Unable to read Unknown type Imploded data Object code TTW picture PowerWindows data DiskImplode data IFF picture IFF sound IFF score IFF text IFF Deluxe Music score IFF animation IFF Sculpt 3D scene IFF Deluxe Video IFF document IFF file ASCII Text Old imploded Normal imploded Pure imploded Overlayed imploded Library imploded Executable Overlayed Protected normal imploded Protected pure imploded Protected overlayed imploded Protected library imploded Font header WB icon WB disk icon WB drawer icon WB tool icon WB project icon WB garbage icon WB device icon WB kick icon Not implemented Fatal error, can't dig overlay files with no overlay hunks! Fatal error, missing overlay ID! Resident program tag found. Stack size requested: bytes. WARNING! Large stack request, use library implosion only, see manual for in depth information on this. Searching in low memory mode! Searching in turbo mode! Imploded file length: Can't allocate memory for file buffer! Wrong file format, uncrunch failed! Out of memory! Imploded with crunchmode: Uncrunching to "". Format error during uncrunch! Processing aborted. DOS Error while seeking! Target file removed. Failed to remove target file. Exploded file length: Uncrunch succeeded. File selected: Uncrunching canceled! SuperDirTask .info! READ ERROR FIMP DATA OBJECTCODE TTW PIC PW DATA DIMP DATA IFF PIC IFF SOUND IFF SCORE IFF TEXT DMCS SCORE IFF ANIM SCULPT 3D IFF VIDEO IFF DOC IFF FILE ASCII TEXT OLD! IMPL NORM IMPL PURE IMPL OVER IMPL XLIB IMPL EXECUTABLE OVERLAYED! NORM IMPL* PURE IMPL* OVER IMPL* XLIB IMPL* FONT HDR WB ICON NOT READ! HSPARWEDIMP! TTW!PoweDIMPILBM8SVXSMUSFTXTDMCSANIMSC3DVDEOWORD Original length: 0 New length: 0 Percentage left: 0.0 % Chip: Fast: .info LMI_Imploder Select an executable file Enter a name for file to save Select a file to delete LOAD SAVE DELETE TURBO SEARCH ENABLED!TURBO SEARCH DISABLED Executable File Turbo Imploder V3.1 This marvelous piece of shit is hand-made by Peter Struijk and Albert J. Brouwer. Music (c) 1988 by Paul van der Valk. Any comments, questions, $$ or bug reports? Mail to FIDO:(2:281/600.2) or to UUCP:hp4nl!neabbs!ajbrouw This program is now put in the Public Domain. Delft, 1 june 1990, The Netherlands. Couldn't open directory window! NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO OPEN SAVE WINDOW! TRY TO FREE SOME MEMORY ELSEWHERE OR PRESS 'ABORT' TO GIVE UP! RETRYING... Executable file loading canceled! Uncrunch of imploded file canceled! Save of processed file canceled! Couldn't open the selected file! File type: This file has already been imploded and also has been protected against uncrunching! The selected file is neither executable nor overlayed! Now loading " You forgot to select a file! Couldn't open parameter window! Imploding terminated! Saving to " Couldn't open a requester! Try again with more mem! Delete file canceled! " deleted, scratched, zapped! Couldn't delete " Original file length: This file is overlayed! Number of hunks in overlay section: Number of hunks in file: Merging hunks. Number of hunks after hunk-merging: Sorting reloc tables. Appending normal decruncher. Appending pure decruncher. Appending overlay decruncher. Appending library decruncher root. Copying the overlayed part of the program... File will need bytes memory to decrunch. After decrunching memory usage will reduce to bytes. The .info file has been copied! Saving succeeded. Warning : The postfix of this file's name suggests that this file is probably only crunchable when using the explode library. *** User Break : processing aborted! Could not copy .info file! File end not longword aligned! Warning : Overlayed file end not longword aligned File to small to crunch! Out of memory, file to large to allocate load buffer! Can't open file! Error while reading file! Invalid executable file terminator! This file is not executable! Resident library names have been encountered! No hunks in file! Too many hunks in file! Can't allocate memory for hunk info buffer! Strange hunk number in file header! Hunk names are being skipped. Debug hunks are being skipped. Symbol hunks are being skipped. Note: code hunk lengths don't match! Found illegal code hunk length! Note: data hunk lengths don't match! Found illegal data hunk length! Found illegal BSS hunk length! Multiple reloc tables for a single hunk! Illegally placed reloc32 hunk! Invalid hunk number to relocate with! Relocation offset out of bounds! Illegal data past end of hunk collection! Warning: Floating hunk_end identifiers skipped! BSS hunk may not be relocated! Illegal hunk_.... identifier found! File end seek failed! This program doesn't use reloc-tables. Therefore hunk merging will be too dangerous to be allowed. Warning: Weird data beyond last hunk! Not enough crunch-gain to append decruncher! File has not been processed! File has not been crunched! Error while seeking overlay hunk! No overlay table found! Warning: Overlay table seek offsets in target file may be faulty, test if the crunched file has problems during afterloading! Error while trying to append overlay table and hunks! Couldn't open save file! Error while saving! , target file deleted! , failed to delete target file! #123! #124! bytes. Imploding pre-processed file... Sorry, skip too large, >16K, imploding stopped! Appending rest of data... Rest of file too large, >64K, to be appended! Pardon me, but imploding is impossible! Number of bytes crunched: ( strings) Total skip: The Imploder V3.1, ShareWare 1990 Imploder Menu About... Start Imploder Abort Imploder Set taskpriority Workbench Opened Closed Music Play music Turn music off Filter enabled Delete file Quit... Adjust merge and/or crunch parameters... MAX DISTANCE