The Legends presents: The Legends Demo-Award No.2 5/89 release: 31.5.89 I said I was very unhappy about the result of last Award, this time I am much more happy ,although I got less pieces then last time, but the 14 products from 9 groups are of much better quality. The Award will be given this time for : Demo/Intro , Graphic , Idea , Sound , Mega-Demo and a Special-Price in the All-World-Categorie; and for Demo/Intro , Graphic , Idea and for Sound in the Good-Friend-Categorie. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- We will count down now -parallel to each other- the two Top-Tens: The 10th Place in the Good-Friend-Categorie is: Madonna-Association-Demo: After you have seen this (not super) Demo I will explain you the rules There will be two categories in the AWARD No.2 and the following: All-World-Categorie & Good-Friend-Categorie The rules for Good-friends(the important ones): You must send your Demo/Intro , Megademo or Program direct to me (the group who made it) The All-World-Categorie(Less important ones): You needn"t send anything to us, you must only hope, that we get your productions on any way! Rules for both: The best 10 products of each categorie and of each Award(Sound/Graphic/Demo etc.) will be nominated by me for the LEGENDS-DEMO-AWARD then send to all other Members to make their own order and the result of these will be published on such a disk, as it now is in your drive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The 9th place of the Good-Friend-Caregorie is: Ipec-Elite Scroll-Demo: Nice text you have to read in the Demo , I think! But now I gonna tell you the pieces of the All-World-Categorie: ca.100 Demos & Intros reached me in the last month, there was a lot of shit, but also ca.20 good and super pieces. The Demos came from ca.70 groups and a lot were released on Parties. But there is the problem: On the Piranhas Party the most pieces have been copied not or only at the and of the Party(after the Competition) , so I have a lot of problems to get many of them. But there was only one Mega-Demo that I get (but no bad one). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The 8th Place in the Good-Friend-Categorie is: Destiny & Zigag Demo (I am very sorry that I can"t show it now , but there is a programming error when it should exit (finnish all disk activities) But you can load it with "13" if you wanna see it (on this disk)) The 7th place in the Good-Friend-Categorie is: Ipec-Elite 3D-Demo: A good Demo, but the Scroller could have been better. Ok! Now to the Dates: The ending date for the Demo-Award No.2 was the 23rd May 1989. All Products that reached me after this date (ca.15 for the All-World-Categorie at this moment) are for the Demo-Award 6/7 89 (No.3). But now the criterions of the different-prices: (the ones which could have good chances( Demo/Intro: No programming-errors - good GFX-Graphics good sprites or bobs - vector-elements cool ideas - good colors very difficult to program such piece Graphic : Good GFX or Vectors or sprites & bobs etc. Sound : Good melodie(pop etc.) - digitalised instruments Idea : you must have something absolut new or extraordinaer Mega-demo : good structur - good single pieces Special price: you must be a Legend in one part or programm a program ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The 6th Place in the Good-Friend-Categorie is: Megapower First Demo: A real good work for the first one, Megapower! Now the Info-side: Copy Partys: 17.6. :D-Tect & Threat & DDC Party in Loerrach (FRG) (17.6. :Tag der Deutschen Einheit Party von WOW ) 23.-25.6. :IT & Razor 1911 Party in Trondheim/Norway 1.7. :Curity Party (only Demos,Music,PD) in Goslar (Invitations: PLK 025086 C 3380 Goslar FRG ) 29.7. :Alphaflight & Powerslaves Party in Holland 30.9. :Red Sector Pc-Show Party in London 25.11.:CBB & Elite Soft Party in warm Roma Kevin of Vision Factory (Kiel/FRG) was caught by the Police The Agents split: The Orginal-Supplyer and his Coder joined BS1 the rest will built up a new group (near future) WOW split:the best ones in US and Europe built Paranoimia ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The 5th Place in Goodies and the 10th Place in All-World-Categorie is: Ipec-Elite Mega Slidie (i can"t show it now cause of no exit, but you can load it as "10" from disk) The 9th Place in the All-World-Categorie is: Bloodsuckers Stars-Demo: The Group Top-Ten: 1. (1) Quartex 2. (3) Vision Factory & Bencor Brothers 3. (4) Threat 4. (-) World of Wonders 5. (-) Aces & Piranhas 6. (5) Spreadpoint & CCS & Defjam 7. (2) Trilogy 8. (-) Black Monks 9. (-) TSK-Crew & Accumulators 10. (6) Red Sector --------------------------------------------------------------------- The 4th Place in Goodies and the 8th in All-World-Cat. is: Subway & Dreamteam with Vector-Intro of Bio-Challenge (not on disk because difficulty of track-loader) The 3rd Place in Goodies and 7th in All-World-Categorie and The DEMO-AWARD for the BEST IDEA of both Categories go to: *********** THE FLASH TEAM for the wonderful EXODUS-DEMO*********** Na, wie wars? Cooler gehts fast nciht mehr! The Games Top-Ten: 1. (-) Populous 2. (-) Lords of the Rising Sun 3. (-) Where in the World is Carmen San Diego? 4. (-) Blood Money 5. (-) Rampage 6. (-) Mixed up Mother Goose 7. (-) The Running Man 8. (5) Ballistix 9. (-) Superstar Ice-Hockey 10. (6) Kenny Dalglish Soccer Manager --------------------------------------------------------------------- The 2nd place in Goodies and the 6th in All-World-Cat. and The DEMO-AWARD for the BEST SOUND in both Categories go to: ************ RAZOR 1911 for the BOOM! - BOOM! Intro************** Now , after the big winner of the last Award get only Sound-Award and 2nd Place , who will be this time the big winner(s)? Now I have to say something very important: The TRUTH ABOUT EUROPE: In the Cracker-Journal 14 you can read: Europe will be a new WOW. What crazy idea! I think Amiga-Force write this, cause Europe ask big and good groups if they will join EUROPE. Europe has only a few, but middle class and good contacts. But here is the truth: Europe is one little boy! This boy buys all his new programs from the Headquarters of AGENTS & LEGENDS, lying on his knees and cry:"please,new stuff!" He has a very good sounder,but this one said:"Fuck of Lamer!" He contacts good groups, by telling not his,but my contacts. But a good swapper need money and he haven"t got much; so he copy illegal my disks and steals over 40 disks from me and a few of the Agents-HQ. So all groups: Tretet dieses Looserschwein in den Tuempel aus dem er kam ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The 5th Place in All-World-Categorie is: Deathstar & X-Men Party Demo: Our Memberlist: Leslie (Sounder & Digitiser & Spreader) Mr.Cool (Cool Graphics) Han Solo of TSR (Organiser,Spreader,Graphics etc.) Zodiac Mind Warp of TSR (Sounder,Digitiser,Spreader) Alf Tanner of TSR (Comics,Infos,PD-Works) R.Goldman of TSR (Sounder) Schocke Joern (Swapper & Friend of dead turks) and me, Spirit (Fuehrer,Spreader,public-works,organiser etc.) more infos about our members on next page I am very sorry, but I said we will have very quick a Mailbox, why not you see on next page. Coming soon: Sound-Disk-No.6 and new series:Famous Amiga Sounds in work: Legends-Utilities-Disk No.2 and first Legends-Demo in planning: Collectors-Item-Series , Legends-PD-Series No.1-5 (1.7.89) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The 4th Place in All-World-Categorie, and the DEMO-AWARD for the BEST DEMO in the GOOD FRIEND CATEGORIE and the DEMO AWARD for GRAPHIC in the GOOD FRIEND CATEGORIE go to: ***********SPREADPOINT for the SOUNDTRACKER 2.3 INTRO**************** So nun die Story ueber unsere Member: Adam , Carsten and Fever of Legends have to leave us, cause they were Looser, wanna get games, but doing absolutly nothing. Iceman & B-Men and their friend Major Tom have to leave us, cause Iceman & B-Men don"t make much music for us, and we found out that they are making super musics but they don"t give to us ,but wanna be make own-famous with their "The Team". But we get some good of this sounds they don"t wanna give, they see it and want to give our personalities to the police and Major Tom said we copied the songs illegal from their Mailboxes.(What a lie,we can"t copy from there) So because Major Tom and Iceman have had our Mailboxes, you must wait a time, until Han Solo will open his one. Maybe we get a new sounder & spreader:MIX MASTER from Norway. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The 3rd Place in the All-World-Categorie and The DEMO-AWARD for GRAPHIC in the ALL-WORLD-CATEGORIE go to: ************PHENOMENA for the DREAM OF FLIGHT II DEMO*************** On the next page you will see our contacts and you will see that the Demo-Award is being good spreaded and going to a lot super, good, middle-class and not so good people after a while. So, if you are interested in making an advertisment or some (for getting contacts, searching members or a group , wanna sell stuff or something like that), you only have to send your advertisment -written on a letter and with enough stamps and you needn"t pay anything- to the address on the next pages (no special format). This is cause we will have a lot of free place in our next AWARDS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The DEMO-AWARD for MEGA-DEMOS will go to: **************DIGITECH & ITALIEN BAD BOYS for their MEGA************** The 2nd Place in the All-World-Categorie go to: Scoopex for their Vectron-Demo Unbelievable Yabbaahdabbbaahduuuhs go to: ACES & PIRANHAS , AGENTS , AMIGA INDUSTRIES & FREEDOM FORCE IPEC-ELITE , RAZOR 1911 , SPREADPOINT & CCS & DEFJAM TARKUS TEAM , THREAT Yabbahdabbaduhs go to: Accept , Curity , Deathstar , Dynamix , Fulcrum Phoenix , Madonna Association , Megapower Other greetings will go to: Axenon , Cascade , D.O.C. , Dream Warriors , Subway & Dreamteam Savory , The Flash Team , Slayer of Black Monks and all we forget ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The DEMO-AWARD for DEMO in the ALL-WORLD-CATEGORIE go to: *******************ZODIAC for their ZAPPEL-DEMO************************ Ok, this was the best Demo this Time, and now the last side and AWARD: The SPECIAL-PRICE of the DEMO-AWARD go this time to: ***************WORLD OF WONDERS for the ECHOING SOUND***************** The reason: this sound was a real Cult-Song and the best on Amiga and it maybe will have a chance in the Record-Business A lot of Super groups use this STAR-Song in their super-demos (like Zodiac , Phenomena and a lot more) if you wanna meet us: I hope we will be on following-Partys: Curity Party on 1.7. in Goslar Razor 1911 Party on 23.-25.6. in Trondheim/Norway if you wanna contact us: Denny Colt or wanna be Member PLK 019290 D or for Advertisments 2400 Luebeck 1 West-Germany This was the End! Next Award on 11.7.89 (closing Date:5.7.89)