THAT LOADING SAMPLE BROUGHT "GOOD OLD" TWIN PEAKS TO MY MIND AGAIN. I HARDLY CAN WAIT TO SEE THOSE EXTRA PARTS OF TWIN PEAKS !!! THE WARLOCK STRIKES AGAIN WITH HIS OKTALYZER ! THIS TUNE WAS REALLY WORTH OF EXTRA PLAYROUTINE, OR WHAT DO YOU THINK ? VYRZEL IS HERE TO PRESENT AN ATTEMPT TO DO IRON MAIDEN'S EVIL THAT MEN DO, COMPOSED BY SMITH, HARRIS AND DICKINSON. OH NO, NOW IRON MAIDEN-FANS ARE VERY ANGRY AT ME BECAUSE I'VE RAPED ONE OF THEIR FAVOURITE SONGS... WELL, WELL... NICE WEATHER, ISN'T IT VYRZEL ? ;-) WHY DIDN'T YOU WRITE ANY TEXT FOR THIS TUNE AND SAVE ME (YANI) FROM WRITING THIS SCROLLER... (SOMEHOW, I HATE WRITING SCROLLERS :) PEACE IN LAND .......... IN WHAT LAND? KUWAIT? STRAIGHT FROM HELL : PLACE OF YOUR MAN (PART 666) OUR SPEEDMETAL (OR WHATEVER) SPECIALIST -* MAAKE *- IS SHORTENING SPEAKERS' LIFETIME AGAIN... YEP, I (VYRZEL) TRIED ONCE TO SKATE AND I ALMOST DIED. BUT I'M STILL ALIVE (MAYBE A BIT BRAINDEAD) AND TORTURING YOU WITH THIS NICE TUNE. CAN YOU DIG IT? "TAKOROTAKOLLA" - WHAT A STRANGE NAME FOR A TUNE... I JUST WONDER FROM WHERE MAAKE HAS GOT IT. DRAGONLORD PRESENTS AGAIN A NICE TUNE COMPOSED WITH PC... BTW, NEVER TRUST A PC-USER WHO IS BOASTING WITH HIS MACHINE'S SPEED-TEST RESULTS - THEY'RE ALWAYS CHEATING. :) *c1They *c2are *c3back! *c4Oh, *c5no! *c6Oh, *c7Y-E-S! *c2Thy is the breathtaking honour to perceive *c3Dimension 4*c2's newest production... namely *c4The AMPLIFIER 2 *c1(the saga continues), *c2released in August 1991. *c5First of all, the *c7instructions: *c2Use the gadgets to exercise your needs (find them yourself)... *c1The first gadget from the left is for toggling the *c4Selector, *c2the next one is for the *c4Credits Screen, *c5the third one for the *c4WHQ Address,*c1 and the fourth one for the *c4Swapping Addresses. *c5There are also other gadgets, like *c4AutoSelecting.*c5 *c1On this *c2music-disk,*c1 you find at least one tune from every musician of *c3Dimension 4*c1, except from *c5Ana.*c2 He's in the army now. *c1Today we have 7 musicians, 6 gfx-wizards but only 4 coders, so we need more *c4Coders!*c2 Grab a pen and paper, write a few lines and send it along with some of your work! *c5Don't delay, join *c4TODAY! *c5To join us, contact *c2|*c1Mr. 3D*c2|*c5 at our *c6World Head Quarters*c5 address which you find in the first *c4Addresses Screen. *c1Did someone mention *c1C*c2O*c3L*c4O*c5R*c6S*c7 ??? *c1This time it took *c3many weeks*c1 to finish our *c2music-disk*c1, because we made some changes to it. *c2(Sorry for the delay!) *c5This scroller required some extra time to make it work, among other things. *c2The coders really made their part of the job, and so did our gfx-wizards. *c1But, of course, it was our *c2|*c1musicians*c2|*c1 who did most of all. *c5You might have to wait a bit longer for *c3The AMPLIFIER III. *c1One reason is that many of us have to start school again. *c2Another reason is that we're getting more coders and we have to use our music in demos which we make. *c5So expect to wait a few months, but of course you have to get our demos which will be released quite soon. *c1Now CeeDee will interrupt me to give you some true facts. *c2Yo this is *c7CeeDee *c2taking on the keyboard. *c1As you might have noticed I am the one who has designed the presentation for this production but as some of you already know the gfx is from the game *c2SpeedBall 2. *c1None of the other gfx is ripped but some of it is inspired by various artists. *c2So, enjoy the music and have fun... *c5CeeDee signing off *c6OK, *c2|*c7Mr. 3D*c2|*c1 is back on the keys. *c2It's time to welcome our new members.*c1 Here we go... *c6Rocco *c3Amiga: *c4Music *c6Midnight *c3PC: *c4Code, Gfx, Swap *c6Zumbaya *c3PC: *c4Code *c6Mr.Cool *c3Amiga: *c4Swap *c6X-Caliber *c3Amiga: *c4Swap *c6Nemesis *c3Amiga: *c4Code *c6Qriz *c3Amiga: *c4Code *c6Tristan *c3Amiga: *c4Gfx *c6Nasse *c3Amiga: *c4Gfx, Swap *c1`*c2`*c3`*c4`*c5`*c6`*c5`*c4`*c3`*c2`*c1`*c2`*c3`*c4`*c5`*c6`*c5`*c4`*c3`*c2`*c1` *c1Coming up next: *c2Greetings. *c5After that: *c2Messages *c1and other text. *c2|*c7Mr. 3D*c2|*c5 sends *c2|||*c5 to *c1(My 5 special greets to those written with white text): *c3Admirals*c2 Dr.Titus *c3Amaze*c2 Powersledge, Wizmar *c3Antiriad*c2 Marvin *c3Arise*c6 Curse *c3Artemis*c6 Ariel *c3Bastards*c2 Wiper *c3Beyond Force*c2 Hazor *c3Black Robes*c2 Mr.Mad *c3Byterapers*c2 Grendel *c3Complex*c2 Dalton, Gremlin, Saviour *c3Elysion*c2 Dr.Gassu *c3Emercy 2000*c2 Hene *c3Exotic Men*c2 Devil *c3Falcons*c2 Bannasoft, Iceman, Sammy *c3Frantic*c2 Hydro, Lord 501 *c3Freelance*c2 Droid *c3Genocide*c2 Firewalker *c3Heavy Duty*c2 Chainsaw *c3Magic Pixels*c2 Azrael *c3Magnetic Fields*c2 101 *c3Mind*c6 Overlord *c3Nikki Corruptions*c2 Tony *c3Omega *c6Zakka *c3Paranoid*c2 Frank *c3Royal Amiga Force*c2 Dr.Death, Ice *c3Society*c2 Twilight *c3Squadron*c2 Realm *c3Steel*c2 Triton *c3Targets*c6 Thorion *c3Tristar & Red Sector*c2 Predator, Sorehead *c3???*c2 Neutron *c2|*c7Pifki*c2|*c5 and *c2|*c7Al Bundy*c2|*c5 wish to greet the following guys: *c3Admirals SF*c2 Spuffle *c3Agnostic Front*c2 FFZ *c3Amaze*c2 Boomer, Powersledge *c3Amonia*c2 Vulture *c3Antiriad*c2 Warlock *c3Arise*c2 Apolexy, Curse, Exon *c3Astrogate Inc.*c2 Bootflash, Dekay *c3Atomic *c2Dirty Harry *c3Awesome*c2 Tomcat *c3BlackLight*c2 Dr.China, Netrunner *c3Blitz*c2 Patball *c3Byterapers*c2 Extabulator *c3Cannibals*c2 Dr.Nokela *c3Complex*c2 Dalton, Saviour *c3Cream*c2 Mazy *c3Cycron*c2 Natas *c3Dazzle*c2 Wizard *c3Dictators*c2 Mint, Frost, The Joker *c3Dual Crew*c2 Vulcan *c3Elysion*c2 Dr.Gassu *c3Epidemic*c2 Shervin *c3Equinox*c2 Zendo *c3Extend*c2 Grizzly *c3Frantic GR*c2 Robin *c3Frantic SF*c2 Lord 501, Mr.Rozz *c3Grace SF*c2 The Plague *c3Heavy Duty*c2 Chainsaw, not to GayRuler *c3Lethal Inferno*c2 Skyhigh *c3Loctite*c2 Hotgun *c3Majic 12*c2 Zozo *c3Masquerade*c2 Crazy *c3Mortem*c2 Hot *c3Next*c2 T. Hawat *c3Nikki Corruption*c2 Kyle *c3Noxious*c2 Winger *c3OffWorld*c2 Jules Nova, Zany *c3Omega*c2 Norrsman *c3Palace*c2 Clax *c3Panic*c2 Sniper *c3Pirates*c2 Agent *c3Power Cult*c2 Viper *c3Rage*c2 Mace *c3Rednex*c2 Xariun *c3Royal Amiga Force*c2 Alfred, Ice *c3Seventh Sign*c2 Goozer *c3Shadows*c2 Mel'o'dee *c3Shock*c2 Freddy *c3Sonic*c2 Murk *c3Squadron*c2 Realm *c3SSCG*c2 Jedo, Zenox *c3Starware*c2 Actor *c3Static Bytes*c2 Howard *c3Tristar & Red Sector*c2 Sorehead *c3Violence*c2 Pimpf *c3Vision*c2 Facet *c3Vox Dei*c2 Gilius *c3Warp Inc.*c2 X-pert *c3???*c2 Neutron *c5Those were the greetings from our swappers. *c2Unfortunately I haven't got Mr.Cool's and X-Caliber's greetslists. *c1Now follows some greets from some of our other members... *c5HellPisser's greets: *c3Crusaders *c3Kaos*c2 Isepic *c3Rednex*c2 Executioner *c3Sagsoft *c5Midnight's greets: *c3Bastards *c3Future Crew*c2 Dr.Venkman *c3(No group)*c2 Bitman, Kim Poulsen, Soren Baek *c5Now *c1comes *c2the *c4MESSAGES... *c5From *c2|*c7Mr. 3D*c2|*c1 to *c3Curse/Arise*c1: *c2Am I really that cool? *c6[ *c5From *c2|*c7Mr. 3D*c2|*c1 to *c3Wiper/Bastards*c1: *c2Ring nan vacker dag! *c5From *c2|*c7Mr. 3D*c2|*c1 to *c3Ariel/Artemis*c1: *c2Cool! *c5From *c2|*c7Mr. 3D*c2|*c1 to *c3Mr.Skruv and Onnerby/DemoTelevision*c1: *c2Fint demo... Atminstone har ni humor. *c5From *c2|*c7Mr. 3D*c2|*c1 to *c3Prime-the-Dead-Group*c1: *c2HAHA! (That means a lot...) *c5From *c2|*c7Mr. 3D*c2|*c1 to all his contacts: *c2Sorry for delay, but nowadays I only spread our productions = more (short) delays. *c6] *c5From *c2|*c7Pifki*c2|*c1 to *c3Harry/ex-Prime*c1: *c2Why rip from Dolby's demo? *c5From *c2|*c7Pifki*c2|*c1 to *c3Mr.Pac-Man/Heavy Duty*c1: *c2Sulla on makkara perseessa. Oletko tomppeli? *c5From *c2|*c7Pifki*c2|*c1 to all his contacts: *c2Sorry for delay, I was on holiday. *c5From *c2|*c7Al Bundy*c2|*c1 to *c3JHPro/AAT*c1: *c2Mita on se keltaien vesi joka holskyy sinun paassasi? *c5From *c2|*c7Al Bundy*c2|*c1 to *c3Dr.China/BlackLight*c1: *c2Oletko Iikkonen? *c5From *c2|*c7Al Bundy*c2|*c1 to *c3Patball/Blitz*c1: *c2Why delay? *c5From *c2|*c7Al Bundy*c2|*c1 to *c3Dr.Nokela/Cannibals*c1: *c2Onko sulla paha tukka? *c5From *c2|*c7Al Bundy*c2|*c1 to *c3Frost/Dictators*c1: *c2I've lost your address! *c5From *c2|*c7Al Bundy*c2|*c1 to *c3Apolexy/Arise*c1: *c2Why delay? *c5From *c2|*c7Al Bundy*c2|*c1 to *c3Crazy/Masquerade*c1: *c2Thanx for long letters. *c5From *c2|*c7Al Bundy*c2|*c1 to *c3Zanygolf/KoffWorld*c1: *c2Me tullaan joskus teelle. *c5From *c2|*c7Al Bundy*c2|*c1 to *c3Neutron/ex-Prime*c1: *c2Veta se hernekeittopieru! *c5From *c2|*c7Al Bundy*c2|*c1 to *c3Pimpf/Violence*c1: *c2You have a cool name. Do you know who is Tuhnonen? *c5From *c2|*c7Al Bundy*c2|*c1 to *c3Gilius/Vox Dei*c1: *c2Hur manga oron har du? *c5From *c2|*c7someone*c2|*c1 to *c3Amaze*c1: *c2Amaze was cool before all the cool guys left... *c4END of messages. *c2Maybe you'd like to know who our members are? *c6OK,*c1 here's a list in the order they've joined us... *c6Mr. 3D *c3Amiga: *c4WHQ, Swap, Gfx *c6CeeDee *c3Amiga: *c4Gfx *c6X-ing King *c3PC: *c4Code, Swap *c6Pifki *c3Amiga: *c4Code, Swap *c6The Warlock *c3Amiga: *c4Gfx, Music *c6Yani *c3Amiga: *c4Code *c6DragonLord *c3PC: *c4Code, Crack, Music *c6Sparrow *c3PC: *c4Code *c1(not active right now) *c6HellPisser *c3Amiga: *c4Music, Gfx *c6Vyrzel *c3Amiga: *c4Music *c6Maake *c3Amiga: *c4Music, Gfx *c6Al Bundy *c3Amiga: *c4Swap *c6Ana *c3Amiga: *c4Music *c1(not active right now) *c6Rocco *c3Amiga: *c4Music *c6Midnight *c3PC: *c4Code, Gfx, Swap *c6Zumbaya *c3PC: *c4Code *c6Mr.Cool *c3Amiga: *c4Swap *c6X-Caliber *c3Amiga: *c4Swap *c6Nemesis *c3Amiga: *c4Code *c6Qriz *c3Amiga: *c4Code *c6Tristan *c3Amiga: *c4Gfx *c6Nasse *c3Amiga: *c4Gfx, Swap *c2There will be more productions from us in the near future, so *c1contact us now! *c1|*c2|*c3|*c4|*c5|*c6|*c5|*c4|*c3|*c2|*c1|*c2|*c3|*c4|*c5|*c6|*c5|*c4|*c3|*c2|*c1| *c4WARNING: *c5None of *c3Dimension 4*c5's members can be held responsible for the following text. *c1However, if you by reading this become more braindamaged than usual, you should visit a doctor immediately. *c3Dimension 4*c2 won't pay any of your expenses for medical treatment, nor any other expenses caused by a black cat crossing the road. *c5A good advice is to have a medical insurance before even looking at this text. *c2We believe that *c4The AMPLIFIER*c1 was successful, *c1or what do you think? *c5Well, you don't know much about that, so I'll tell you! *c1When we released *c4The AMPLIFIER*c1 we were about 12 members. *c2Next week we were 15 members and a crowd of 16 guys wanted to join us! *c5Today we are 22 members in this healthy group... *c1That's what I call a success. *c2What do you think will happen now when we have released this music-disk?! *c5Is it gonna be Success #2?! *c1{*c2{*c3{*c4{*c5{*c6{*c5{*c4{*c3{*c2{*c1{*c2{*c3{*c4{*c5{*c6{*c5{*c4{*c3{*c2{*c1{ *c1Now when we've got this far I wanna say: *c2No group is better than its members. *c5I'll continue on this subject for a while... *c5Many groups seem to be elite, cool, and whatever, but some of them actually don't do so much good. *c1Of course, most of them release quality productions, but not so often... *c2Mostly boring cracked games! *c4Argh! *c5That's pure stealing! *c1And then some of them make games... *c2The world is strange. *c5Another thing that is very common in the scene today, is that when one group is famous in one country, wether they deserve it or not, divisions in other countries becomes more and more. *c1Some groups can't control this thing, and many groups are good in one country where the coders, graphicians and musicians live, but other divisions only consists of swappers who live on the group's good reputation. *c2Of course you need to spread your productions, but who needs those lame swappers who sends lame stuff? *c5I could mention many groups from whom I've got lame stuff, but it's not worth the pain... *c1Believe me, I know what I'm talking about, there really are groups like those I've said. *c2Fortunately *c4Dimension 4*c2 doesn't have any special divisions, everyone does their job, sends their music and gfx to me (Mr. 3D) and I forward it to the coder who needs it. *c5When I discover someone not doing his job well enough, he can't stay with us. *c1Well, I think I've bored you enough with this for now, so let's change the subject! *c2(Remember that you're reading this text on your own risk) *c1}*c2}*c3}*c4}*c5}*c6}*c5}*c4}*c3}*c2}*c1}*c2}*c3}*c4}*c5}*c6}*c5}*c4}*c3}*c2}*c1} *c5Here's a character dedicated to all our members and friends... *c2| *c5This is dedicated to all those who haven't sent back my disks yet... *c6] @ ] *c1Hmm... What now? *c5Oh, yeah. I can give you some demands we have on our members. *c2If you want to join us as a *c3Swapper*c2 then you'd better have at least 40 contacts, or a bit less if they are really elite guys. *c3Coders, *c4Musicians *c1and*c6 Graphicians *c1just need to make good gfx. *c2Simple, *c5eh? *c2What kind of human being are you? *c1If you've read all the way to this point, then you gotta be a bit crazy... *c5or is it that you admire us so much? I guess so... *c6[ *c1Time passes so fast, it's now time to end this scroller... *c2Well, hope to see you also in our next production, *c5BYE for now... *c2Hey! No, don't switch off yet. *c1One more note and I'll go away... *c4Don't forget to join us if you're really*c3 cool! *c1\*c2\*c3\*c4\*c5\*c6\*c5\*c4\*c3\*c2\*c1\*c2\*c3\*c4\*c5\*c6\*c5\*c4\*c3\*c2\*c1\ *c1Everything in this production is *c3\*c1 by *c3Dimension 4*c1 in *c31991. *c5You may not use anything from it in your own productions without giving proper credits, *c6and make them *c4clear! *c7Countdown. *c13... *c22... *c31... *c40... *c5Restarting this text now!