- " Du funK Et jazZ " - composed by: omaR / SoniC -- Full MODULE lenght: 223372 Number of SAMPLES used: 17 / 31 Total lenght in MINUTES: 2.40 min. Total lenght in PATTERNS: 42 Total PATTERNS used: 21 -- The CREDITS goes like this: All ARTWORK & DESIGN by: marveL / SoniC - [ Woman Picture ] omaR / SoniC - [ Design & Font ] oxidE / SoniC - [ Font for Logo ] All CODEING & special algorithms by: urbaN / SoniC - [ Impressed? ] All MUSIQUE by: omaR / SoniC - " Du funK Et jazZ " -- Consider calling theese SIGHTS: MegaDOWN - +45 42881885 Suffocation - +45 49180760 -- Special GREETINGS to our FRIENDS: boomeR / anaL pupS jeaN / absolutE beN / absolutE spliT / balancE scopE / balancE wolfmaN / balancE motioN / balancE wreckO / balancE connoR / balancE thE spY / crionicS deftronicS / crionicS murphY / crionicS guzzleR / crionicS ramireZ / fairlighT shocK / fairlighT storM / vD / fairlighT juliuS / lemoN futureminD / lemoN dR. gyblE / lemoN pollaZ / lemoN dnW / mirroR conaN&newtoN / mystiC spacebraiN / mystiC dondoG / mystiC blackhawK / paradoX midnighT M / paradoX circulatoR / paramounT pennywisE / quarteX blackeyE / quarteX mikaeL ballE / silentS jespeR kyD / silentS thE cruX / silentS sioniC / silents sliM / silents planetmasteR / silentS scotT / spaceballS nicK / spaceballS princE / spaceballS uniquE / trojanS zinK / trojanS bmaC / trojanS tcJ&jcJ / trojanS maD martigaN / trojans energY / 2000 aD plexeR / 2000 aD gilthaneZ / 2000 aD And that's the END....