRD TUNE............SGR OF TSB ................................ THIS INTRO WAS CODED IN 2 DAYS SO DON'T EXPECT ANY MIRACLES !! I THINK THAT LINK DID A GOOD JOB B'COZ HE'S WORKING 8 HOURS A DAY OK, WELL, THAT'S ENOUGH BULLSHIT NOW OVER TO SUM OTHER THINGS.... BTW. THIS IS OF 'COZ EGO-MURK AT THE KEYS !!! FIRST, LET'S CLEAR THIS PAGE !!! OK.. READ THIS C A R E F U L L Y -------------------------------- BOOMER AND SQUAT WERE #KICKED# OUT OF SONIC, SO NOW WERE 'COOL' AGAIN......................PLOP! WE WELCOME OUR NEW MEMBERS: @RAP-D@ AND @MAVERICK@ -------------------------------- KAPOW! CALL OUR ELITE BOARDS........... @SKYSCRAPER@ +358-0-204 491 @SHADOWGATE@ +358-0-343 1566 BOTH ARE OF'COZ HST !! ...OR WRITE TO... MURK @ PL 43 @ 02180 ESPOO @ VORTEX @ POSTE RESTANTE @ 00180 H:KI BOTH IN FINLAND !!! GEE.. WHAT SHOULD I WRITE 'BOUT? HMM, THERE ARE SUM GREETZ IN THE LOWER SCROLLER... HIHOO, I COULD TELL YA A STORY, BUT.. OK, IF ANYBODY OUT THERE WANT TO SWAP BEER OR OTHER ALCOHOLICS, U SHOULD CONTACT ME #AND$ VORTEX ! SUM HILLOS TO ALL BOYS AND GIRLS OUT THERE, WHO OWN A DOG INSTEAD OF A BOOOOOOORING CAT !!!! UNTIL NEXT PAGE... . . . . HI AGAIN ! HOW'S THE WEATHER ?? EH, WHAT A START... TODAY IT'S THURSDAY, AND THE D8 IS 06-06-91 2MORROW I'LL BE GOING TO A PARTY 2 BE EXACT, SOCIETY'S PARTY IN KAJAANI.. HUH ! IT'S A LONG TRIP BUT WHO CARES...? I DO !! HEYH.. A B I G FUCK TO ALL THOSE LAME GUYZ WHO DON'T LISTEN TO RAP !!! SUCK .. OK, I WON'T SAY ANYTHING MORE, WHO KNOWS, IF SUM SKINHEAD IS READING.. HEHEE... COWABUNGA !! MAYBE I SHOULD STOP WRITING THIS SILLY TEXT, AND .. IIKK !?!? I DUNNO WHAT TO DO AFTER THIS... ALL BUSDRIVERS ARE ON STRIKE, SO I CAN'T GET OVER 2 MERLIN OR VORTEX OR LAME-D !!! OK, WELL, IF I TOOK THE TRAIN, BUT IT'S 4 KM TO THE NEAREST TRAIN STATION.. BLOODY HELL !! HMM, I THINK THAT YA'R GETTIN' A BIT BORED.. AT LEAST @I@ AM .. WELL,AT LEAST THIS PAGE IS FULL! OK, I BETTER STOP NOW... ]]]]]]]] ]]] ]] ]]] ] ]]] ]] ]]] ]]] ]] ]]] ]] ]]] ]] ]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]] IN SUM OTHER PROD. OF OURS.. @@MURK SINKING OFF SONIC - THE OFFICIAL SUPPORTERS OF FINLANDIA VODKA !! YEAH! sonic is back with another awesome intro ! this time we want to advertise our new bbs - shadow gate ! please support our boards.. this intro was made in three dayz, b'coz we wanted to finish it before the society summer conference '91. that's why this may not be the best intro ever.. anyway, mail traders should contact us at the addys above.. ..now sum important messages... boomer and squat are no longer members of our holy group ! they were kicked out !!! we now welcome rap-d and maverick, our two cool new members.. special greetz to our friends in the following groups... rebels - bloodsuckers - mean machine - tsb - wizzcat - frantic - equinox - amaze - dea ...and to the rest ! note: these are only sum special, so don't kill us if u're missing !!! ...well, that's all for today folks ! cu in our next intro, which also is released at the society party... ...murk sinking off... sonic - the official supporters of finlandia vodka ! ....scroller restarts... oh! a hillo to tomy's dog, to meegosh's dog, to maverick's dog and a b i g fuck to vortex' cat !!!